Restricting search to CURRENT branch. (
wip/st-term-git | | Simple terminal implementation for X |
wip/routersploit | | Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices |
misc/catpoint | | Simple presentation software written in curses |
graphics/sxiv | | Simple (or small or suckless) X Image Viewer |
security/sqlmap | | Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool |
lang/py27-html-docs | | HTML Documentation for Python 2.7 |
wip/2048-c | | Console version of the game 2048 |
lang/py39-html-docs | | HTML Documentation for Python 3.9 |
wip/kustomize | | Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations |
wm/dwm | | Dynamic window manager |
graphics/zbar | | Bar code reader |
security/snallygaster | | Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers |
security/wfuzz | | Web application fuzzer |
wip/gopher-validator-git | | Gopher validator and happy helper |
sysutils/entr | | Run arbitrary commands when files change |
security/amass | | In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery |
wip/py-cvss | | CVSS2/3 library with interactive calculator |
www/curl | | Client that groks URLs |
www/surf | | Fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit2/GTK+ |
www/py-robobrowser | | Your friendly neighborhood web scraper |
www/tscrape | | Twitter scraper |
sysutils/direnv | | Environment switcher for the shell |
wip/spid-compliant-certificates | | Generate X509 certificates according to Avviso SPID 29 v3 |
x11/dmenu | | Dynamic menu for X |
net/kubectl | | Command line tool lets you control Kubernetes clusters |
wip/vimb-git | | Vim-like webkit browser |
wip/opa | | Open source, general-purpose policy engine |
misc/fzy | | Fuzzy text selector for the terminal |
textproc/subliminal | | Video subtitles downloader |
graphics/farbfeld | | Suckless image format with conversion tools |
graphics/zathura-djvu | | Add DjVu support to zathura using djvulibre library |
net/stagit-gopher | | Static git page generator for gopher |
net/py-rt | | Python interface to Request Tracker API |
net/youtube-dl | | Download videos from |
sysutils/noice | | Small curses-based file browser |
print/zathura | | PDF viewer with vi-like keybindings |
net/sacc | | Console gopher client |
misc/tmux | | BSD-licensed terminal multiplexer (GNU Screen alternative) |
wip/clipmenu | | Clipboard management using dmenu |
misc/rlwrap | | Provides command line editing and history for other commands |
time/todotxt | | Simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file |
news/sfeed | | RSS and Atom parser |
net/rt4-cli | | Command-line interface to RT 3.0 or newer |
games/fortunes-it | | Italian fortunes |
devel/opa | | Open source, general-purpose policy engine |
wip/logcli | | Grafana Lokis command-line interface |
sysutils/rcm | | Tools for rc file (dotfile) management |
security/trufflehog | | Find credentials all over the place |
wip/simplehttpserver | | Go alternative of python SimpleHTTPServer |
print/zathura-ps | | Add PS support to zathura using libspectre library |
print/mupdf | | Lightweight PDF, XPS and E-book viewer and toolkit |
mail/nmh | | Cleaned up MH mailer suite |
multimedia/mpv | | Video player based on MPlayer and mplayer2 |
textproc/the_silver_searcher | | Attempt to improve on ack, which itself is better than grep |
textproc/csvutils | | Command-line utilities for managing CSV data using libcsv |
textproc/json2tsv | | Convert JSON to TSV |
misc/moreutils | | Additional Unix utilities |
net/socat | | netcat++ (extended design, new implementation) |
devel/conftest | | Tests structured configuration data via OPA Rego query language |
wip/dmenu-git | | Dynamic menu for X |
wip/ploot | | Simple plotting tools |
wip/surf-git | | Fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit/GTK+ |
wip/proxify | | Swiss Army knife Proxy tool for HTTP/HTTPS |
wip/xml2tsv-git | | Simple xml-to-tsv converter, based on xmlparser |
wip/grabtitle-git | | HTML title grabber |
wip/json2tsv-git | | Convert JSON to TSV |
net/hub | | Command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub |
wip/sfeed-git | | RSS and Atom parser |
wip/Geomyidae-git | | Gopher daemon |
wip/helm | | The Kubernetes Package Manager |
net/mitmproxy | | Interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy |
wip/loki | | Like Prometheus, but for logs |
wip/luakit-git | | Webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua |
wip/gramscii | | Simple editor for ASCII box-and-arrow charts |
wip/kubeconform | | Kubernetes manifests validator |
wip/goyq | | Portable command-line YAML, JSON and XML processor |
wip/actionlint | | Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files |
wip/tscrape-git | | Twitter scraper |
x11/clipnotify | | Notify on new X clipboard events |
games/frozen-bubble | | Pop the frozen bubbles |
net/gallery-dl | | Command-line program to download image galleries and collections |
wip/py-pwntools | | CTF framework and exploit development library |
wip/dwm-git | | Dynamic window manager |
wip/sfeed_curses-git | | sfeed curses UI |
chat/miniircd | | Simple Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server written in Python |
mail/mhpgp | | MH scripts to assist PGP operations on emails |
time/py-jrnl | | Command line journal application |
devel/jq | | Command-line JSON processor |
mail/fdm | | Fetch or receive mail and deliver it in various ways |
x11/st-term | | Simple terminal implementation for X |
textproc/translate-shell | | Command-line translator |
lang/py311-html-docs | | HTML documentation for Python 3.11 |
wip/webdump-git | | Text-based web client/page dump |
misc/xdg-utils | | Tools to assist applications with various desktop integration tasks |
security/httpx | | HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes |
www/shoutrrr | | Notification library and CLI for gophers and their furry friends |
security/dnsx | | DNS toolkit designed for running DNS queries |
security/subfinder | | Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool |
security/nuclei | | Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner |
security/tlsx | | TLS grabber focused on TLS based data collection |
wip/proselint | | Linter for prose |
www/libcurl-gnutls | | Client that groks URLs |
net/Geomyidae | | Gopher daemon |
www/py-MechanicalSoup | | Library for automating interaction with websites |
wip/py-shodan | | Python library and command-line utility for Shodan |
devel/regal | | Linter for Rego |
net/stern | | Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes |
wip/rq | | Rego Query |
lang/py310-html-docs | | HTML Documentation for Python 3.10 |
lang/py312-html-docs | | HTML documentation for Python 3.12 |
textproc/libcsv | | CSV library written in pure ANSI C89 |
www/vimb | | Vim-like webkit browser |
security/sops | | Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets |
net/k6 | | Modern load testing tool using Go and JavaScript |
print/zathura-pdf-mupdf | | Add PDF support to zathura using mupdf rendering engine |
wip/mintotp | | Minimal TOTP Generator |
wip/go-jira | | Simple Go command line client for Atlassians Jira service |
wip/trurl | | Command line tool for URL parsing and manipulation |
wip/p5-Regexp-Debugger | | Visually debug regexes in-place |
net/rclone | | Rsync for cloud storage |
lang/py313-html-docs | | HTML documentation for Python 3.13 |
textproc/kepubify | | Fast, standalone EPUB to Kobo EPUB conversion tool |
wip/promtail | | Agent to ship logs to Grafana Loki |
wip/py-tldr | | Python command line client for tldr |
wip/py34-html-docs | | HTML Documentation for Python 3.4 |
wip/tdlib-purple | | Libpurple Telegram plugin using tdlib |
wip/xlossage-git | | Display pressed keys in X11 in a readable way |
graphics/zathura-cb | | Adds comic book support to zathura |
misc/less | | Pager similar to more and pg |
wip/py35-html-docs | | HTML Documentation for Python 3.5 |
wip/lima | | Linux virtual machines for running containerd |
wip/pdfcrack | | Password Recovery Tool for PDF-files |
wip/xml2tsv | | Simple xml-to-tsv converter, based on xmlparser |
wip/interactsh | | OOB interaction gathering server and client library |