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Dropshelf for macOS

Dropshelf is a drag and drop helper app that I sold on the Mac App Store for 9 years, from 2012 to 2021.

I have a new update to release, but I haven't the time right now to go through the rigmarole of releasing it. Therefore, I have removed it from sale on the store. (Existing customers can still find it in the purchased apps section of their Mac App Store account.)

However, you can download a completely free beta (fully functional with no time or trial limitations) of my new update below. It's nigh-on complete, it's M1-optimized, and works pretty well. I hope to release the update back to the MAS when time allows.

You can contact me about Dropshelf at [email protected].

—Nick Moore, July 2021

BETADropshelf Build 1729 (1 Jul 2021)

Requires macOS 10.15.7 or above.

Download (Zip file, 2.96 Mb)

Changes since Dropshelf 1.3.3 (1517):

  • Build 1725 (11 Jun 2021):

    • Universal binary for both Apple Silicon and Intel processors.
    • Movable shelves: The shelves can now be moved anywhere on the screen, by dragging the shelf background.
    • Better multiple monitor support: Shelves can now be created at any screen edge, including on the edges in between monitors.
    • Refined visual design: Updated look and feel. New default appearance adapts to light and dark modes. New shape app icon and menu bar icon.
    • Bug fixes: Dragging files in from Photos and other apps is now more reliable.
    • Free trial is now 14 days instead of by number of uses. And the ‘trial expired’ mechanism actually works now :)
    • User interface is only presented in the English language. I hope to restore other languages in a future update.
    • Minimum system requrement is now macOS 10.15.7.
  • Build 1729 (1 Jul 2021):

    • Remove trial mode from beta build.