The California Institute of Technology or Caltech is a private institution governed by a Board of Trustees. Caltech began as Throop College of Technology in 1891. Under the direction of Nobel Prize physicist Robert Andrews Millikan and the newly formed Research Council, Caltech was created in 1921. In subsequent years Caltech has emerged as a highly focused institution of learning. Annually, Caltech accepts less than 2200 exceptionally gifted undergraduate and graduate students for enrollment. The core curriculum is divided into six categories; Division of Biology, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Division of Geological and Planetary Science, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. Caltech operates (manages) The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, The Mount Wilson Observatory, Spitzer Space Telescope and other endeavors .Caltech was home to Murray Gell-Mann and Richard Feynman and 31 Nobel Laureates, 49 U.S. Medal of Science recipients and 10 National Medal of Technology recipients. Caltech is accepted world-wide as an institute of scientific and academic excellence.

1200 East California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125

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First steps taken toward developing interstellar lightsails

The idea of traveling through interstellar space using spacecraft propelled by ultrathin sails may sound like the stuff of sci-fi novels. But in fact, a program started in 2016 by Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner, known as ...

Signatures of ice-free ancient ponds and lakes found on Mars

Researchers have discovered two sets of ancient wave ripples on Mars, signatures of long-dried bodies of water preserved in the rock record. Wave ripples are small undulations in the sandy shores of lakebeds, created as wind-driven ...

New method maps hundreds of proteins in cell nuclei simultaneously

Caltech researchers have developed a new method to map the positions of hundreds of DNA-associated proteins within cell nuclei all at the same time. The method, called ChIP–DIP (Chromatin ImmunoPrecipitation Done In Parallel), ...

Decision by committee: How uncertainty shapes negotiations

Most of us are familiar with the process of making budgetary decisions by committee. A group of people, each with their own preferences and goals and representing different interests, must decide among themselves how to allocate ...

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