Ecology and Evolution is the peer-reviewed journal for rapid dissemination of research in all areas of ecology, evolution and conservation science. The journal gives priority to quality research reports, theoretical or empirical, that develop our understanding of organisms and their diversity, interactions between them, and the natural environment.


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The secret lives of Phillip Island's divorcing penguins

Life isn't always a beach for Phillip Island's beloved penguins, who have been found to divorce their partners and find a new mate if they aren't satisfied with the number of young filling the nest—but it's a risky decision ...

Using DNA to identify seabird bycatch

Australian Antarctic Program scientists have used DNA technology to help identify threatened albatross, petrel and shearwater species caught unintentionally (as 'bycatch') during longline fishing operations in Australian ...

The ecological impact of herbivore dung on plant communities

Xingzhao Sun of the research group Wildness, biodiversity and ecosystems under change of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) explored the complex ecological interactions between herbivore dung and plant communities, providing ...

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