
A really inconvenient truth: Divorce is not green

The data are in. Divorce is bad for the environment. A novel study that links divorce with the environment shows a global trend of soaring divorce rates has created more households with fewer people, has taken up more space ...

Could hydrogen sulfide hold the key to a long life?

Hydrogen sulfide, or H2S, the chemical that gives rotten eggs their sulfurous stench – and the same compound that researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center successfully have used to put mice into a state of ...

Radiation flashes may help crack cosmic mystery

Faint, fleeting blue flashes of radiation emitted by particles that travel faster than the speed of light through the atmosphere may help scientists solve one of the oldest mysteries in astrophysics.

UVic Biochemist Stares Down Superbug

University of Victoria biochemist Dr. Alisdair Boraston has discovered something new about a nasty superbug—a discovery that could lead to new drugs to combat it.

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