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Add monolingual language code lij-MC
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Please add the language code lij-MC to the list of language codes supported for monolingual text values.
It stands for Q56422 / Monégasque
which uses latin and is one dialect of ligure used in Monaco which seems to be one more or less official language (seeégasque )

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@Amire80 @jhsoby What's the opinion of LangCom? And if it can be added which code should be used?

lij-MC has few direct reference but I believe it's the correct since monegasque is a dialecte (-MC) derivated from ligurian (lij).

@Bouzinac Thanks. Forgot about dialects.
@Amire80 @jhsoby can Monegasque be added as a monolingual language?

How distinct is it from lij with no qualifiers? Do they have different spelling rules? Are there cases where the same thing would have to be written in both lij and lij-mc?

I'll take first 26 swadesh words between ligure and munegu, with, for
instance, this source

No English (en) Italian Ligurian Munegu
Code (en-gb) (it) (lij) lij-mc
1 I io mi min
2 you (sing.) tu ti tü
3 he egli, lui lê ëlu
4 we noi noî, niâtri nui
5 you (pl.) voi voî, viâtri vui
6 they loro, essi lô, liâtri ëli
7 this questo quésto, sto aiço
8 that quello quéllo ailò
9 here qui, qua chi aiçì
10 there lì, là la ailì, ailà
11 who chi chi Qü ?
12 what che, cosa cöse, cösa Che ?
13 where dove dôve Unde ?
14 when quando quànde Qandu ?
15 how come cómme Cuma
16 not non no non, nun
17 all tutto tùtto tütu
18 many tanto tànto tantu
19 some alcuni quàrche
20 few poco pöco pocu
21 other altro âtro autru
22 one un/uno (m.), una/un' (f.) un ün [m], üna [f]
23 two due doî (m.), dôe (f.) dui / due
24 three tre tréi (m.), træ (f.) trei / tre
25 four quattro quàttro quatru
26 five cinque çìnque cinque

Le jeu. 3 sept. 2020 à 08:17, Amire80 <[email protected]>
a écrit :

Amire80 a ajouté un commentaire. Afficher la tâche

How distinct is it from lij with no qualifiers? Do they have different
spelling rules? Are there cases where the same thing would have to be
written in both lij and lij-mc?



*To: *Amire80
*Cc: *Mbch331, jhsoby, Amire80, VIGNERON, Fralambert, Aklapper, Bouzinac,
Liuxinyu970226, Akuckartz, darthmon_wmde, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86,
GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS,
Wikidata-bugs, aude

Oh, thank you so much for the link to the dictionary!

Le sentiment, peut-être illusoire, que l'introduction à un dictionnaire n'est jamais beaucoup consultée nous fait réduire la nôtre à l'essentiel. — I have to disagree with that, I love reading introductions to dictionaries :)

More to the point of this task, however, I'd love to learn how would this language be actually used in Wikidata. If it's for Lexemes, then the differences in spelling definitely justify adding it. If it's for values of properties in Wikidata, however, then I'd love to see some examples. I might be wrong, but I think that Lexemes and monolingual values are distinct.

I might be wrong, but I think that Lexemes and monolingual values are distinct.

Yes, they are distinct. Lexeme languages don't include language codes for monolingual languages.

I might be wrong, but I think that Lexemes and monolingual values are distinct.

Yes, they are distinct. Lexeme languages don't include language codes for monolingual languages.

So for lexemes it's definitely OK. For values, I'd probably approve it, too, but I would love an example.

Thanks for the examples! OK to add it.

Change 625945 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mbch331; owner: Mbch331):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme@master] Add monolingual language code lij-MC for lexemes and sort the entries alphabetical, just like monolingual codes in Wikibase

Change 625948 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mbch331; owner: Mbch331):
[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Add monolingual language code lij-MC

Change 625949 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mbch331; owner: Mbch331):
[mediawiki/extensions/cldr@master] Add monolingual language code lij-MC

Change 625948 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Add monolingual language code lij-MC

@Lydia_Pintscher Could you have someone check the Lexeme patch as well? It's blocking several other Lexeme language code tickets
@Raymond Could you check the CLDR patch?

Change 625949 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/cldr@master] Add monolingual language code lij-MC

Change 625945 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme@master] Add monolingual language code lij-MC for lexemes and sort the entries alphabetical, just like monolingual codes in Wikibase

Thank you but is it supposed to work there

tentative saisie.png (107×626 px, 5 KB)

It should be available after next weeks train has passed by (so by next week Thursday at the latest).