to Global
Albrecht Duerer, Underweysung der Messung mit dem Zirkel und Richtscheyt
(Nurenberg, 1525), Book 3, figure 67.
Update: August 29, 2003
There is finally an update for the GI Compendium. The publishing of the book Advanced Global Illumination has taken most of my time during the past 18 months, so that's why the Compendium was not updated as frequently as it should. Expect more updates on a more regular basis from now on!
This page contains the Global
Illumination Compendium, an effort to bring together most of
the useful formulas and equations for global illumination algorithms
in computer graphics. I first distributed early versions of this document
in 1999 when I was a post-doc at the Program of Computer Graphics at Cornell
This collection of formulas and equations is supposed
to be useful for anyone who is active in the field of global illumination
in computer graphics. I started this document as a helpful tool to my own
research, since I was growing tired of having to look up equations and
formulas in various books and papers. As a consequence, many concepts which
are �trivial� to me are not in the Compendium, unless someone specifically
asked for them. Therefore, any further input and suggestions for more useful
content are strongly appreciated.
Philip Dutré
([email protected])
Contents of this page
Questions and Answers
Some Useful Global Illumination Links
Most Recent Version: September 29, 2003,
68 pages, 121 items!
Updates since August 29, 2001
Mostly errors corrected in existing items.
& Answers
Why is formula/equation such-and-so not included?
In its current state, there are indeed many useful equations or formulas
not yet included. If you feel it would be useful to include something,
please let me know, and I'll try to include it in the next version. If
you could also give one or more references where I can find the stuff,
that would be helpful, especially if it is something not widely known in
the graphics community.
There is an error in item x!
Send me an email, and I'll
correct it ASAP!
I can't print or view the document!
I haven't paid much attention to this so far. I can only tell you how
the documents were generated. The original document is edited using FrameMaker
6.0 on a PC using WinNT, and then saved as PostScript. Then Acrobat Distiller
(version 4) was used to generate the PDF file.
Useful Global Illumination Links
This document is maintained by Philip