You can also reach out to us if you have ideas for hosting a symposium on Opinio Juris. When you do, please send your proposal, including the content, timeline, and list of proposed contributors to [email protected]. It is vital that contributor lists reflect a diversity of ideas, race, gender and geographic representation to enhance the richness of the discussion and to be more inclusive and reflective of the international legal community.
Guest posts should be approximately 1,200-2,000 words long. A longer post is fine, but the contributor will be asked to divide it in two. Please submit your post with your title consistent with Bluebook capitalization guidelines (Rule 8) and ensure your (sub)headings are in bold and not italic. Opinio Juris does not publish footnotes; use hyperlinks and/or internal parenthetical references instead. Please also send us a one-sentence bio and photo along with your proposed contribution. With that, disclose any relevant affiliations, including–but not limited to–work done on the particular case or content of your blog post and any relevant governmental, institutional or organizational affiliations. We reserve the right to ask for follow-up information at our discretion in order to assist us in making publication decisions.
All guest posts will be carefully vetted by the members of the blog. Contributors can expect to be asked to revise their posts at least once, and publication is never guaranteed. As with all professional writing, contributors must avoid making ad hominem attacks and using any language that could be construed as defamatory.
Guest posts must be submitted exclusively to Opinio Juris. We generally do not publish contributions that have already appeared somewhere else, unless the post was published in a language other than English. We also generally avoid allowing contributors to simultaneously cross-post, although exceptions will sometimes be made for a contributor’s personal blog or for a professional blog with a very different readership. Contributors must, however, obtain our permission before cross-posting elsewhere.
You can also submit events or announcements to us for inclusion in our Events and Announcements posts by e-mailing us at [email protected]. Opinio Juris is happy to include free events and calls for papers, abstracts, and/or applications in our weekly post. Submissions should include a brief description of the event (1-2 paragraphs) and a link to more information. For fee-based events such as summer schools or academies, we have a variety of advertisement options listed here.