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* Ihre Aktion:   Suchen (GND-Nummer, Suche nach verknüpften Titeln [GND]) 135092876
siehe auch   Person(Phrase: Nachname, Vorname) [PER]:  Potts, Bill | Heyward, Dorothy | Heyward, DuBose | Gershwin, Ira | Gershwin, George
siehe auch   Suche über alles [ALL]:  instrumentales | textabdr | summertime | aint
Bücher, Karten, Noten 1.  Musikalien Standing up in a hammock info
Potts, Bill [KomponistIn]. - Liberty Lake, WA : Sierra Music Publications, Inc., [2019] [Musiknoten]
Multimedia 2.  Big swing face info
/ Potts, Bill [KomponistIn]. - In: Jazz: the 60's / various artists ; Volume 2. - Los Angeles, California 90028 : United Artists Music and Records Group, Inc.. - 1978, 5
Bücher, Karten, Noten 3.  Musikalien Big swing face : a great, swinging chart ; as recorded by the Buddy Rich Big Band on "Big Swing Face" (Pacific Jazz) info
Potts, Bill. - [Partitur, Stimmen]. - Liberty Lake, WA : Sierra Music Publ., c 1967 [Musiknoten]
Tonträger, Filme, Videos, etc. 4.  The jazz soul of Porgy and Bess info Schallplatte
Gershwin, George [SängerIn]. - [Deutschland] : Deutsche Grammophon, [1960] [Musiktondokument]
Bücher, Karten, Noten 5.  Musikalien Oh Lawd, I'm on my way : exactly as recorded by the Bill Potts Big Band on the CD "The jazz soul of Porgy & Bess" info
Gershwin, George. - [Partitur, Stimmen]. - Liberty Lake, WA : Sierra Music Publ., c 1935 [Musiknoten]
Bücher, Karten, Noten 6.  Musikalien It ain't necessarily so : exactly as recorded by the Bill Potts Big Band on the CD "The jazz soul of Porgy & Bess" info
Gershwin, George. - [Partitur, Stimmen]. - Liberty Lake, WA : Sierra Music Publ., c 1935 [Musiknoten]
Bücher, Karten, Noten 7.  Musikalien Summertime : exactly as recorded by the Bill Potts Big Band on the CD "The jazz soul of Porgy & Bess" info
Gershwin, George. - [Partitur, Stimmen], [Neudr.]. - Liberty Lake, WA : Sierra Music Publ., c 1935 [Musiknoten]
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