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1 - 10 von 195 |
1 - 10 von 195 |
Ihre Aktion:
Suchen (GND-Nummer, Suche nach verknüpften Titeln [GND]) 118659359
| siehe auch |
Person(Phrase: Nachname, Vorname) [PER]: |
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso
| Bernoulli, Johann |
| siehe auch |
Person(Phrase: Nachname, Vorname) [PER]: |
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso
| Bernoulli, Johann
| Koyré, Alexandre
| Schmidt, Silvester Heinrich
| Ingaliso, Luigi
| Ricci, Michelangelo
| Angeli, Stefano
| maquet,paul
| levesque,
| Eichmann, Johann Gottfried Andreas |
| siehe auch |
Suche über alles [ALL]: |
| percussionis
| motionibus
| mehteseos
| motu
| effervescentia
| physicomechanicis
| pendentibus |
1. |
Physico-mathematics and the life sciences : experiencing the mechanism of venous return, 1650s-1680s / Castel-Branco, Nuno. - In: Annals of science. - London : Taylor & Francis, ISSN 0003-3790. - Bd. 79 (2022), 4, S. 442-467
2. |
De motu animalium Tomo 2 / Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso. - Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, [2021]
3. |
De motu animalium Tomo 1 / Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso. - Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, [2021]
4. |
De motu animalium Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso. - Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, [2021]- ->Bände
5. |
"... Che i matti dicano spropositi" : a discussion of cometary theory and superstition in seventeenth century Italy / Bruno-Chomin, Giuseppe. - In: Nuncius. - Leiden : Brill, ISSN 0394-7394. - Bd. 32 (2017), 1, S. 85-110 : Illustrationen
6. |
Borelli's On the Movement of Animals - On the Natural Motions Resulting from Gravity / Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015 Link zum Volltext: Elektronische Ressource: Zugang beim Produzenten -> Cover
7. |
Borelli's On the Movement of Animals - On the Force of Percussion / Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso. - Cham : Springer, 2015 Link zum Volltext: Elektronische Ressource: Zugang beim Produzenten -> Cover
8. |
Borelli's On the movement of animals : on the natural motions resulting from gravity Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso. - Cham : Springer, [2015] (Studies in history and philosophy of science;Volume 38) -> Cover
9. |
Borelli's On the movement of animals - On the force of percussion Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso [author.]. - Cham : Springer, 2015 (Studies in history and philosophy of science;37) -> Cover
10. |
Borelli's on the Movement of Animals - on the Force of Percussion / Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso. - Cham : Springer International Publishing AG, 2014 Link zum Volltext: Elektronische Ressource: Zugang über Aggregator-Datenbank
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