Meet the Office of Graduate Education staff
Our staff look forward to speaking with you! Please click into staff member profiles to see specific examples of how they can help you, as well as their schedules, contact information, and office locations.
If you have general questions — including those about admissions and petitions — please refer to the contact page to find the best contact email address.
Denzil Streete
Senior Associate Dean and DirectorDon Curioso
Administrative Assistant/Front OfficeHannah Hanemann
Graduate Admissions CoordinatorHeather Konar
Communications OfficerHeather Lefebvre
OGE Project ManagerJeffrey Kelly
Financial AssistantJessica Landry
Associate Dean, Graduate EducationKatie Carruth
Sr. Administrative Assistant, Assistant to the Director and Senior Associate DeanPatrick X. Brown
Director, Administration and FinanceSteven Derocher
Director of Graduate Systems and Data StrategyZoë Wright
Communications Specialist
GradSupport: Advising & personal support
If you are looking to set up an appointment with GradSupport, or to learn more about their services, please visit the GradSupport page.
Beth Marois
Assistant Dean, GradSupportElizabeth Guttenberg
Associate Dean, GradSupportSara Lazo
Program CoordinatorSharikka Finley-Moise
Assistant Dean, GradSupportSuraiya Baluch
Associate Dean & Director, GradThriving
Jocelyn Powers
Program Coordinator, MSRPMaria Cervantes Gonzalez
Program Coordinator, Diversity InitiativesNicole Zepeda
Administrative Assistant for GradDiversity, and Policies and ProgramsNoelle Wakefield
Assistant Dean, Diversity Initiatives and Director of the MIT Summer Research Program
Sarah Galison
Program Administrator for Graduate Students with Children
GradExperience: Support for orientation, the Graduate Student Council, and community-building
Elizabeth Granese
GSC Administrative AssistantJessica Bonitatibus
Senior Program Administrator, Graduate Student ExperienceLauren McLean
GSC Financial & Event Assistant
Graduate Fellowships
If you are looking to learn more about fellowships for MIT graduate students, please visit the Graduate Fellowships page.
Kevin O’Brien
Director of Graduate FellowshipsRita Andrade
Graduate Research Fellowship AdministratorSamantha Stettner
Fellowships Program Assistant