Tijn Tjoelker

Tijn Tjoelker Tijn Tjoelker er en influenser

Communication Weaver | Catalyzing Regeneration | The Mycelium | Bioregional Weaving Labs | Nature-based Solutions | LinkedIn Top Green Voice

Oslo og omegn
30k følgere Over 500 forbindelser


A human mycelium network—weaving webs of synergy to catalyse collaboration for regenerative transformation.

Illuminating The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.

With a background in earth systems, interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainability leadership, I passionately work on nature-based solutions, systems innovation and bioregional regeneration.


Artikler fra Tijn

  • Regenerative Travel 101

    Regenerative Travel 101

    Essential resources for slow and regenerative travel 🐌 “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it is…

    13 kommentarer
  • The Digital Mycelium: My Synergistic Content Creation Ecosystem

    The Digital Mycelium: My Synergistic Content Creation Ecosystem

    The System and Tools That Built My 33K+ Following on Substack and LinkedIn. When people ask me how I gained 28,000+…

    8 kommentarer
  • Lessons from Zen and the Art of Saving The Planet

    Lessons from Zen and the Art of Saving The Planet

    Before visiting Plum Village, I read the book and participated in the course ‘Zen and The Art of Saving The Planet’ by…

    6 kommentarer
Se alle artiklene




  • Bioregional Weaving Labs Collective grafisk

    Systemic Innovation Portfolio Lead

    Bioregional Weaving Labs Collective

    - nå 1 år 2 måneder

    Connecting a systemic innovation portfolio of nature-based solutions to bioregional changemakers to overcome systemic barriers and restore, protect and regenerate 1 million ha of Europe’s land and sea, by 2030.

  • Substack grafisk



    - nå 1 år 8 måneder

    Weaving together a network of regenerative projects, practices and paradigms.

  • Interdependent Consultant

    Tijn Tjoelker

    - nå 4 år 8 måneder

    Catalyzing regenerative transformation through network mapping, strategic partnerships and effective communication.

  • ChangemakerXchange grafisk



    - nå 2 år 7 måneder

    A global community of 1000+ changemakers working together on social and environmental issues.

  • CHÔRA Design grafisk


    CHÔRA Design

    - 1 år 2 måneder

    Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands

    CHÔRA Design is a Strategic Innovation agency for System Transformation & Impact.

  • Climate Cleanup grafisk


    Climate Cleanup

    - 3 år

    Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland

    Mapping, connecting and amplifying a network of 200+ entrepreneurs, scientists, investors, policymakers, NGOs and communities working on nature-based solutions.

  • Oncra grafisk



    - 3 år

    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

    Oncra is an Open Natural Carbon Removal Accounting framework enabling nature-based carbon storage monetization in land, ocean, rock and constructions.

  • Drawdown Europe Research Association grafisk


    Drawdown Europe Research Association

    - 9 måneder

    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

    Based on the Project Drawdown model and framework we guide and facilitate science-based climate action and create tools to assess and enable implementation throughout Europe.

  • LinkedIn grafisk

    Creator Accelerator Program


    - 3 måneder

    Supported by LinkedIn through coaching, recognition, and resources.

  • UNLEASH grafisk

    SDG Innovator


    - 2 måneder

    Nuuk, Greenland

    Working with 200+ young people from Arctic and Nordic countries at the Regional Innovation Lab Greenland to develop innovative solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • European Forum Alpbach grafisk

    Climate Leader

    European Forum Alpbach

    - 1 måned

    Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria

    Part of the Climate Opportunity Leaders Retreat, a space and place for the emergence of reflection and action for a strong and democratic Europe.

  • Universiteit van Amsterdam

    Universiteit van Amsterdam

    3 år

    • Universiteit van Amsterdam grafisk


      Universiteit van Amsterdam

      - 1 år 1 måned

      Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland

      Mentor of 1st-year Future Planet Studies students for the course Future Challenges & Innovative Solutions.

    • Universiteit van Amsterdam grafisk

      Board Member

      Universiteit van Amsterdam

      - 2 år

      Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

      Improving the quality of Future Planet Studies with the programme committee.

  • Enactus grafisk

    Social Entrepreneur


    - 1 år 2 måneder

    Amsterdam Area

    Attempted (but failed) to create a social innovation workplace that turns plastic waste into valuable objects with 3D printers.


  • Blekinge Tekniska Högskola grafisk

    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola

    MSc Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability


    A transformational programme in Sweden that grows strategic leaders that can lead in complexity, navigate systemic change and co-create thriving, sustainable societies.

  • The University Centre in Svalbard grafisk

    The University Centre in Svalbard

    BSc Arctic Climate Change


    Researching Arctic Climate Change with advanced field techniques on Svalbard—world's northernmost and fastest warming place on earth.

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology grafisk

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future


    Theory U is an awareness-based framework, method and narrative for changing systems. It blends systems thinking, innovation, and leading change—from the viewpoint of an evolving human consciousness.

  • Universiteit van Amsterdam grafisk

    Universiteit van Amsterdam

    BSc Honours (Hons) Future Planet Studies & Earth Science 7.8 / GPA 3.74


    Applying system-thinking, interdisciplinarity and earth science to tackle complex sustainability issues.

  • Centre for Sports & Education

    Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) Economy & Society


    Combing professional field hockey with high-school education.

Lisenser og sertifiseringer

Frivillig arbeid

  • Landscape Developer

    Playa Cósmica

    - 2 måneder

    Working with the land and sea at Playa Cósmica, an eco-camping and nature retreat space at the coast of Chacahua, Mexico, that helps people to be, connect and heal. The most transformative experience of my life.




  • Regeneration Mexico

    Mapping regenerative projects while travelling in Mexico.

  • Regeneration Community

    - nå

    Co-created the Regeneration Community and online ecosystem consisting of over 200+ members of 20+ different countries.

  • Digital Bookshelf

    As a self-directed learner, I've read and synthesized 250+ books.

Utmerkelser og priser

  • LinkedIn Top Voices Green


    One of the top 14 experts to follow in Europe on sustainability and climate solutions.

  • Honours Graduate


    Distinguished graduate with 30 additional ECTS from Future Planet Studies, Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS), VU University (VU) and Amsterdam University College (AUC).

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