Taco Potze
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
3K volgers
Meer dan 500 connecties
Artikelen van Taco
“America, I have a question for you.” You chose Donald Trump as your president. And today, your president picked up the phone and called the world’s…
“America, I have a question for you.” You chose Donald Trump as your president. And today, your president picked up the phone and called the world’s…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Taco Potze
Small effort. Big Impact. YOU can help. In my latest Quote column, I explore how the UAE is proving that a bold, strategic, and internationally…
Small effort. Big Impact. YOU can help. In my latest Quote column, I explore how the UAE is proving that a bold, strategic, and internationally…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Taco Potze
De Gemeente Meppel krijgt vanaf 1 april een nieuwe burgemeester. Arjen Maathuis zal in deze gemeente het burgemeestersambt op zich gaan nemen…
De Gemeente Meppel krijgt vanaf 1 april een nieuwe burgemeester. Arjen Maathuis zal in deze gemeente het burgemeestersambt op zich gaan nemen…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Taco Potze
Twente voor Oekraïne
While open source describes a software development methodology, at the DC Dublin we want to talk more about a new go-to-market and company-building philosophy based on the 3P model of Accel.
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There are no words to describe the pain of belonging to a nation fighting for survival while the world walks away. When truth is distorted, when the…
There are no words to describe the pain of belonging to a nation fighting for survival while the world walks away. When truth is distorted, when the…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Taco Potze
The next step in my career is just around the corner. Today is my last day at SST Software! The past six years have been a great, interesting and fun…
The next step in my career is just around the corner. Today is my last day at SST Software! The past six years have been a great, interesting and fun…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Taco Potze
🇺🇦 We live in an era where aggressive, technologically advanced and industrialized authoritarians believe the time has come to reorder the…
🇺🇦 We live in an era where aggressive, technologically advanced and industrialized authoritarians believe the time has come to reorder the…
Geplaatst door Taco Potze
Energized after today to put European Tech back on the map. Great day organized by Techleap (with Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau as their special…
Energized after today to put European Tech back on the map. Great day organized by Techleap (with Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau as their special…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Taco Potze