Robin Boot

Robin Boot

45K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


Robin Boot is a prominent business advisor and executive management consultant. He has…


Artikelen van Robin

  • Cycle


    Her journey repeats, an endless testament- each cycle deepening her understanding and peace. From the ashes of…

    5 commentaren
  • The Power of Plenty: Embracing Abundance

    The Power of Plenty: Embracing Abundance

    In the garden of life, abundance blooms where freedom is planted. In a world often focused on scarcity and competition,…

    3 commentaren
  • Dear Procrastination

    Dear Procrastination

    Dear Procrastination, The untold Hymne. I love you, When you whisper my name, I welcome you with open arms, When I know…

    1 commentaar
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  • Conspect grafisch



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    Global 🌎

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    Global 🌎

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    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    Munich, Germany | All Europe

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands | Europe

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Den Haag area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Almere Stad Area, Netherlands


  • The Hague University of Applied Sciences


Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • BOOST the world foundation grafisch


    BOOST the world foundation

    - heden 5 jaar 2 maanden


    "Together we create a better place for everyone, we BOOST the world."

  • Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) grafisch

    Global Goodwill Ambassador | Humanitarian | The Netherlands

    Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA)

    - heden 6 jaar 6 maanden

    Sociale voorzieningen

    Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) volunteer humanitarian work to make the change for a better World

  • Volunteer

    Plastic Bucket Challenge

    - heden 6 jaar 7 maanden


    Plastic Bucket Challenge: a non-profit initiative that aims to contribute to cleaner waterways, seas and oceans. How? By cleaning our cities, parks and beaches one bucket at a time.

    What can you do?
    1. Join the #plasticbucketchallenge: Pick up a bucket of rubbish, take a bucket-selfie, post it online, and challenge three friends to do the same!

    2. Organise a clean-up or participate in one of ours:
    👉🏼 Our next clean-up:
    To be announced

    More info you can find…

    Plastic Bucket Challenge: a non-profit initiative that aims to contribute to cleaner waterways, seas and oceans. How? By cleaning our cities, parks and beaches one bucket at a time.

    What can you do?
    1. Join the #plasticbucketchallenge: Pick up a bucket of rubbish, take a bucket-selfie, post it online, and challenge three friends to do the same!

    2. Organise a clean-up or participate in one of ours:
    👉🏼 Our next clean-up:
    To be announced

    More info you can find here:
    Want to organise your own clean-up? Let us know, we will be more then happy to spread the word.


  • Agile Champion


  • Agile Coach


  • Agile Leadership


  • Agile PSM1 & PSM2


  • Forward Thinking Leadership


  • Scaling Organisations Agile Framework


  • Storytelling for Leaders



  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

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Anderen hebben Robin Boot genoemd in Nederland

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