Robert Gaal
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
3K volgers
Meer dan 500 connecties
Tall Dutch guy. Founder & CEO of Vesper. Previously: Quest, Google, Karma, Wakoopa. Angel…
Artikelen van Robert
Right now, Dutch tech entrepreneurs have come together with a clear message: We need bold action to secure prosperity, strengthen competitiveness…
Right now, Dutch tech entrepreneurs have come together with a clear message: We need bold action to secure prosperity, strengthen competitiveness…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Robert Gaal
Gisteren was de Techtafel, een samenwerking tussen Techleap en VNO-NCW, in Nieuwspoort. Nederlandse tech ondernemers overhandigden hun manifest voor…
Gisteren was de Techtafel, een samenwerking tussen Techleap en VNO-NCW, in Nieuwspoort. Nederlandse tech ondernemers overhandigden hun manifest voor…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Robert Gaal
A very exciting Leadership Update at TicketSwap! 🚨 After 12 years as CPO and co-founder, Frank Roor is shifting his focus to drive innovation…
A very exciting Leadership Update at TicketSwap! 🚨 After 12 years as CPO and co-founder, Frank Roor is shifting his focus to drive innovation…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Robert Gaal
Y Combinator
You thought you had this startup thing completely figured out at this point. You were wrong. It feels great.
Complete and utter despair ravages you as you slog through endless days trying to find meaning in classrooms. The teenage hormones don’t help either.
Luckily there’s your informatics teacher Mr. Hommel. He lets you use the computer room even when you don’t have an excuse. Finally, something good happens.
You spend so much time building websites that you fail every class. Oh well.
You finally get to be the investor you yourself would've wanted to have. You join the Atomico Angel Programme and start a group for investors named Operator Exchange.
You say “let me know how I can be helpful”, but actually help when you say that.
(Hey you, reading this! Are you a founder that needs funding? You should just email me through my website. I don't read DMs here.) -
Guest lectures
- heden
During your career, you only see a university from the inside when they invite you to speak. Princeton, Columbia, Amsterdam University, Tallinn University, it's kind of hilarious.
The Dutch version of the Financial Times asks you to write something for them every week. You miss your deadline constantly but your chief editor helps you out a lot. You discover that, contrary to what you thought, people actually read newspapers.
The Roomware Project
Two of your best friends think of a cool word for the Bluetooth hacking you’re doing on weekends: Roomware! It’s 2006 so it makes sense.
You win a Spinaward which your friend gets to receive in front of hundreds of people who all make ten times our salary, which is incredibly funny.
Then the internet gets faster, mobile phones too, and local connections matter less and less. You and your friends shut it down in favor of your real jobs. -
You fall in love with an app at a P.F. Chang's in Austin during SXSW. You ask the creators if they want to launch in Amsterdam. "Send us a list of venues!" A few weeks later your city is the first outside the US to launch on Foursquare. Decades later, you still miss the app every time you sit down at a restaurant.
SPSS Feedback Innovation Award
Market Research Association (MOA)
Best Onstage Startup
The Next Web
Best Mobile Concept
Europe's Top Young Entrepreneur
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6 personen hebben Robert aanbevolen
Word nu lid om dit te bekijkenMeer activiteiten van Robert
Happy to share that I’ve officially joined Framer! I’ll be leading Framer Studio, helping larger websites make the move to Framer. I’ve already had…
Happy to share that I’ve officially joined Framer! I’ll be leading Framer Studio, helping larger websites make the move to Framer. I’ve already had…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Robert Gaal
Published today in Trouw, the opinion of our CEO Joni Uhlenbeck on how American businesses are driving positive change. Joni sheds light on an…
Published today in Trouw, the opinion of our CEO Joni Uhlenbeck on how American businesses are driving positive change. Joni sheds light on an…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Robert Gaal
'Medewerkersparticipatie' or distributing shares to crucial employees is an important topic for start-ups and for entrepreneurial ecosystems. For…
'Medewerkersparticipatie' or distributing shares to crucial employees is an important topic for start-ups and for entrepreneurial ecosystems. For…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Robert Gaal
This comparison that Philipp Herkelmann did comparing the UK & EU AI policy frameworks hits the nail on the head. 1) Investment: we don't invest…
This comparison that Philipp Herkelmann did comparing the UK & EU AI policy frameworks hits the nail on the head. 1) Investment: we don't invest…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Robert Gaal
The main argument against giving employees shares in a company: “But they don’t ask for it” Then educate! That’s your job. Explain how there’s a…
The main argument against giving employees shares in a company: “But they don’t ask for it” Then educate! That’s your job. Explain how there’s a…
Geplaatst door Robert Gaal
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Anderen hebben Robert Gaal genoemd in Nederland
Robert van Gaal
Onderhoudsmanager E-GBS / M&R / Communicatie apparatuur Radboudumc at Radboudumc
Robert Gaal
Rob van Gaal
Commercieel adviseur training & opleidingen bij KEMP Rijopleidingen BV
Rob Gaal
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