Ria Hein

Ria Hein

Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Nederland
1K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties

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  • IN2LifeSciences

    Health is of growing importance in Europe, especially considering Europe’s ageing population. The role of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is vital in the development of new products and services in the field of life sciences, medical technology and health-related food for human and animal health. But innovation is complex and expensive, and not all the expertise, facilities and funding that are needed are available nearby.

    IN2LifeSciences: eight leading Life Sciences regions in…

    Health is of growing importance in Europe, especially considering Europe’s ageing population. The role of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is vital in the development of new products and services in the field of life sciences, medical technology and health-related food for human and animal health. But innovation is complex and expensive, and not all the expertise, facilities and funding that are needed are available nearby.

    IN2LifeSciences: eight leading Life Sciences regions in North-West Europe collaborating to provide SMEs with transnational access to organisations with tools, expertise or resources to overcome their innovation bottlenecks.

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