Ruben Brave

Ruben Brave

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
9K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


"Ruben has been a key figure in directing the focus of multiple organizations towards the…

Artikelen van Ruben

  • Dromen als ondernemersgids

    Dromen als ondernemersgids

    "Hallo, mooi interview via het NRC. Ik heb deze ook naar mijn zoon gestuurd die zijn dromen in zijn tussenfase aan het…

    5 commentaren


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  • Kamer van Koophandel grafisch

    Kamer van Koophandel

    Utrecht, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands

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    The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands

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    Utrecht, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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  • Universiteit van Amsterdam grafisch
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    -part time-

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    Activiteiten en verenigingen:The first student, in the 75 year history of the school, to become editor-in-chief of the school newspaper “Knoppen”.

Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • TechMeUp grafisch

    Member Of The Board Of Advisors


    - heden 4 jaar 6 maanden


    TechMeUp Foundation is a not-for-profit training fund that focuses on increasing access to digital training for under-represented groups in tech, by removing financial barriers.

    Uncertain times like these demonstrate the importance of having digital skills. It is, therefore, necessary to be able to retrain yourself. But, unfortunately, this is not within reach for everyone as not everyone can afford this.

    TechMeUp is going to change that. TechMeUp is a tech fund that invests in…

    TechMeUp Foundation is a not-for-profit training fund that focuses on increasing access to digital training for under-represented groups in tech, by removing financial barriers.

    Uncertain times like these demonstrate the importance of having digital skills. It is, therefore, necessary to be able to retrain yourself. But, unfortunately, this is not within reach for everyone as not everyone can afford this.

    TechMeUp is going to change that. TechMeUp is a tech fund that invests in people's opportunities. TechMeUp believes that training should be accessible to everyone, whatever one’s situation! That is why TechMeUp works with their partners on a daily basis for a more diverse and inclusive tech ecosystem.

  • Open State Foundation grafisch

    Board Member

    Open State Foundation

    - heden 4 jaar 1 maand

    Burgerrechten en maatschappelijke actie

    | Digital transparency and open government |
    Open State Foundation (OSF) is an independent non-profit foundation, whose mission is to contribute to a digitally transparent government and thus a verifiable and vital democracy.

    To achieve open government, OSF is working on making information available from public institutions such as open data, and promoting the reuse of that data by citizens, journalists, civil society organizations, artists, scientists, civil servants, policymakers…

    | Digital transparency and open government |
    Open State Foundation (OSF) is an independent non-profit foundation, whose mission is to contribute to a digitally transparent government and thus a verifiable and vital democracy.

    To achieve open government, OSF is working on making information available from public institutions such as open data, and promoting the reuse of that data by citizens, journalists, civil society organizations, artists, scientists, civil servants, policymakers and representatives.

    Moreover, thanks to open data, analyzes can be made and new insights can be obtained that lead to better-equiped decision-making, both politically and economically. At the same time, open data is the key to new, innovative applications that enrich society and create economic or creative value.

    Above all, however, access to government data is vital for a healthy and modern democracy.

  • de Nederlandse Boekengids grafisch

    Supervisory Board

    de Nederlandse Boekengids

    - heden 4 jaar 6 maanden


    The Dutch Review of Books (de Nederlandse Boekengids, dNBg) was founded in 2015 and is widely regarded as unique in the Dutch language area: the Dutch-language magazine about books and ideas and thus the platform pre-eminently for a group of ardent and influential readers and writers, both fiction and non-fiction, to enter into an eloquent conversation with readers and writers who have a lot to tell. But who do not easily find their way around in the dominant literary and cultural-scientific…

    The Dutch Review of Books (de Nederlandse Boekengids, dNBg) was founded in 2015 and is widely regarded as unique in the Dutch language area: the Dutch-language magazine about books and ideas and thus the platform pre-eminently for a group of ardent and influential readers and writers, both fiction and non-fiction, to enter into an eloquent conversation with readers and writers who have a lot to tell. But who do not easily find their way around in the dominant literary and cultural-scientific discourse.

    dNBg has the mission to do for the Dutch language area what The New York Review of Books (NYRB), The London Review of Books (LRB) and the Times Literary Supplement (TLS) do for the English language area.

    dNBg offers book essays at the intersection of science, art and culture, by renowned writers and scientists - and by new talent. dNBg, published both on paper and digitally, is created by a team of young editors under the direction of founding publisher and editor-in-chief Merlijn Olnon, and published on a non-profit basis under the management of Foundation De Nederlandse Boekengids (a cultural ANBI). Because of its editorial direction, integrity and accessibility, and because of the ever-increasing readership reach (of more than 100,000 returning readers),

  • Omroep Human grafisch

    Member of the Program Council

    Omroep Human

    - heden 4 jaar 3 maanden

    Kunst en cultuur

    The Program Council (De Programmaraad Human) is the strategic substantive advisory body to the Supervisory Board and the Board of Human. Her task is to provide visions and perspectives for the programming, with an emphasis on the question: what are the importance and message of humanism today. In line with this, the board can appeal to the Program Council to issue an outline advice on the concept of the multi-year policy plan and to be heard on fundamental issues such as the identity, mission…

    The Program Council (De Programmaraad Human) is the strategic substantive advisory body to the Supervisory Board and the Board of Human. Her task is to provide visions and perspectives for the programming, with an emphasis on the question: what are the importance and message of humanism today. In line with this, the board can appeal to the Program Council to issue an outline advice on the concept of the multi-year policy plan and to be heard on fundamental issues such as the identity, mission and added value of Human.

  • Dutch Internet Standards Platform ( grafisch

    Participant Representative

    Dutch Internet Standards Platform (

    - heden 5 jaar 7 maanden

    Wetenschap en techniek

    The platform is a collaboration between parties from the Internet community and the Dutch government. The aim of the platform is to jointly increase the use of modern Internet standards to make the Internet more accessible, safer and more reliable for everyone. The following parties are currently participating in the platform are the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, DHPA, Dutch Standardisation Forum, ECP, Internet Society international, Internet Society Nederlands chapter…

    The platform is a collaboration between parties from the Internet community and the Dutch government. The aim of the platform is to jointly increase the use of modern Internet standards to make the Internet more accessible, safer and more reliable for everyone. The following parties are currently participating in the platform are the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, DHPA, Dutch Standardisation Forum, ECP, Internet Society international, Internet Society Nederlands chapter, ISPConnect, NCSC-NL, NLnet, NLnet Labs, RIPE NCC, SIDN, SURFnet and VvR.

  • Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa grafisch

    Sounding Board Member for the Digital Europe Fellowship

    Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa

    - heden 4 jaar 1 maand


    In the Fellowship Programme Digital Europe, Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and Schwarzkopf Foundation jointly support efforts by European educators to promote democratic values in digital spaces. The Digital Europe Fellowship is a programme in cooperation with Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa to support European educators in their engagement for democratic values in digital spaces. To this end, they award fellowships. During the six-month programme, the fellows will develop and hold…

    In the Fellowship Programme Digital Europe, Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and Schwarzkopf Foundation jointly support efforts by European educators to promote democratic values in digital spaces. The Digital Europe Fellowship is a programme in cooperation with Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa to support European educators in their engagement for democratic values in digital spaces. To this end, they award fellowships. During the six-month programme, the fellows will develop and hold diversity-oriented workshops for young students, focusing on democratic citizenship in the digital public sphere.
    The non-partisan Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe was founded by Pauline Schwarzkopf in 1971 in Hamburg. The foundation´s mission is to empower young people from all backgrounds to be active European citizens who contribute to a pluralistic, democratic society through their engagement and opinions, leading to mutual understanding, solidarity and peaceful collaboration across Europe.
    The Schwarzkopf Foundation has been the international umbrella organisation of the European Youth Parliament (EYP) since 2004. The European Youth Parliament is a peer-to-peer educational programme that brings together young people from across Europe to debate the pressing issues of our time. The aim is to make young people from different backgrounds heard as active citizens of a pluralistic, inclusive and democratic migration society.

  • Advisory Board Member


    - heden 4 jaar 1 maand

    Wetenschap en techniek

    Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis tech companies in the Netherlands have joined forces and decided to help the government and healthcare. TechTegenCorona has grown into a partnership with a combined commitment of more than 300 tech companies and 2000 tech experts, the Ministries of Justice & Security, Home Affairs & Kingdom Relations, Defence, the National Police, the Royal Netherlands
    Marechaussee, VNG, academics, students and other trailblazers. TechTegenCorona is a member of the…

    Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis tech companies in the Netherlands have joined forces and decided to help the government and healthcare. TechTegenCorona has grown into a partnership with a combined commitment of more than 300 tech companies and 2000 tech experts, the Ministries of Justice & Security, Home Affairs & Kingdom Relations, Defence, the National Police, the Royal Netherlands
    Marechaussee, VNG, academics, students and other trailblazers. TechTegenCorona is a member of the Rijks Innovatie Community.

  • Internet Society grafisch

    Board Member

    Internet Society

    - heden 7 jaar 3 maanden

    Wetenschap en techniek

    Internet Society (ISOC) was founded in 1992 at the instigation of internet pioneers Vinton G. Cerf and (late) Jon Postel and is officially recognized as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in operational relations by UNESCO.

    This recognition and these contacts help ISOC to work towards its objectives of worldwide access to information for everyone. ISOC strives for an open, neutral, decentralized and accessible and reliable internet for everyone.

    ISOC is an international…

    Internet Society (ISOC) was founded in 1992 at the instigation of internet pioneers Vinton G. Cerf and (late) Jon Postel and is officially recognized as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in operational relations by UNESCO.

    This recognition and these contacts help ISOC to work towards its objectives of worldwide access to information for everyone. ISOC strives for an open, neutral, decentralized and accessible and reliable internet for everyone.

    ISOC is an international organization for global cooperation and coordination for the internet and related technologies and applications. It is an association that brings together more then 65.000 internet professionals in 170 countries, including a significant proportion of those who formed the basis for the creation of the internet.

    ISOC encourages a broad social debate on internet-related topics in which all stakeholders are represented proportionally. ISOC is actively involved in policy discussions around the internet to ensure that the continuity and stability of the internet is not compromised.

    ISOC is a global leader in internet development and distribution. ISOC is the parent organization behind international bodies such as IETF, IAB and IRTF and brings together relevant members from the internet sector, the business community, the government, consumer organizations, the not-for-profit sector, technology and the financial, legal and academic sectors. field.

  • Make Media Great Again [MMGA] grafisch

    Board Treasurer

    Make Media Great Again [MMGA]

    - heden 7 jaar 10 maanden

    Burgerrechten en maatschappelijke actie

    The widely shared concern about the development of the public debate in the Netherlands & Europe is the foundation of the Bema Foundation, which therefore focuses on "promoting and improving the social debate in the Netherlands and, if necessary, beyond." (The name of the Foundation is inspired by the Bèma (Greek for "exaltation") in Pnyx, the hill where the democratic assembly of Athens first came together in the fifth century BC at the stone platform from which speakers like Aristides…

    The widely shared concern about the development of the public debate in the Netherlands & Europe is the foundation of the Bema Foundation, which therefore focuses on "promoting and improving the social debate in the Netherlands and, if necessary, beyond." (The name of the Foundation is inspired by the Bèma (Greek for "exaltation") in Pnyx, the hill where the democratic assembly of Athens first came together in the fifth century BC at the stone platform from which speakers like Aristides, Perikles and Demosthenes spoke to their countrymen.)

    Operation "Diagnosis"
    After its establishment in 2010, an attempt was first made to make a "diagnosis" of the status quo of the public debate. To this end, an expert meeting was held under the direction of Alexander Rinnooy Kan. In preparation for the meeting, Paul Scheffer wrote an essay entitled "Sources of Discomfort" on behalf of the foundation. Finally, the outcomes of the meeting have been laid down in a thematic report with recommendations.

    Operation "European Press Prize"
    The European Press Prize (EPP) was the Foundation's first project and after in-house development has been placed with the Democracy and Media Foundation (SDM) with the participation of the Reuters Foundation. The first EPP was awarded in 2013 in De Balie, then in London, Copenhagen, Prague and again Amsterdam, see

    Operation 'Make Media Great Again'
    Since 2017 the foundation has been participating in the anti-fake news initiative with the working title "Make Media Great Again", see
    With the support of the SIDN Fund, a prototype is being developed that can be used to make visible on the internet - with the help of blockchain technology - the history of a particular (news) source in order to prevent fake news,

  • VoorleesExpress grafisch



    - heden 7 jaar 8 maanden


    “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” - Margaret Fuller.

    Besides, bringing this wonderful initiative to the attention of the broader audience I read once a week to a family to stimulate the language development of their child(ren). The VoorleesExpress ( ensures that children with a language deficiency receive extra attention. For half a year a volunteer comes to their home to read. Together with the parents, we strive to ensure that language and…

    “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” - Margaret Fuller.

    Besides, bringing this wonderful initiative to the attention of the broader audience I read once a week to a family to stimulate the language development of their child(ren). The VoorleesExpress ( ensures that children with a language deficiency receive extra attention. For half a year a volunteer comes to their home to read. Together with the parents, we strive to ensure that language and reading pleasure have a permanent place in the family. From my own experience as a volunteer reader, I have seen the enormous positive impact this has on a child's personal and cognitive development. They become more confident, sometimes because they now have a role model in their environment and sometimes because they are actually more confident in how they understand the world around them and are able to express their thoughts.

  • Board Treasurer

    Foundation New European Cultural Collaborations

    - 2 jaar 5 maanden

    Kunst en cultuur

    The New European Cultural Collaborations Foundation (NECC) supports and stimulates projects of high artistic quality that break through the boundaries of traditional ideas about art in all its forms; and any activities that can directly or indirectly aid and assist this process.

    Since 2006 the NECC Foundation has produced many projects about the new art forms that are being created thanks to the influence of the current Diaspora from (Middle) Eastern lands to the West, the most well…

    The New European Cultural Collaborations Foundation (NECC) supports and stimulates projects of high artistic quality that break through the boundaries of traditional ideas about art in all its forms; and any activities that can directly or indirectly aid and assist this process.

    Since 2006 the NECC Foundation has produced many projects about the new art forms that are being created thanks to the influence of the current Diaspora from (Middle) Eastern lands to the West, the most well known being the Shimmy Shake Festival (see with annual editions from 2006 onwards. The aim of the Shimmy Shake Festival is to organise an annual dance festival including gala to bring international top dancers to The Netherlands, to bring together fusion dancers from all over the country and from abroad to inspire them with workshops, performances and presentations and to introduce Urban Fusion Belly dance to a bigger audience.

  • Radboud University Nijmegen grafisch

    Volenteer "Make the Surinamese slave registers public"

    Radboud University Nijmegen

    - 7 maanden


    Making the Surinamese slave registers public is the aim of the project that Radboud University Nijmegen and Anton de Kom University of Suriname are carrying out together with volunteers. The 43 parts of the slave registers contain per plantation or private owner the names of almost all people who lived in slavery in Suriname between 1830 and 1863, along with information about birth, death, sale and release. With public support and that of organizations such as the Prince Bernard Culture Fund…

    Making the Surinamese slave registers public is the aim of the project that Radboud University Nijmegen and Anton de Kom University of Suriname are carrying out together with volunteers. The 43 parts of the slave registers contain per plantation or private owner the names of almost all people who lived in slavery in Suriname between 1830 and 1863, along with information about birth, death, sale and release. With public support and that of organizations such as the Prince Bernard Culture Fund, National Institute for Dutch Slavery Past and Heritage (NiNsee) and the Democracy and Media Foundation, the information from the scans is made available to the public and for scientific research. This makes Dutch slavery past visible and negotiable.

    Volunteer page Ruben Brave:

    Project page Radboud University - Surinamese slave registers 1830-1863:

    Surinamese slave registers:

    The project was completed in December due to the overwhelming efforts of many volunteers.

  • Board Treasurer

    Foundation Friends of Opo Doro

    - 4 jaar 1 maand


    The Friends of Opo Doro Foundation (literally in Surinamese: "Open Doors") wants to open doors to the future for the youth from the disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Suriname. To guide young people, create opportunities and help them discover their talents, see

    The foundation's motto: "Share your bread and it tastes better, share your happiness and it becomes more."


  • Argument-Checking: A Critical Pedagogy Approach to Digital Literacy

    Quaderni di Umanistica Digitale - A cura di: Ciracì, Fabio ; Miglietta, Giulia ; Gatto, Carola (2022) AIUCD 2022 - Proceedings. (Page 245)

    The digital revolution brought about unprecedented changes in people’s daily lives as well as in techno-scientific contexts. In this paper, we address the problem of information overload people experience in online media, news outlets, and social media. The problem is well-known for its negative influence on the quality of online information, with abundant discussion on the promise of fact-checking and the potential role of censorship and moderation by social media. We instead discuss the issue…

    The digital revolution brought about unprecedented changes in people’s daily lives as well as in techno-scientific contexts. In this paper, we address the problem of information overload people experience in online media, news outlets, and social media. The problem is well-known for its negative influence on the quality of online information, with abundant discussion on the promise of fact-checking and the potential role of censorship and moderation by social media. We instead discuss the issue from the perspective of digital literacy; specifically, we advance the view that our procedure of argument-checking can enhance such literacy, as a form of critical pedagogy, thereby contributing to improving the quality of online information.

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  • Argument-Checking: A Critical Pedagogy Approach to Digital Literacy (poster)

    Language and Cognition in Argumentation (LANCAR) is a thematic research group based at the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC) at the Faculty of Humanities (FGw) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA)

    Poster for the paper "Argument-Checking: A Critical Pedagogy Approach to Digital Literacy"

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  • "Public Rebuttal, Reflection and Responsibility. Or an Inconvenient Answer to Fake News"

    Emerald Publishing Limited / Media, Technology and Education in a Post-Truth Society

    Information may well be an asset, but the sheer volume of what we have to navigate makes it challenging to determine those elements which are relevant to us. The credibility of news media outlets as our gatekeepers and first form of resistance to polluted information is increasingly questioned. Scientific research indicates that the quality of news offerings from news media outlets would benefit by triangulating news stories with a more diverse set of offerings and, in the process, build…

    Information may well be an asset, but the sheer volume of what we have to navigate makes it challenging to determine those elements which are relevant to us. The credibility of news media outlets as our gatekeepers and first form of resistance to polluted information is increasingly questioned. Scientific research indicates that the quality of news offerings from news media outlets would benefit by triangulating news stories with a more diverse set of offerings and, in the process, build journalists' trust or otherwise in the sources of these offerings. Without the network effects of the Internet, false or incorrect information probably would not be such a successful phenomenon. Public opinion is quick to portray social or mainstream media platforms as guilty parties but tends to ignore the equally detrimental ramifications of their exploitation of social capital. A more reflective approach is required. This essay suggests that it is in our interest to reboot our societal consciousness and explore the underlying cybernetical dimensions, even if these appear to be confrontational for interested stakeholders in our current misinformation crisis.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • “Diversity in Business” - Speech at Social Economic Council (SER) 2020

    Dutch Startup Association

    Speech at the signing of the Diversity & Inclusivity Charter “Diversity in Business” of the Dutch Social and Economic Council (SER). In consonance with the launch of extensive research on diversity and inclusion among Dutch startups, hereby Ruben’s speech “Diversity in Business”, which was given at the signing of an impactful D&I Charter of the Dutch Social and Economic Council (SER) for startups in the Netherlands. A story that can inspire you to acknowledge crucial values and strive towards…

    Speech at the signing of the Diversity & Inclusivity Charter “Diversity in Business” of the Dutch Social and Economic Council (SER). In consonance with the launch of extensive research on diversity and inclusion among Dutch startups, hereby Ruben’s speech “Diversity in Business”, which was given at the signing of an impactful D&I Charter of the Dutch Social and Economic Council (SER) for startups in the Netherlands. A story that can inspire you to acknowledge crucial values and strive towards an inclusive startup ecosystem.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Post-truth Conference Malta 2019 - Talk on Media, Journalism & Fake News.

    Bema Foundation /

    On 10 and 11 October 2019 MMGA co-founder, Ruben Brave, presented our applied science initiative Make Media Great Again (MMGA) at the Post-Truth Society Conference on Malta: "From Fake News, Datafication and Mass Surveillance to the Death of Trust"; an initiative of new media teacher of the University of Malta and founding Director of the Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning, Alex Grech. The Post-Truth conference included speakers from MIT Medialab, Stanford University, The Economist…

    On 10 and 11 October 2019 MMGA co-founder, Ruben Brave, presented our applied science initiative Make Media Great Again (MMGA) at the Post-Truth Society Conference on Malta: "From Fake News, Datafication and Mass Surveillance to the Death of Trust"; an initiative of new media teacher of the University of Malta and founding Director of the Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning, Alex Grech. The Post-Truth conference included speakers from MIT Medialab, Stanford University, The Economist, Worldbank and Google. See the full transcript The Institute of Network Cultures: or the video at and the Q&A afterwards:

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Ruben Brave reports from post-truth conference in Malta

    Institute of Network Cultures (University of Applied Science Amsterdam) / Geert Lovink

    On October 10/11 2019 I presented our applied science project Make Media Great Again (MMGA) at the Post-Truth Society from Fake News, Datafication and Mass Surveillance to the Death of Trust conference on Malta; an initiative of new media teacher of the University of Malta and founding Director of the Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning, Alec Grech. The Post-Truth conference included speakers from The Economist, Worldbank and Google.

    In my talk, I not only summarized how…

    On October 10/11 2019 I presented our applied science project Make Media Great Again (MMGA) at the Post-Truth Society from Fake News, Datafication and Mass Surveillance to the Death of Trust conference on Malta; an initiative of new media teacher of the University of Malta and founding Director of the Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning, Alec Grech. The Post-Truth conference included speakers from The Economist, Worldbank and Google.

    In my talk, I not only summarized how participatory journalism can be a cost-effective and inclusive solution for quality control in online publishing but also indicated how MMGA’s curated process leads to reciprocity and reflection.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • "Introducing “public annotations” in journalism"

    Internet Society Netherlands/

    How can anyone tell these days what is factually accurate and what isn’t? What is formulated to reveal and what is written to conceal and mislead?
    These are increasingly pressing questions, especially as the next historical round of disinformation is upon us and ‘fake news’ is flourishing in all its glory. Can critical readers, viewers and listeners help in improving the reliability of our information?
    Yes, they can, and Make Media Great Again (MMGA), a new non-profit start-up, is…

    How can anyone tell these days what is factually accurate and what isn’t? What is formulated to reveal and what is written to conceal and mislead?
    These are increasingly pressing questions, especially as the next historical round of disinformation is upon us and ‘fake news’ is flourishing in all its glory. Can critical readers, viewers and listeners help in improving the reliability of our information?
    Yes, they can, and Make Media Great Again (MMGA), a new non-profit start-up, is capitalizing on this idea with a method for delivering constructive criticism.
    MMGA is introducing the concept of annotation in online journalism, starting in the Netherlands, but not in the technically elaborate manner of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Annotation Data Model, which describes a structured model and format for enabling the sharing and reuse of web content annotations of across hardware and software platforms.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • "Als het Internet je boven het hoofd stijgt"

    Net Magazine - IDG Communications Nederland

    Article about information overload (info stress) and other psychological disorders due to exposure to the Internet.

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  • Planet Internet - Korte Handleiding

    KPN b.v. / Planet Internet b.v.

    Short Manual for the first commercial ISP in the Netherlands

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  • Jury Board Member - Renew the Book – the Innovation Award

    Groep Algemene Uitgevers (GAU)

    Renew the Book – the Innovation Award is een initiatief van de Groep Algemene Uitgevers (GAU). De GAU behartigt de belangen van de Nederlandse boekenuitgevers van literatuur, kinderboeken en non-fictie. De Innovation Award beloont de meest vernieuwende, unieke en duurzame innovatie met € 50.000. Het doel is om zowel bestaande innovaties te stimuleren, als het vak te motiveren om vernieuwende initiatieven te omarmen. De jury bestaat uit verschillende experts met relevante ervaring…

    Renew the Book – the Innovation Award is een initiatief van de Groep Algemene Uitgevers (GAU). De GAU behartigt de belangen van de Nederlandse boekenuitgevers van literatuur, kinderboeken en non-fictie. De Innovation Award beloont de meest vernieuwende, unieke en duurzame innovatie met € 50.000. Het doel is om zowel bestaande innovaties te stimuleren, als het vak te motiveren om vernieuwende initiatieven te omarmen. De jury bestaat uit verschillende experts met relevante ervaring., zie

  • Champion - Amplify DEI Inclusive Leadership Award 2021

    Amplify DEI

    A strong DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) mission within the workplace is one of the most important pillars for business success and employee wellness.

    The Amplify DEI Summit, first hosted in 2020, is a 100% online event that brings international experts into conversations with employers, managers, HR professionals, L&D professionals, and change-makers to educate and elevate best practices, conversations, and perspectives on DEI.

  • Jury Board Member - Amsterdam Science and Innovation Award (AmSIA)

    Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA)

    The Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award (AmSIA) is the Amsterdam competition for research-based innovative ideas and impactful innovations. It is organized by IXA, the joint knowledge transfer office of Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). The City of Amsterdam fully endorses this innovation award for the city of Amsterdam. Since its launch, the AmSIA gave a stage to more than 400 innovative…

    The Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award (AmSIA) is the Amsterdam competition for research-based innovative ideas and impactful innovations. It is organized by IXA, the joint knowledge transfer office of Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). The City of Amsterdam fully endorses this innovation award for the city of Amsterdam. Since its launch, the AmSIA gave a stage to more than 400 innovative, smart and applicable ideas. Many of these have resulted in concrete applications and some even formed the fundament for new businesses.

  • Jury Board Member - RTLZ Ondernemerslounge

    RTLZ Ondernemerslounge (RTLZ)

    Laurien Verstraten vertelt ons wat ons te wachten staat in deze Special waarin start-up-ondernemers een elevator pitch geven. Zij stel ook de juryleden aan de kijkers voor. Seizoen 4 van Ondernemerslounge (2GO) is ons ‘zomerseizoen’ van 2021 en wordt acht weken lang op zondag, dinsdag en donderdag op RTLZ uitgezonden (in plaats van op RTL7). Maurice Vollebregt en Laurien Verstraten zijn opnieuw te gast bij hun gasten. Dit zijn - zoals altijd - ondernemers, bedrijfsspecialisten…

    Laurien Verstraten vertelt ons wat ons te wachten staat in deze Special waarin start-up-ondernemers een elevator pitch geven. Zij stel ook de juryleden aan de kijkers voor. Seizoen 4 van Ondernemerslounge (2GO) is ons ‘zomerseizoen’ van 2021 en wordt acht weken lang op zondag, dinsdag en donderdag op RTLZ uitgezonden (in plaats van op RTL7). Maurice Vollebregt en Laurien Verstraten zijn opnieuw te gast bij hun gasten. Dit zijn - zoals altijd - ondernemers, bedrijfsspecialisten, beleggingsexperts, et cetera. Aan bod komen thema's als ondernemen, investeren en genieten van het leven. Het programma is gericht op ondernemend en welgesteld Nederland en biedt ruimte aan bedrijven om zich te presenteren aan het grote publiek, zie

  • Jury Board Member - Black Box en Glass Box award

    Open State Foundation

    De winnaars van de Glass Box en Black Box werden op 15 maart bepaald door de jury, samengesteld door Open State, bestaande uit: Alex Brenninkmeijer (Lid van de Europese Rekenkamer en faculteitshoogleraar Institutionele aspecten van de rechtsstaat), Ruben Brave (Managing partner Entelligence), Piek Visser-Knijff (onafhankelijk data-ethicus) en Jelle Prins (co-founder, zie

  • Nominee Internet Innovatie Award - Internet Society Netherlands in 2019

    Internet Society Nederland

    Concerning Make Media Great Again, See also

  • Winner TNO SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) in 2012

    TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research)

    3D Sound & GPS

  • Nominee SPIN Awards - "Geluk Dwing Je Af" Campaign


    The SPIN Awards are the professional awards for creative, impactful concepts that advance digital thinking. This concerned the nomination for the multimedia concept for the corporate venture, of the Royal Dutch Soccer Association (KNVB).

  • Winner Mercur Cross Medial Magazine Award - (Hachette Filipacchi Media) in 2008

    Magazine Media Associatie

    Sandd Mercur Crossmediaal concept van het Jaar

  • Winner TNO SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) in 2007

    TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research)

    TasteLink - Clusteren van smaak

  • Nominee Rising Star Award Fast 50 - Deloitte & Touche in 2001

    Deloitte & Touche

  • Nominee Rising Star Award Fast 50 - Deloitte & Touche in 2000

    Deloitte & Touche

  • Winner Best Short Book Prize for Planet Internet Guidebook - Scheltema Holkema Vermeulen in 1995

    Scheltema Holkema Vermeulen

    3rd place


  • Nederlandse Orde van Uitvinders (NOVU)


  • IPAN (Interactive Professional Association Netherlands)

    Advisory Board Member


    IPAN is a network of entrepreneurs working in digital media. IPAN (Interactive Professional Association Netherlands) was founded in May 1998. The aim of IPAN is to help its members through the joint network and the sharing of knowledge. The association is led by a five-member board of volunteers. The Advisory Council, with leaders from the interactive business community, supervises the association. IPAN offers entrepreneurs who work in the interactive media the opportunity to exchange knowledge…

    IPAN is a network of entrepreneurs working in digital media. IPAN (Interactive Professional Association Netherlands) was founded in May 1998. The aim of IPAN is to help its members through the joint network and the sharing of knowledge. The association is led by a five-member board of volunteers. The Advisory Council, with leaders from the interactive business community, supervises the association. IPAN offers entrepreneurs who work in the interactive media the opportunity to exchange knowledge with fellow entrepreneurs and also to have a good time. Many members gather for IPAN evenings in Dauphine and various other activities throughout the year.

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