‘I worked closely with Murat during his role as a Business Acquisition Manager at Google. Murat is a extremely savvy entrepreneur and business development lead. He was an innate ability to identify pockets of opportunity to lead the direction of the business and to develop value for his customers. In addition to his extraordinary business acumen, Murat is articulate, convincing and executes to his goals. ’
Highly motivated and target driven sales leader with a personal and professional passion…
Yesterday, I had the privilege to moderate a panel on “Technological Innovations and Solutions in Aviation Training” which featured panel…
Yesterday, I had the privilege to moderate a panel on “Technological Innovations and Solutions in Aviation Training” which featured panel…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
I attended the ICAO EUR/NAT Aviation Training and Skills Workshop, where experts discussed innovative training solutions to meet evolving industry…
I attended the ICAO EUR/NAT Aviation Training and Skills Workshop, where experts discussed innovative training solutions to meet evolving industry…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
On March 6th, 2025, I had the pleasure of welcoming the Executive Director of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Mr. Florian…
On March 6th, 2025, I had the pleasure of welcoming the Executive Director of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Mr. Florian…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
Best Performer of the Year at Google - EMEA
Yearly global performance evaluation of 1200+ sales professionals at Google.
1st place EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) top 5 globally.
Award: Immersion Program - Sydney -
Best Sales Executive at Google - EMEA
Quarterly performance evaluation 1st place out of 250+ sales executives at Google.
EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) -
Oscars of Largest Sales at Google - EMEA
Yearly largest deal (by revenue) closed/won, 1st place out of 250+ sales executives at Google.
EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) -
Platinum Award at Google
Involved in pilot project to create a business development department, recognized as considerable success and implemented globally throughout Google (now a department with 140+ business development executives)
Ontvangen aanbevelingen
3 personen hebben Murat aanbevolen
Word nu lid om dit te bekijkenMeer activiteiten van Murat
👩✈️👨✈️Kicking off Day 2 of the International Civil Aviation Organization EUR/NAT Aviation Training & Skills Workshop in collaboration with JAA…
👩✈️👨✈️Kicking off Day 2 of the International Civil Aviation Organization EUR/NAT Aviation Training & Skills Workshop in collaboration with JAA…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
The Civil Aviation Authority has a new Deputy Director, Mr. Eugen Kostețki, appointed by the Government of the Republic of Moldova in the Executive…
The Civil Aviation Authority has a new Deputy Director, Mr. Eugen Kostețki, appointed by the Government of the Republic of Moldova in the Executive…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
✈️ Closing the day with the very interesting Panel 4: Strategies for Optimizing the International Civil Aviation Organization Next Generation of…
✈️ Closing the day with the very interesting Panel 4: Strategies for Optimizing the International Civil Aviation Organization Next Generation of…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
✈️ Panel 2: Impact of Emerging Technologies on Aviation Training is underway, moderated by JAA Training Organisation's CEO Paula V. de Almeida…
✈️ Panel 2: Impact of Emerging Technologies on Aviation Training is underway, moderated by JAA Training Organisation's CEO Paula V. de Almeida…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
🚀 Panel 1: Global and Regional Aviation Training and Workforce Challenges Starting the sessions, this panel presents global and regional training…
🚀 Panel 1: Global and Regional Aviation Training and Workforce Challenges Starting the sessions, this panel presents global and regional training…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
💡 ✈️ Excellent kickoff to the greatly anticipated “Aviation Training and Skills Workshop” organized by the International Civil Aviation Organization…
💡 ✈️ Excellent kickoff to the greatly anticipated “Aviation Training and Skills Workshop” organized by the International Civil Aviation Organization…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
Looking forward to being in London next week
Looking forward to being in London next week
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
Με ιδιαίτερη τιμή, υποδεχθήκαμε τον Executive Director του EASA - European Union Aviation Safety Agency, κ. Florian Guillermet, στη νέα τεχνική βάση…
Με ιδιαίτερη τιμή, υποδεχθήκαμε τον Executive Director του EASA - European Union Aviation Safety Agency, κ. Florian Guillermet, στη νέα τεχνική βάση…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
Congratulations to all the participants for completing the EASA Air Operations - Commercial Air Transport for Aeroplanes training, successfully…
Congratulations to all the participants for completing the EASA Air Operations - Commercial Air Transport for Aeroplanes training, successfully…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Murat Yalcin
Overige vergelijkbare profielen
Anderen hebben Murat Yalcin genoemd in Nederland
Murat Yalcin
General Manager | Burgercommissielid GroenLinks Helmond | Presentator | Conflict Management Trainer | Adviseur | Groeistrateeg |
Murat Yalcin
Murat Yalcin
Adviseur Veiligheid bij Micoll | HVK i.o. | IVK
Murat Yalcin
Accountmanager bij Hamiltonbright
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