Frederik Mijnhardt
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
3K volgers
Meer dan 500 connecties
Artikelen van Frederik
Wondering how to avoid getting double-taxed on your RSUs? Selling RSUs can be an exciting opportunity—but if you don’t report the transaction…
Wondering how to avoid getting double-taxed on your RSUs? Selling RSUs can be an exciting opportunity—but if you don’t report the transaction…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
Most people wouldn’t choose a “lambo or homeless” financial plan. The article below lays it out: many high-flying startups are now scrambling for…
Most people wouldn’t choose a “lambo or homeless” financial plan. The article below lays it out: many high-flying startups are now scrambling for…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
After seeing the enormous speed of execution in India, it's sometimes frustrating to experience the slow pace of execution in our own country: Less…
After seeing the enormous speed of execution in India, it's sometimes frustrating to experience the slow pace of execution in our own country: Less…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
Evaluating the Software Product Management Maturity Matrix
20th International Requirements Engineering Conference
Product managers play a pivotal role in maximizing value for software companies. To assist product managers in their activities the Software Product Management (SPM) Maturity Matrix has been created that enables product managers to benchmark their organization, assess individual processes and apply best practices to create an effective SPM environment. Although a number of case studies and expert evaluations have been performed, a large scale quantitative analysis has not yet been conducted to…
Product managers play a pivotal role in maximizing value for software companies. To assist product managers in their activities the Software Product Management (SPM) Maturity Matrix has been created that enables product managers to benchmark their organization, assess individual processes and apply best practices to create an effective SPM environment. Although a number of case studies and expert evaluations have been performed, a large scale quantitative analysis has not yet been conducted to evaluate this instrument. This research evaluates and improves the SPM Maturity Matrix based on 62 case studies. The cases were analyzed to uncover anomalies: blocking questions, blocking levels, and undifferentiating questions. The anomalies were then discussed in a workgroup with experts which resulted in suggested improvements to address the anomalies. The suggestions of the workgroup will be used to improve the SPM Maturity Matrix. As an additional result, the case studies also provide valuable insight into the maturity of software companies in industry.
Andere auteurs -
Crowdsourcing for Industrial Problems
Citizen in Sensor Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7685, 2013, pp 6-18
Business Courses & Case Competitions
• Winner in the McKinsey, Bain, BCG and Booz & Company ‘Consultition’ case challenge
• 4th place from the international business school case competition organized by Visa and CA Technologies in Las Vegas (US), proposing a new business model for Visa
• Regional Finalist at the Europe Finals from the Hult Business School Case Challenge in London (UK), proposing a new business model for Habitat for Humanity (non-profit)
Meer activiteiten van Frederik
Gisteren was de Techtafel, een samenwerking tussen Techleap en VNO-NCW, in Nieuwspoort. Nederlandse tech ondernemers overhandigden hun manifest voor…
Gisteren was de Techtafel, een samenwerking tussen Techleap en VNO-NCW, in Nieuwspoort. Nederlandse tech ondernemers overhandigden hun manifest voor…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
Groot nieuws! Ik ben trots om te melden dat Kiki Manse en ik ons per 1 februari j.l. hebben aangesloten bij Vestius Advocaten. We zijn erg blij met…
Groot nieuws! Ik ben trots om te melden dat Kiki Manse en ik ons per 1 februari j.l. hebben aangesloten bij Vestius Advocaten. We zijn erg blij met…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
Aanstaande donderdag zetten we een aantal mooie nieuwe stappen met Equip: 1. Eerste pan-Europese samenwerking: We gaan van start met PVH Corp…
Aanstaande donderdag zetten we een aantal mooie nieuwe stappen met Equip: 1. Eerste pan-Europese samenwerking: We gaan van start met PVH Corp…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
📣 London calling! We'll be in London every other week for the next three months to participate in Mountside Ventures' Emerging VC program…
📣 London calling! We'll be in London every other week for the next three months to participate in Mountside Ventures' Emerging VC program…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
🚪💰 Can you contribute to a Roth IRA if your income is too high? In 2025, the maximum annual contribution to a Roth IRA is $7,000 (or $8,000 if…
🚪💰 Can you contribute to a Roth IRA if your income is too high? In 2025, the maximum annual contribution to a Roth IRA is $7,000 (or $8,000 if…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
Wellicht wordt je feed hier vandaag mee genuket, maar ik ben gewoon trots als een koetspaardje om op de Lijst van 50 Jonge Talenten 2025 van Het…
Wellicht wordt je feed hier vandaag mee genuket, maar ik ben gewoon trots als een koetspaardje om op de Lijst van 50 Jonge Talenten 2025 van Het…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
How much should you sell (and hold) after your company IPO’s? It can be a challenging task to determine how much of your equity to sell (and hold)…
How much should you sell (and hold) after your company IPO’s? It can be a challenging task to determine how much of your equity to sell (and hold)…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
New fund, same Union Square Ventures approach: small fund, thesis driven, high conviction, low velocity, true partnership model, long term believers.…
New fund, same Union Square Ventures approach: small fund, thesis driven, high conviction, low velocity, true partnership model, long term believers.…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
Sign the Dutch petition for improving stock option law: Werknemersparticipatie is omslachtig in Nederland. Dagelijks ervaren ondernemers…
Sign the Dutch petition for improving stock option law: Werknemersparticipatie is omslachtig in Nederland. Dagelijks ervaren ondernemers…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt
I'm excited to announce that I've joined Fort Point Capital Partners as Director of Investments. I look forward to being a member of this team, and…
I'm excited to announce that I've joined Fort Point Capital Partners as Director of Investments. I look forward to being a member of this team, and…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Frederik Mijnhardt