Joël Dori

Joël Dori

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
5K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


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  • StartupAmsterdam grafisch


    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Utrecht en omgeving, Nederland

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    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Bergen en omgeving, Noorwegen


Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Universiteit van Amsterdam grafisch

    Refugee Buddy Program

    Universiteit van Amsterdam

    - 5 maanden


    For this project I followed lectures with a group of thirty refugees. Me and other students assisted the refugees with practical, social and professional issues. The aim of this project was to help refugees start their lives in the Netherlands.

  • Morgen grafisch

    Ranker SustainaBul


    - 4 maanden


    For this project twenty Dutch universities were ranked on their degree of sustainability on the basis of intensive research by a group of students. My tasks were to research the degree of sustainability of several universities, and to guide a group of students in the process.

  • Haboniem-Dror beHolland grafisch

    Member Rapprochement Project

    Haboniem-Dror beHolland

    - 11 maanden

    The aim of my team was to set up a rapprochement project between Arab and Jewish youth. Around 400 children of different backgrounds were lectured English in this project in an informal fashion with the aim of creating mutual understanding. The project group consisted of twenty, mainly North American, students.


  • Business Analytics - Growth Tribe


  • Business Development - Nyenrode


  • Invest in Holland Academy


  • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution



  • Nederlands

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • Engels

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

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