Jeroen de Jong

Jeroen de Jong

3K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


With more than 16 years of experience in the global technology services sector, I have a…

Artikelen van Jeroen

  • What is Zero Trust?

    What is Zero Trust?

    What is Zero Trust? It seems such a simple question, but the answer is more difficult than you might initially think…

    3 commentaren


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  • HiBob grafisch


    Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland

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    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland

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    Utrecht Area, Netherlands

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    Londen, Verenigd Koninkrijk

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    Rotterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Rotterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Capelle aan den IJssel

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  • HES Rotterdam


    Activiteiten en verenigingen:Tournament committee of local football club Cliniclowns Strategical marketing plan for engineering company

    Economics and Commerce are closely related fields of study; both deal with production, the different forms of business enterprises, marketing, finance and banking, transport, insurance, and a wide range of other topics. Whilst Commerce is concerned with how the modern business world works, Economics attempts to explain why it works as it does. The study covered the wide range of important topics within the spheres of both Economics and Commerce which all modern business people, managers and…

    Economics and Commerce are closely related fields of study; both deal with production, the different forms of business enterprises, marketing, finance and banking, transport, insurance, and a wide range of other topics. Whilst Commerce is concerned with how the modern business world works, Economics attempts to explain why it works as it does. The study covered the wide range of important topics within the spheres of both Economics and Commerce which all modern business people, managers and administrators need to know to develop and maintain profitable organizations in the modern business world. Good knowledge of business economics is usually required for all further and higher professional, managerial and business related courses, and for career success in almost any job or employment with an organisation involved in production or supply, or where any buying and selling of products takes place.

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Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Toernooicommissie



  • Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • English

    Professionele werkvaardigheid

  • German

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

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