Ingrid Tappin 🏳️‍🌈

Ingrid Tappin 🏳️‍🌈

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Inclusive Innovation

I empower leaders in tech to build high-performing teams by…


Artikelen van Ingrid



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  • Diverse Leaders in Tech grafisch

    Diverse Leaders in Tech

    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area

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    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    Breukelen, Utrecht, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    Haarlem Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    The Netherlands

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    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands


  • Universiteit van Amsterdam grafisch

    University of Amsterdam


    Topic Master Thesis: The Representation of Cultural Identity in Dutch Media

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    Activiteiten en verenigingen:LSV Minerva

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    Activiteiten en verenigingen:European Youth Parliament (EYP), Rotterdams Gymnasiasten Bond (RGB)

Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Giving Back Nederland grafisch

    Board Member

    Giving Back Nederland

    - heden 4 jaar 10 maanden

    Economische zelfstandigheid

    The mission of Giving back is to make a relevant contribution, together with partners and volunteers, to increase cultural diversity at the top of the Dutch business community and government.


  • Two Dutch Women Launch Social Business Software at Europe's Largest Tech Conference

    Dutch Media

    Ingrid Tappin ( 34 ) and Sabine Schoorl ( 41 ) were selected from hundreds of start-ups around the world to put themselves in the spotlight at Europe's largest webconference The Next Web 2014 - 24th and 25th of April in Amsterdam - The two women from Haarlem will lauch their software invention Toolinq; a mobile tool that connects everybody at every level within a company. Real-time, in an environment that you can compare to Facebook.

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  • Behavioral Change Program: Hybrid Working

    - heden

    Leading a design driven behavioral change program aimed to support NN Group employees in developing new hybrid working habits.

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  • Fit & Focus - Wellbeing Program

    Since March 2020, when the pandemic started, I co-designed and facilitated a Fit & Focus programme for NNIP, empowering their employees to gain more knowledge and develop new habits around mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

    We did this through expert sessions, motivational nudges, setting up a buddy support system, and offering open coaching and “Ask us anything” sessions.
    We have run 3 series in the Fit & Focus programme:

    Empowering yourself in uncertain…

    Since March 2020, when the pandemic started, I co-designed and facilitated a Fit & Focus programme for NNIP, empowering their employees to gain more knowledge and develop new habits around mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

    We did this through expert sessions, motivational nudges, setting up a buddy support system, and offering open coaching and “Ask us anything” sessions.
    We have run 3 series in the Fit & Focus programme:

    Empowering yourself in uncertain times
    Energy management, mindset & performance
    Hybrid habits; working in a hybrid world

    The programme evolved into a community where colleagues can connect, share and learn together. The Teams community has grown to more than 250 members.

    As we are now reflecting on a possible 4th series.

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  • Employee Talent Experience (a.s.r.)


    Responsible for designing and facilitating a series of (virtual) workshops for the entire a.s.r. HR team. Goal: Co-create a new Employee Talent Experience vision, mission and strategy.

  • Leading In Uncertain Times (NNIP)


    Responsible for developing and co-facilitating a series of webinars on leadership and empowerment in times of uncertainty (COVID-19) for Nationale Nederlanden Investment Partners leaders and staff. Bringing insight into brain-based behavioral change and how to connect people and mindset to business results.

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  • Workforce Transformation & Culture Change Program


    _FORM_ Culture Change Lead for Accenture the Netherlands.

    Responsible for the culture movement and mindset shift towards Accenture’s new design-driven and innovation-led consulting methodolgy.

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  • NewGen Housing (Project A)


    Circulair Business Model Innovation for Innovation Partner in Construction & Real Estate

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  • The Innovation Movement


    Culture Change Program for International Industrial Service Provider

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  • Agile Marketing Transformation


    Agile Marketing Transformation of Dutch pension provider.
    Responsible for leadership development and team performance coaching.

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  • Innovation Program Technology Services


    Lean Startup expert and corporate innovation coach during internal innovation challenge of international pioneer in the aerospace industry.

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  • Leadership Development Program


    Large Scale Culture & Mindset Transformation Program for Executive Leadership & Senior Management Dura Vermeer

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  • Culture Design Program (JET)


    Designing and delivering a Culture Design Program aimed to strengthen and deepen the Culture within Just Eat Takeaway Parter Marketing Team (60+ team members)

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