Clarinda Dobbelaar

Clarinda Dobbelaar

Bergen op Zoom, Noord-Brabant, Nederland
2K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


In my 20+ years of B2B experience in the field of Sales, Marketing and Portfolio…

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  • Companial grafisch


    Leusden, Utrecht, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Breda Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Breda Area, Netherlands

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    The Hague Area, Netherlands

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    The Hague Area, Netherlands

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  • Nima Marketing C


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Ervaring als vrijwilliger


  • Miller Heiman



  • Recorded Three New Episodes for GRC Journey Web TV

    New video series recorded for GRC Journey Web TV: Best Practices Based Delivery, The Importance of Usability and Global Expansion Completed.

    Three new episodes to update our customers and partners about the impact of the improvements we made in 2015 within Nasdaq BWise.

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  • Video's: a C-Suite Guide to understand your Risk Profile and How to Build a Cyber Defense Program

    Recorded two video interviews with Ladd Muzzy about 'a C-Suite Guide for companies to understand their Risk Profile' and 'How to build a Cyber Defense Program'.

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  • 20 Years Business In Control

    BWise was founded in 1994. A lot has happened since then. In this video BWise's Founder and CTO, Luc Brandts, speaks about the developments of the company and the GRC market and how he sees the future being part of NASDAQ OMX for the company and the eGRC PLatform.

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  • Creating Value for Sales Pipeline - New Business Development

    Developing a global process for new business development, Business development representatives working for BWise are all aligned based on a consistent way of working and easily being managed by objectives/kpi's via Salesforce Dashboards.

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  • Creating Value for Sales Pipeline - New Business Development

    Developing a global process for new business development, Business development representatives working for BWise are all aligned based on a consistent way of working and easily being managed by objectives/kpi's via Salesforce Dashboards.

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  • Social Media as Online Marketing Instrument

    Graduation Assignment Andreas Dorner regarding Bachelor Thesis on Social Media as Online Marketing Instrument.

    Supported Andreas by reviewing Bachelor Thesis and coaching.

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  • Demand creation waterfall

    Further develop the demand creation waterfal resulting a increased conversion from inquiries into deals.

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  • Lead Traffic Automation

    Develop lead traffic automation based on demographic and behavioral scoring by using Silverpop Engage and Salesforce. Objective: insights in leadscoring and creating automated triggers for proper and efficient follow up by our New Business Development and Sales Team.

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  • International Partner Marketing Management Strategy

    Graduation Assignment Margaux Drijdijk regarding Bachelor Thesis on International Partner Marketing Management Strategy.

    Supported Margaux by reviewing Bachelor Thesis and coaching

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  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

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