Last week, we put #SPEAR into the hands of the Koninklijke Landmacht. We trained multiple instructors to use the system to perform fully automated swarm recon missions. By combining Avalor AI's #NEXUS control software with the #SkyHive, the 5 ReFly's in the Hive logged more than 15 hours of combined autonomous flights hours over 2 days. No-one ever touched a drone - just as we like to see it. Despite the frigid conditions (mornings started with -7C temperatures), the system performed as it should. A great thanks to all who made these days possible! We continue to improve our products and scale up to series production. #swarm #persistent #autonomous #recon #refly #Hive #Defence #unmanned
Tective Robotics
Draadloze diensten
Delft, Zuid-Holland 934 volgers
10x your data acquisition per operator, never touch a drone
Over ons
Airports for drones. Our SkyHive keeps a swarm of drones in the air 24/7, without the operator ever touching a drone. We 10x the data acquisition capability per operator, enabling rapid insights across a variety of industries. We offer SkyBase, enabling automated perimeter monitoring in area's up to 5x5km. We provide SkyFence, enabling automated border mapping and live detections over 100's of kilometers. With SkyScope, we bring millimeter level precision to farmers, enabling disease and pest detection.
- Website
Externe link voor Tective Robotics
- Branche
- Draadloze diensten
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 2-10 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Delft, Zuid-Holland
- Type
- Particuliere onderneming
- Opgericht
- 2019
- Specialismen
- Autonomous robotics, Drones en Drone Swarm
Rotterdamseweg 370 A13
Delft, Zuid-Holland 2629HG, NL
Medewerkers van Tective Robotics
Een levendige en leerzame middag bij Tective Robotics met Staatssecretaris van Defensie - Gijs Tuinman! Tijdens een sessie van 2,5u op veel vlakken elkaar kunnen inspireren en aanscherpen, nu doorpakken. Daarvoor ook concrete plannen kunnen voorleggen aan InnovationQuarter en de Koninklijke Landmacht. Wij zijn klaar voor opschalen! We zijn opweg naar een robuuste drone en robotica industrie in NL. Daar moeten nog veel stappen worden gezet, maar deze middag helpt daar enorm bij. Als integrator met kennis van allerlei subsystemen en ervaring met ontwikkeling en productie in Nederland, dragen wij graag ons steentje bij. Op 28 januari gaan er goede stappen worden gezet met de Uncrewed Systems Meetup in Amsterdam! Nog niet ingeschreven? Dan kan dat hier: #ecosystem #opschalen #UAS #Autonomy #unmanned #uncrewed
De vijand beweegt door jouw gebied, maar waar precies? Hoeveel mensen zijn er op de been en met welke voertuigen? Vragen die een commandant bezig kunnen houden, bij verdediging én aanval. Swarm-based Persistent Autonomous Reconnaissance of kortweg SPEAR kan daarbij helpen. Dit vernuftige systeem van Tective Robotics bestaat uit een zwerm drones die autonoom opstijgen, landen en surveilleren. Ook kunnen ze zelf de accu verwisselen via één centraal launch and recovery station en taken efficiënt onderling verdelen. Dankzij AI herkennen de drones infrastructuur, bewoonde gebieden en voertuigen. Ze sturen deze informatie direct door naar eenheden verderop. Dreiging gespot? Dan tracken de drones zelfstandig het doel zodat militairen vroegtijdig dreiging kunnen signaleren, zonder zelf in het gebied te hoeven treden of handmatig drones te bedienen. Wat begon als winnend idee bij de Defensie Innovatie Competitie in 2020, is uitgegroeid tot een geavanceerd zoeksysteem dat kan helpen bij het plannen en uitvoeren van operaties. Inspirerend om vandaag in Delft te zien hoe deze knappe koppen hun idee naar realiteit hebben gebracht, in samenwerking met onder meer Delft Dynamics B.V., TNO en Avalor.AI. Zonder ondernemers geen innovatie bij Defensie!
How do we build a strong ecosystem for uncrewed systems in the Netherlands while strengthening international collaboration? On 28 January, we are hosting the Uncrewed Ecosystem Meetup. You can register here: With the recently launched Action Plan for Production Security of Uncrewed Systems (APOS), the ambition is clear: position the Netherlands as an international leader through collaboration, innovation, and a scalable ecosystem. During the meetup, Minister van Defensie - Ruben Brekelmans (Minister of Defence of the Netherlands), Simon Wouda (Head of Taskforce Ukraine), and Raymond Knops (NIDV) will share their insights. They will deliver a keynote or participate in a panel discussion, alongside representatives from venture capital and industry. The focus will be on practical steps to unite Industry, Government, and Investors. The event also offers an informal setting to network, exchange ideas, and explore potential opportunities. We welcome Industry, Government and Investors to contribute to this shared mission. Let’s work together to build a safer, stronger, and more connected Europe. Organized & supported by: HEIGHT TECHNOLOGIES European Defense Tech Avalor AI, Keen Venture Partners DeltaQuad, VDL Defentec B.V. , Destinus Milrem Robotics, Emergent Swarm Solutions, Tective Robotics, Tulip Tech, Acecore Technologies, Lobster Robotics #BuildingAStrongerEurope
#MadeinHolland🍊🛠🇳🇱! At Tective Robotics we take local production seriously. In an ever changing geopolitical landscape, we are committed to designing and making our ReFly and SkyHive right here in the Netherlands. Today, we tested our in-house designed motor controllers for the #ReFly and successfully achieved our advertised max speed of 70km/h. Furthermore, we are progressing with our #mesh communication module, crucial for enabling our drones to operate in adverse conditions. Always looking to partner up to localize production - get in touch! #productiezekerheid Staatssecretaris van Defensie - Gijs Tuinman DeltaQuad #UAS #ReFly #meshed VDL TBP Electronics Lobster Robotics #electronics
Over the past few days we've been extensively testing #SPEAR together with Avalor AI and the Koninklijke Landmacht, ending with a succesful demo to stakeholders. Hundreds of recon flights, all automated. In the end, its the people that make things work, and no team does that better than team #Tective! #recon #UAS #Skyhive
We make it fly, you get the data - 24/7. We never touch our drones anymore, as the #SkyHive does the work! And soon, our #SkyBase perimeter monitoring solution and #SkyFence border patrol system will allow one operator to perform hundreds of flights per day from anywhere in the world. Designed and made in the Netherlands, designed to keep Europe safe. Stay tuned, and enjoy this short update movie! #Intel #Drones #perimeter #border #monitoring #SkyBase #SkyFence #ecosystem #UAS
Our SkyHive keeps up to 5 drones airborne 24/7. And together with our new partner MEJOR Technologies we aim to help fire departments to detect wildfires and visualize their size and spread, creating situational awareness to protect their firefigthers. MEJOR's algorithms also help to predict the spread of fires, helping to save lives through early warning. To aid in this our ReFly's are now equipped with the latest Teledyne FLIR Boson 640+ thermal camera, alongside the Sony 61MP LX-LR1. We look forward to taking big steps together! #Wildfire #Detection #drones #autonomous
We are excited to announce we've partnered with Spark design & innovation! Take a look at the first results of this collaboration: a vision of the future of automated drone deployment. Together, we aim to accelerate the Dutch drone industry and make sure we are able to reliably supply our key customers - such as the Koninklijke Landmacht. Scaleable manufacturing and user friendliness are key area's in which Spark is helping us. All focused at one job: getting the data our customers need to make effective and informed decisions where it matters. #Futureproof #SkyHive #Hive #Drones #Dronebox #autonomous
We are excited to announce our partnership with Tective Robotics, a startup that specializes in 24/7 automated data acquisition with drones. Tective develops and manufactures unique drone hives with battery swapping technology to enable this. A proposition that has numerous applications, from agriculture to security. This is where Spark comes in. With our design expertise, we are helping Tective create a user-friendly product that is ready for future developments, while making production more efficient and lowering costs. #drones #dronehive
It's a wrap! Eurosatory 2024 - the largest defence exhibition in the world. Together with Avalor AI and DeltaQuad we demonstrated the effectiveness of autonomy and combining different kinds of unmanned platforms. Proud to be part of this All-Dutch combination, and we are excited to see how this industry is developing in the Netherlands. Many thanks to Milrem Robotics for hosting our SkyHive on their Themis UGV, and to Avalor AI for hosting us on their beautiful stand. #unmanned #defence #swarming #autonomy #UAS #droneport #Dutch
From June 17 to June 21 Tective Robotics will join Avalor AI at Eurosatory in Paris, showcasing the Dutch-made #SPEAR swarm reconaissance system integrated on the Milrem Robotics #Themis UGV. Discover the effectiveness of distributed autonomy and persistent drone deployment, with live simulations and demo's. See you at Eurosatory, Hall 5a stand H390! #Dutch #Swarming #UGV #NATO #AI #Autonomy #Robotics #SkyHive #ReFly #Nexus