Smart BioMaterials Consortium (SBMC) heeft dit gerepost
You’re at a match, running at full speed, making a sharp turn to dodge your opponent… and then you feel it: a sharp snap in your knee. The pain is immediate, but the worst part comes after. You can’t put weight on your foot, your stability is gone. You know something has torn. We all know someone who’s been through this. Gavi tore his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in 2023 and missed Euro 2024, which Spain ended up winning without him. We reconstruct the ligament, but we don’t regenerate it. Proprioception is lost, and stability is never quite the same. That’s why, during the Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine Hackathon, Álex Pascual Cid, Ricky Thijssen, Tom van den Boogaart, Lucia Mas León, and I teamed up to come up with a solution. Three intense days of work, pushing tissue engineering further, aiming not just to rebuild the ligament but also to restore neuromuscular connection. We ended up winning the prize, and I couldn’t be happier about it! The environment felt very dynamic in rooms full of business, science, and engineering people. The knlowledge that I took back to London is invaluable. Huge thanks to the jury Rob PA Janssen MD PhD, Carmen van Vilsteren, Mercedes Tuin MBA, Aldo Boon and especially the organizers Jorge Alfredo Uquillas Paredes, Stephan Hulsbergen, Jan Rietsema, and everyone who made this possible. Initiatives like this prove that tissue engineering and biomaterials are more than just concepts in a paper—they can change lives. Smart BioMaterials Consortium (SBMC) Helmond Biotech-materials Hub B.V. Eindhoven University of Technology Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM)