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Acecore Technologies

Acecore Technologies

Productie van onderdelen voor de lucht- en ruimtevaart

Uden, Noord-Brabant 4.288 volgers

European-made professional UAV solutions, handcrafted in The Netherlands.

Over ons

Acecore technologies is integrator, developer and manufacturer of high-end tailor made drone and camera technology for professional use. AceCore Technologies was founded to raise the bar in terms of performance and looks in the UAV world. Starting out as end users in drone cinematography ourselves, we felt that there was no platform available that met our standards. So we built our own. We stand strong, together with renowned suppliers in the market including Gremsy, RED, Cube, Workswell, Elistair and Phase One.

Productie van onderdelen voor de lucht- en ruimtevaart
11 - 50 medewerkers
Uden, Noord-Brabant
Particuliere onderneming
Drones, UAV / Drone development, Cinematography, Aerial filmmaking equipment, Heavy lift drone, Waterproof drone, Weatherproof drone, ARRI Alexa, WIRIS, Gremsy, Carbon fiber, RED cinema, Workswell, Freefly, Live broadcasting, Drone, Inspection drone, Redundant, Aerial mapping, Pixhawk, Pix4d, Aerial inspection, Craftmanship, Octocopter en Quadcopter


Medewerkers van Acecore Technologies


  • These were the final systems that left our HQ last month. 2024 was an amazing year with a lot of accomplishments. Our team has grown, we’ve manufactured the most drones ever - our production slots were fully booked. Our R&D department also hasn't stood still in 2024. The Noa Hybrid was finalized and tested to the highest standards, and we have many good things ready to be launched in 2025. Products have been improved and our production has been scaled, setting the stage for even greater success this year. A big thanks to you all and thanks to our amazing team. We're excited to see what 2025 brings. You'll hear more about the new products soon!

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  • Coming Thursday - on the 21st of November, Acecore will be attending the Netherlands Industries for Defence & Security NEDS exhibition for defense & security. We will showcase our two new government products, one completely new and one massive upgrade on an existing platform. Our current military lineup will also be there to see, consisting of the Noa Hybrid M6 and the Zoe M4. The visitors of the NEDS will get early access to see our latest developments in person. If you won't be attending the exhibition; don't worry - the global and public release of the new items will follow.

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  • Acecore Technologies heeft dit gerepost

    At INTERGEO, our team visited Acecore to discover more about the Acecore Noa, a powerful heavy-lift hexacopter designed for experienced pilots looking to expand beyond the capabilities of their current systems. 🎥 Watch our video below for an in-depth look at Acecore's long endurance and heavy lift drone. For more of Acecore and their innovations, check out their profile here: Acecore Technologies, #HeavyLiftDrone #HexacopterDrone

  • A huge step forward in flight times. 52 minutes of flight with 1 kg of payload on the Zoe Endurance. We're testing the new batteries in partnership with Tulip Tech. These batteries give the pilot 11 minutes more flight time than our now available biggest batteries, which provide a flight time of 41 minutes @ 1kg payload on the Zoe x4. This is an increase of almost 27 percent(!). Special thanks to Alexander Nijst and Bernd Rietberg for this collaboration.

  • Acecore Technologies heeft dit gerepost

    In de lucht, op en onder water: drones, drones en nog eens drones. 25 NAVO-landen testten afgelopen weken de grootschalige inzet van deze onbemande systemen in maritieme operaties. Dat gebeurde voor de kust van het Portugese Sesimbra en het schiereiland Tróia. De Koninklijke Marine nam deel met amfibisch transportschip Zr.Ms. Johan de Witt. Ook de Mijnenbestrijding Module Groep leverde een bijdrage met ondersteuningsschip Geosea en verschillende waterdrones. De training was vooral gericht op operationele experimenten en het beproeven van nieuwe capaciteiten. Voor de marine lag de focus onder meer op de onlangs geleverde USV90. Dit 9 meter lange onbemande vaartuig kan goederen en mensen vervoeren. Verder is het in te zetten voor verkenningen. Zo transporteert het bijvoorbeeld kleinere onderwaterdrones naar een gebied met zeemijnen. Die identificeren het explosieve materiaal en maken het vervolgens onschadelijk. De bemanning van het moederschip - in dit geval de Geosea - blijft op deze manier op veilige afstand. De door Portugal georganiseerde training was voor de Mijnendienst een uitgelezen kans om de USV90 uitvoerig te testen. De opgedane kennis is belangrijk, want de marine zet vol in op de ontwikkeling van nieuwe soorten drones. De oorlog in Oekraïne laat zien hoe belangrijk onbemande systemen zijn voor het hedendaagse en toekomstige gevecht. Vanaf Zr.Ms. Johan de Witt oefende een team met verschillende soorten vliegende drones. Daarbij lag het zwaartepunt op het als zwermen inzetten van de onbemande systemen. Behalve militairen waren bij de oefening ook andere partijen betrokken. Zo waren aan boord van de Johan de Witt externe leveranciers om nieuwe typen drones te testen. Maar ook onderzoeksinstellingen, innovatieve bedrijven en universiteiten reisden voor de training naar Portugal. Alle houden zich bezig met maritieme operaties en/of onbemande maritieme systemen. #KoninklijkeMarine#Marine #Defensie #Navy #Drones

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  • The Acecore Noa recently got MoC2511/2512 certification with Drone Rescue Systems GmbH parachute safety systems. Besides the operational benefits of using a compliant UAS for SORA approvals for complex operations, the integration offers technical advantages to previously available parachute options. - Automatic emergency detection and parachute deployment - Non-ballistic reusable parachute module - Lightweight and simple installation The DRS system is available now on both the Acecore Noa and Acecore Zoe range.

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  • This is our new George (2024) Herelink. You have given lots of love for our George controller upgrade over the years, we're proud to introduce you to the new version. George (2024) continues to build on the CubePilot Herelink and offers; - Enhanced battery life with hot-swap - Ergonomic housing (3D Moulded Carbon Fiber) - Forced cooling vents - Detachable harness attachments - Tripod mount - Tablet/ auxillary mount This George makes use of universal V-lock batteries. This way it's hot-swappable and the same batteries can be used to power other Acecore equipment like the Noa Hybrid fuel station. Another big advantage of these batteries is that the 50Wh and 98Wh batteries are airplane-approved and can simultaneously charge your phone, tablet or other equipment.

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  • Longer flight times on the unique front-mounted Zoe Zetona with the new Sony LR1. The new 60-megapixel camera from Sony Europe | Digital Imaging Business Solutions is 420 grams lighter without compromising on output quality. We offer the LR1 with 24MM, 40MM, 50MM and 85MM G lenses as well as an optional laser rangefinder as a fully integrated payload. #acecore #elevatingdrones #sony #inspection Sony Europe | Digital Imaging Business Solutions

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