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Black History Month graphic showing a heart with red, yellow and green, against black background.

Share, celebrate, understand, participate: Black History Month 2025

UM community members share their reflections

February is Black History Month (BHM) in Canada, a time to increase awareness of the issues and difficulties that have been historically faced, and continue to be faced, by Black people and communities, while honouring the achievements of Black people in Canada and around the world.

UM Today asked several members of the UM community for their thoughts on the significance of this month. Hear what they said and read on to learn about UM’s commitment to Black flourishing and anti-racism, including planned BHM events.

UM is committed to being a community where anti-racism is embraced. This momentum is endorsed in UM’s latest strategic plan, MomentUM: Leading Change Together, in fostering a vibrant community. It’s propelled by the equity and anti-oppression work by UM community members and the Office of Equity Transformation, and through UM’s Anti-Racism Task Force, formed in February 2022. Read more on UM’s Anti-Racism website and learn about the steps we’re taking to ensure UM is a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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In Focus

Agents of change

February celebrates the inspiring journeys of those who have made significant impacts in their communities and beyond; change-makers who have driven positive transformations, challenged the status quo, and paved the way for a better future and understanding.

View Series

Athletes’ Advocate

Soon after Joanne Parsons [BMRPT/03, M.Sc./09, PhD/14] made the move from clinical physiotherapy to academia, she initiated a research project at a Winnipeg high school.

Learning from Extraordinary Clients

Elise Epp, a passionate graphic designer from Winnipeg, is spearheading a movement in the fashion industry, blending creativity with activism.

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