Документацијата за овој модул можете да ја создадете на Модул:TaxonItalics/док
Italicize a taxon name appropriately by invoking italicizeTaxonName.
The algorithm used is:
* If the name has italic markup at the start or the end, do nothing.
* Else
* Remove (internal) italic markup.
* If the name is made up of four words and the third word is a
botanical connecting term, de-italicize the connecting term and add italic
markup to the outside of the name.
* Else if the name is made up of three words and the second word is a
botanical connecting term or a variant of "cf.", de-italicize the
connecting term and add italic markup to the outside of the name.
* Else just add italic markup to the outside of the name.
local p = {}
local cTerms3 = {
subspecies = "subsp.",
["subsp."] = "subsp.",
subsp = "subsp.",
["ssp."] = "subsp.",
ssp = "subsp.",
varietas = "var.",
["var."] = "var.",
var = "var.",
subvarietas = "subvar.",
["subvar."] = "subvar.",
subvar = "subvar.",
forma = "f.",
["f."] = "f.",
f = "f.",
subforma = "subf.",
["subf."] = "subf.",
subf = "subf."
local cTerms2 = {
subgenus = "subg.",
["subg."] = "subg.",
subg = "subg.",
section = "sect.",
["sect."] = "sect.",
["cf."] = "cf.",
cf = "cf.",
["c.f."] = "cf."
Italicize a taxon name appropriately.
function p.main(frame)
local name = frame.args[1] or ''
local linked = frame.args['linked'] == 'yes'
return p.italicizeTaxonName(name, linked)
function p.italicizeTaxonName(name, linked)
local italMarker = "''"
-- trim the name and replace any use of the HTML italic tags by Wikimedia markup
name = string.gsub(string.gsub(mw.text.trim(name), "<i>", italMarker), "</i>", italMarker)
local result = name
if name ~= '' then
if string.sub(name, 1, 2) == "''" or string.sub(name, -2) == "''" then
-- do nothing if the name already has italic markers at the start or end
name = string.gsub(name, "''", "") -- first remove internal italics
local words = mw.text.split(name, " ", true)
local deitalicized = false
if #words == 4 then
-- test for the third word of a four word name being a connecting term
if cTerms3[words[3]] then
-- de-italicize the connecting term by adding internal italic markup
result = words[1] .. " " .. words[2] .. italMarker .. " " .. cTerms3[words[3]] .. italMarker .. " " .. words[4]
deitalicized = true
elseif #words == 3 then
-- test for the second word of a three word name being a connecting term
if cTerms2[words[2]] then
-- de-italicize the connecting term by adding internal italic markup
result = words[1] .. " " .. italMarker .. cTerms2[words[2]] .. italMarker .. " " .. words[3]
deitalicized = true
-- do nothing
result = name
-- add outside markup
if linked then
if deitalicized then
result = "[[" .. name .. "|" .. italMarker .. result .. italMarker .. "]]"
result = italMarker .. "[[" .. name .. "]]" .. italMarker
result = italMarker .. result .. italMarker
return result
return p