GBIF.PT's natural history collections
Learn about the institution, the collections they hold and view records of specimens that have been databased. Currently only the collections of GBIF.PT partners are shown. Over time this list will expand to include all natural history collections in GBIF.PT.
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- African Decapoda Crustacea collection - MUHNAC
- Amphibia collection of the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Angolan Herpetological Collection - IICT
- Aquatic Hyphomycetes from insular streams (Madeira, Portugal)
- Arthropods from Praia da Vitória (Terceira, Azores, Portugal)
- Asian Herpetological Collection - IICT
- Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Portugal
- Atlas of Bats from Continental Portugal 2013
- Atlas of Breeding Birds 1999-2005 - Other Species
- Atlas of Freshwater Bivalves 2007
- Azorean Biodiversity Portal
- Beta patula Population Assessment from 2014 to 2018 in Madeira Archipelago, Portugal
- Bibliographic records of Angola mammals
- Biodiversity data of ladybeetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Azores archipelago (Portugal)
- Biodiversity of the epiphytic lichenic vegetation in the Alentejo Coast (area of Sines)
- Biodiversity4all Research-Grade Observations
- Bird Community of the Regional Protected Landscape of the Vila do Conde Shoreline and the Mindelo Ornithological Reserve (PPRLVCROM) (2013-2014)
- Birds Distribution from the Birds Directive (2013-2018)
- Birds Distribution from the Birds Directive 2008-2012 RN2000
- Birds from Praia da Vitória marshes (Terceira, Azores, Portugal)
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) in Portugal
- Bryophyte collection
- Bryophyte collection of Porto Herbarium (PO)
- Bryophytes from Praia da Vitória (Terceira, Azores, Portugal)
- Cape Verde Herpetological Collection - IICT
- Catalogue of the plant communities of Madeira and Porto Santo
- Coimbra Collection of Algae
- COLETA - IMAR/DOP-Uac reference collection from 1977 to 2012
- Contribution to a study of plant cartography in Portugal - degree internship report - Part 1
- Contribution to the phytosociological study of the municipalities of Alenquer, Arruda dos Vinhos and Sobral de Monte Agraço, Portugal
- Cyanobacteria Checklist of the Azores Archipelago, Portugal
- Cyanobacteria of the Azores Archipelago, Portugal
- Dados de ocorrência de espécies da flora da Guiné-Bissau
- Demersais survey in the Azores between 1996 and 2013
- Diatom distribution in Madeira Island streams (Portugal)
- Diatoms from Deserta Grande (Madeira Archipelago, Portugal)
- Distribution of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Terceira and S. Miguel (Azores, Portugal)
- Diversity of Spiders from Azorean Trails
- Eden Arthropod Azores Database
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Acoustic Bat Monitoring – Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases [2008-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Aquatic and Riparian Birds - Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Bat acoustic sampling - Compensatory Measures Program (MC1) [2013-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Bat Roosts - Ecological Monitoring Program (PME) (2008-2014)
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Bat Roosts [acoustic sampling] - Ecological Monitoring Program (PME) (2012-2014)
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Birds - Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases - Vilariça Stream (MC1) [2013-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases - Cliff-nesting species: Breeding sites [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases - Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) & Nocturnal Birds Surveys - [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases - Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus) [Sign surveys] [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases - Iberian Wolf [howling surveys] - [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases - Iberian Wolf [spotlight counts] - [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases - Otter: camera-trapping - [2010-2013]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases - Riparian Birds, priority conservation species: fixed points & complementary observations - [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Bonneli’s Eagle prey species: Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Cliff-nesting birds, prioritary conservation species: fixed observation points [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis and Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) - [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Natural Wolf Prey (Roe Deer) [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Natural Wolf Prey (Wild Boar) [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Otter [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Partridge, Rock Pigeon and Wood Pigeon [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Vascular Flora and Habitats: species from prioritary conservation habitats - [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Vascular Flora and Habitats: species of conservation concern (RELAPE) - [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases – Wolf, (Canis lupus) Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) and Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) [camera-trapping] - [2011-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases: Cliff-nesting Birds, priority conservation species: Complementary Observations - [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction Phase – Invasive Species (work fronts) [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Construction Phase – Vascular Flora and Habitats in the Work Fronts: species and habitats of conservation concern - [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Fishes – Ecological Monitoring Program [2012]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Herpetology – Baseline Studies [2009]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Land Birds - Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases (Sabor river valley) [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Land Birds - Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases: complementary work sites [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Land Birds - Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases: Maçãs and Angueira river valleys [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Land Birds - Construction and Reservoir Filling Phases: stream weirs in the Sabor tributaries [2010-2014]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Phytobenthos – Ecological Monitoring Program [2012]
- EDP Baixo Sabor: Phytoplankton - Ecological Monitoring Program [2016]
- EDP Foz Tua - Terrestrial Vertebrates (occasional observations) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-17]
- EDP Foz Tua Large Mammals (camera -trapping) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz Tua Large Mammals (nocturnal transects) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2011]
- EDP Foz Tua Nocturnal Birds - Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz Tua Otter (Lutra lutra) - Complementary Studies [2010]
- EDP Foz Tua Otter (Lutra lutra) - Ecological Monitoring Program (2010-11)
- EDP Foz Tua Otter (Lutra lutra) [transects] - Ecological Monitoring Program (2011-17)
- EDP Foz Tua Reptiles - Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz Tua – Aquatic taxa recorded during fish sampling for population genetic analysis (Complementary Studies – Element 24) [2017]
- EDP Foz Tua: Amphibians - Complementary Studies [2009-2010]
- EDP Foz Tua: Amphibians - Ecological Monitoring Program [2010-2017]
- EDP Foz Tua: Arthropoda – Environmental Impact Assessment [2006-2008]
- EDP Foz Tua: Bat Habitats - Complementary Studies [2010]
- EDP Foz Tua: Bat Habitats - Ecological & Compensatory Measures Monitoring Programs [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz Tua: Bat Roosts - Baseline and Complementary Studies [2008-2010]
- EDP Foz Tua: Bat Roosts - Ecological & Compensatory Measures Monitoring Programs [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz Tua: Bivalvia – Complementary Studies [2011]
- EDP Foz Tua: Black Wheatear (Oenanthe leucura) (Aves) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2012-2017]
- EDP Foz Tua: Fish – Complementary Studies [2011]
- EDP Foz Tua: Terrestrial Birds (transects) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2009-2012]
- EDP Foz Tua: Terrestrial Birds, Spring (point counts) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz Tua: Terrestrial Birds, Winter (point counts) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz Tua: Terrestrial Vertebrates Baseline_studies (EIA) [2006]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Amphibians (nocturnal transects): Ecological Monitoring Program [2012-2016]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Black Wheatear (Oenanthe leucura) (transects) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-12]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Bryophyte flora – Complementary Studies [2011] and Ecological Monitoring Program [2012-2015]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) & Small Mammals - Baseline Studies [2008]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) - Ecological Monitoring Program Baseline Studies [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) (point counts) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2013-16]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Dipper (Cinclus cinclus), River Tinhela (transects) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2012-17]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Diurnal Butterflies (Lepidoptera) - Ecological Monitoring Program (2014-2017)
- EDP Foz-Tua: Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) - Ecological Monitoring Program (2011-2017)
- EDP Foz-Tua: Fishes – Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Large and Medium-sized Mammals (occasional observations): Complementary Studies [2009-10]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Large and Medium-sized Mammals (point counts): Complementary Studies [2009-10]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Large and Medium-sized Mammals (transects): Complementary Studies [2010]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Large Mammals (camera-trapping): Complementary Studies [2010]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Large Mammals (diurnal transects): Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2017]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Lichen flora – Complementary Studies [2011] and Ecological Monitoring Program [2012-2015]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Macrophytes – Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2015]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Nocturnal Birds - Complementary Studies [2010]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Phytobenthos – Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-2015]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Pyrenean Desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) - Ecological Monitoring Program (2011-17)
- EDP Foz-Tua: Reptiles (point counts): Complementary Studies [2010]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Riparian Birds (point counts) Ecological Monitoring Program [2011]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Riparian Birds (transects) - Ecological Monitoring Program [2011-17]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Small Mammals - Complementary Studies [2010] & Monitoring Ecological Program [2011]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Terrestrial Birds (occasional observations)- Complementary Studies [2009-10]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Terrestrial Birds (point counts) Complementary Studies [2010]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Terrestrial Birds (transects) Complementary Studies [2009-10]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Vascular Flora and Habitats – Ecological and Complementary Measures Monitoring Programs – Construction Phase II [2015-2016] and Flooding Phase [2016-2017]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Vascular Flora – Complementary Studies and Baseline Year of the Ecological Monitoring Program [2011]
- EDP Foz-Tua: Vascular Flora – Ecological and Complentary Measures Monitoring Programs – Contruction Phase I [2012-2014]
- Fauna species from the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 (Lines)
- Fauna species from the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 (Points)
- Fauna species from the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 (Polygons)
- Fish larvae from May to June '95 of the "Capricórnio" campaign in the Republic of Guinea Bissau
- Flora species from the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 (Points)
- Flora species from the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 (Polygons)
- Flora-On: occurrence data of the flora of mainland Portugal
- Floristic Study in Orchards - Beira Interior, Portugal
- Floristic Study in Orchards - Mafra and Torres Vedras, Portugal
- Forestry Inventory 1995
- Forestry Inventory 2005
- Forestry Inventory 2010
- Forestry Inventory 2015
- Global database of alien macrofungi
- Guinea-Bissau Herpetological Collection - IICT
- Habitats Directive Portuguese Report: Species 2007-2012
- Habitats Directive Portuguese Report: Species 2013-2018
- Herbário João de Carvalho e Vasconcellos, I.S.A./U.L.
- Herbarium collection of intertidal macroalgae biodiversity along the Northwestern Iberian coast in 2020/2021
- Herbarium of University of Coimbra (COI )
- Ichthyological Collection of the Museu Oceanográfico D. Carlos I
- II Atlas of nesting birds - target species (1999-2005)
- IICT Colecção Zoológica
- IICT Herbário LISC
- IICT Tabanidae Collection
- ImagDOP Benthic Video Annotations in Condor seamount in 2010
- ImageDOP Bentic Video Annotations in the Faial-Pico Channel in 2011
- Insect Collection from the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Intertidal Biodiversity along the Portuguese coast (2001-2002)
- Intertidal macroalgae species distribution along the Northwestern Iberian coast in 2020/2021
- Inventory of the Azorean rove-beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
- Larvae of decapods off Portuguese coast from 1986 to 1994
- LISU Herbario Angola
- LISU Lichen collection
- Long-term monitoring of Azorean forest spiders
- LTER Baixo Sabor: Long term monitoring of freshwater fish - Sabor watershed [2012 - 2020]
- Macroinvertebrates distribution in Madeira Island streams (Portugal)
- Macromycetes in Portugal Update
- Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Faial Island, Azores
- Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Formigas Islets, Azores
- Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Graciosa Island, Azores
- Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Pico Island, Azores
- Marine algal (seaweed) flora of São Jorge Island, Azores
- Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Terceira Island, Azores
- Marine algal flora of Flores and Corvo Islands, Azores
- Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores
- Marine algal flora of São Miguel Island, Azores
- Mesopelagic Community off the North Western Portuguese Coast between 1998 and 2000
- Mesopelagic Crustaceans of the North Western Portuguese Coast between 1998 and 2000
- Micoteca da Universidade do Minho
- Moluscos Marinhos de Augusto Nobre
- Monitoring Arthropods in Azorean Agroecosystems: the project AGRO-ECOSERVICES
- Monitoring of lichenic diversity in the surrounding area of the Urban Solid Waste Treatment Plant of Meia-Serra, Madeira, Portugal
- Mozambique Herpetological Collection - IICT
- Myriapoda collection from Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- National Census of the Iberian Wolf (2002-2003) - Packs
- National census of the Iberian wolf (2002-2003) - Presence type
- Occurrence records of rust fungi (Pucciniales) in Portugal
- Ornithological Collection of the Museu Oceanográfico D. Carlos I
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Accessory species caught in the Azores tuna fishery between 2000 and 2013
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Discards in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 to 2013
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Fish caught to be used as bait in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 to 2013
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Marine mammal sightings in the Azores between 2004 and 2013 recorded by Biosphere Expedition
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Marine mammal sightings in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 on: during navigation or search mode
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Marine mammal sightings in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 to 2013: during the capture of live bait
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Marine mammal sightings in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 to 2013: while fishing
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Sea bird sightings in the Azores between 2004 and 2013 recorded by Biosphere Expedition
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Sea turtle sightings in the Azores between 2004 and 2013 recorded by Biosphere Expedition
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Seabird sightings in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 to 2013: during the capture of live bait
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Seabird sightings in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 to 2013: while fishing
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Seabird sightings in the Azores tuna fishery from 2000 on: during navigation or search mode
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Tuna species caught in the Azores tuna fishery from 1998 to 2013
- POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Turtle sightings in the Azores tuna fishery from 2000 on: during navigation or search mode.
- Portuguese Decapoda Crustacea - Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência collections
- Portuguese Lepidoptera records compiled by Martin Corley's database
- Portuguese Seaweeds
- Pycnogonida collection from the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Records of testate amoebae in São Miguel island (Azores archipelago)
- Reptilia collection of the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Ringing or Bird Recapture
- São Tomé and Príncipe Herpetological Collection - IICT
- Sightings Map of Invasive Plants in Portugal
- Specimens of Huffmanela lusitana of the Collection of Pathology of IPMA
- Spiders from Macaronesia_Azores
- Spiders from Macaronesia_Madeira
- The Hummingbird Collection of the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: A taxonomic revision of the Western Palaearctic genus Cacochroa Heinemann, 1870 (Lepidoptera, Depressariidae)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Blattodea 01
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Borkhausenia crimnodes Meyrick, 1912 (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae), a southern hemisphere species resident in Portugal
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of Iberian Plecoptera
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Depressaria infernella Corley & Buchner, a new Iberian species of the Depressaria douglasella group
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Diptera 01
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Diptera 03 - Further records on Portuguese Limoniidae, Pediciidae and Tipulidae
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: DNA barcodes of Portuguese Diptera 02 - Limoniidae, Pediciidae and Tipulidae
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: DNA barcoding of Sialis sp. (Megaloptera) in Portugal: the missing tool to species identification
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: DNA Barcoding reveals sexual dimorphism in Isotrias penedana Trematerra, 2013 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Chlidanotinae)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Gluvia dorsalis (Latreille, 1817) (Solifugae)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Hemiptera 01
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Lacewings (Neuroptera) 01
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Lacewings (Neuroptera) 02
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Mondeguina, a new genus for Apatetris mediterranella Nel & Varenne, 2012, with description of a new species from Portugal (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Portuguese Bats (Chiroptera)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Portuguese Earwigs (Dermaptera)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Portuguese Mantises (Mantodea)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Portuguese Scorpionflies (Mecoptera, Panorpidae)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Portuguese Snakeflies (Raphidioptera)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Portuguese Stag beetles (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Portuguese Stick Insects (Phasmatodea)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Taxonomic notes on Portuguese Microlepidoptera II. Cochylimorpha punctiferana (Ragonot, 1881)
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Wesmaelius (Kimninsia) nervosus (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae): a new species of brown lacewing for the Portuguese fauna
- The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Ypsolopha rhinolophi sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Ypsolophidae), a new species from Portugal and France unveiled by bats
- The Lichen Flora of Serra de São Mamede Natural Park
- The Orthoptera of Castro Verde Special Protection Area (Southern Portugal)
- Transcription of selected miombo timber species of a floristic inventory in Cuando-Cubango, Angola
- Underwater fish visual census in the Azores from 1997 to 2015
- Vascular Plants from Praia da Vitória (Terceira, Azores, Portugal)
- Vertebrate observation dataset of North and West Africa (CIBIO-Biodeserts)
- Waterbird Census in Portugal
- Wildlife inventory in the Azores using camera trapping
- Zostera noltei seagrass meadows spatial distribution at LTER site Ria de Aveiro lagoon in 2014