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LPI certification 101 prep, Part 4 (IBM developerWorks). Part 4 of the LPI certification exam preparation tutorial is available on IBM's developerWorks. The topic of this tutorial is advanced administration.

LinuxUser Issue 17 is available. Articles from the December 2001/January 2002 edition of LinuxUser are available online in pdf format.

The Book of Zope review (LinuxLookup). LinuxLookup reviews "The Book of Zope" by Jody Bryne. "I've just spent a few days with Beehive's The Book of Zope published by No Starch Press. Having never built a web application before, I was definitely part of the author's target audience. Beginning Zope users as well as experienced developers, however, have received equal attention in this guide on writing web applications"

MOSIX clustering tutorial (IBM developerWorks). Daniel Robbins has put together a tutorial on MOSIC clustering. "MOSIX is a special transparent form of clustering that is easy to set up and can produce positive results with only a minimal time and energy." Registration is required.


The last set of FOSDEM interviews. The FOSDEM gathering, which happens in a few days, has released its last set of interviews with people who will be speaking at the event: Thierry Matusiak, Richard Moore, Loic Dachary, Jean-Michel Dalle, Andy Oram, Gilles Fedak, and Richard Stallman. "If people say I never compromise, they are entirely mistaken. The fact is I make deals all the time in support of the goals of freedom and free software. What I refuse to do is compromise away the goal. I know what I am trying to achieve, and I stick to it."

European Python and Zope Conference 2002. The European Python and Zope Conference 2002 (EuroPython 2002) has been announced. The conference will be in Charleroi, Belgium from June 26-28, 2002. Python creator Guido van Rossum will present one of the keynote speeches.

Book now for GUADEC 3. People who are planning on attending the GUADEC 3 conference in Seville, Spain are advised to make their hotel reservations early.

CEBIT 2002 accomodations. We received this notice which contains a list of housing suggestions for the Hannover CEBIT 2002 conference.

Linux Bangalore/2001 slide shows. Slides from the Linux Bangalore/2001 talks are online at the Linux Bangalore web site. (Thanks to Atul Chitnis.)

Nominations for the Dutch Big Brother Awards 2002. Nominations are being accepted for the Dutch Big Brother Awards 2002. "The first Dutch Big Brother Awards will be held in Amsterdam on the 15th of February. Today the jury announces the nominations in four categories: government, companies, persons and proposals. In every category one winner will be awarded with an 'Orwell'."

Google Progamming Contest. Google is holding the first annual Google Programming Contest. The grand prize includes a trip to Google, Inc, $10,000, and a chance for your code to be run on Google's site. "Google is providing a selection of about 900,000 web pages in pre-parsed and raw format, together with a 'ripper' program that provides a framework for processing the pre-parsed data. Your mission is to write a program (most likely by adding code to the ripper) that does something interesting with the data, in such a way that it would scale to a web-sized collection of documents. Part of your job is to convince us of why your program is interesting and why it will scale; other than that, you're free to implement whatever strikes your fancy." Code must compile with g++ on Linux 2.2 or 2.4, or be written in Java on Sun tools. Python code is also being accepted.

Report from the Python Conference, day one. Those who wish they could be at the Python conference can at least get a bit of the flavor of the event from this writeup on the ZopeZen site.

Andrew Kuchling wins the Frank Willison award. The first "Frank Willison Award for Contributions to the Python Community" has been given to Andrew Kuchling at the Python Conference. "'Besides being a prolific programmer who has contributed to many corners of the Python implementation (starting with his crypto toolkit), Andrew has done numerous writing projects related to Python,' says Guido van Rossum, one of the Award's judges."

Embedded Linux Forum at Bay Area Linux Users Group. The Bay Area Linux Users Group will feature a forum on Embedded Linux, presented by ParaSoft. The forum will be held on Tuesday, February 19 at 7 p.m. at the Four Seas Hotel in Chinatown, San Francisco.

Events: February 14 - April 11, 2002.
Date Event Location
February 14 - 15, 20021st CfP German Perl Workshop(Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin)Bonn, Germany
February 14, 2002Workshop on the Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography(PKC 2002)Paris,France
February 16 - 17, 2002Free Software and Open Source Developer's Meeting(FOSDEM 2002)(Brussels, Belgium)Brussels, Belgium
February 18, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Milan
February 19, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Zurich
February 20, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Munich
February 21, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Vienna
February 22, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Budapest
February 25, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Prague
February 25 - March 1, 2002Secure Trusted OS Consortium - Quarterly Meeting(STOS)(Hyperdigm Research)Chantilly, VA, USA
March 2, 2002LinuxForum 2002Copenhagen, Denmark
March 4 - 6, 2002International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies(ISART 2002)(Dept. of Commerce, 325 Broadway)Boulder, CO
March 5, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Helsinki
March 6, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Stockholm
March 7, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Oslo
March 8, 2002OMG Information Days Europe 2002Copenhagen
March 12 - 16, 2002Embedded Systems Conference(Moscone Center)San Francisco, California
March 21 - 22, 2002Annual Conference of Open Source Content Management Systems(OSCMSC)(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH))Zurich, Switzerland
April 3 - 6, 2002The Association of C & C + + Users Spring Conference(ACCU)(Heritage Motor Centre)Warwick, England

Additional events can be found in the LWN Event Calendar. Event submissions should be sent to [email protected] in a plain text format.

Web sites

GNU-Friends, a news site for friends of the GNU Project. GNU-Friends is a news site for friends of the GNU Project. It's based on the Kuro5hin Scoop-backend. GNU-Friends is intended to provide news from the GNU community, especially news that does not generally make it to other news channels.

Section Editor: Forrest Cook.

February 14, 2002



Software Announcements

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