„Grzegorz is very bright person and it's a pleasure to work with him. He knows very well processes related to software development and would fit well to various positions in IT industry. A T-shaped professional!”
*Dear recruiters: I am interested only in 100% remote work.*
I focus on delivering…
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Aktywność i stowarzyszenia:Computer Science Student Scientific Association (.NET and Software Engineering sections)
Scientific scholarship (2002-2004)
Changed major to Computer Science after 1 year.
Licencje i certyfikaty
ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
Wydany -
Certified ScrumMaster®
Scrum Alliance
Wydany WygasaIdentyfikator poświadczenia MEMBER: 000262279
Puppet Architect official PuppetLabs training (2017)
Modern dictionary web application – PWN [Polish] Language Assistant
User-friendly but powerful search engine for multiple dictionaries of the Polish language with a modern desktop and mobile web interface.
(Other features of the system which will make it a true “assistant”, including “ask an expert” and professional proofreading services, are still under development.)
I have worked as a technical project manager, architect and one of developers on this project.Inni autorzyZobacz projekt -
E-learning suite for teaching entrepreneurship - “To be enterprising” project
A set of software to extend the new teaching curriculum for entrepreneurship basics at high schools in Poland: e-learning platform, simulation games, interactive exercises, knowledge base.
Regarded as one of the best innovative educational projects ordered by MEN (Polish Ministry of National Education) (as of December 2013).
I have worked as a technical project director (2010-2011) and as a technical project manager (2011-2014) on this project.Inni autorzyZobacz projekt -
Medical software for diagnosis and therapy of developmental issues - Eduterapeutica
A set of multiple desktop and client-server standalone applications for computer-aided diagnosis and multimedia-assisted therapy of children developmental issues. Includes modules for problems with pronunciation (logopedia), reading (dyslexia), calculation (dyscalculia), bad posture and lack of activity, violence and aggression, emotional problems and addictions.
I have worked as a technical project director (2009-present), technical project manager (2011-2012) and one of developers & UI…A set of multiple desktop and client-server standalone applications for computer-aided diagnosis and multimedia-assisted therapy of children developmental issues. Includes modules for problems with pronunciation (logopedia), reading (dyslexia), calculation (dyscalculia), bad posture and lack of activity, violence and aggression, emotional problems and addictions.
I have worked as a technical project director (2009-present), technical project manager (2011-2012) and one of developers & UI designers (2011) on this project.Inni autorzyZobacz projekt -
Integrated machine translation systems project - iTranslate4.eu
A result of an initiative of 10 leading European machine translation companies (including SYSTRAN, Linguatec and PROMT) to create a joined system for translation of all European languages in form of a free translation website, API, addons (plugins) and additional services with a budget of almost 4 mln EUR, commercialized in the end of development.
Project supported by the EU Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme - ICT PSP.
I have worked on this project as one of…A result of an initiative of 10 leading European machine translation companies (including SYSTRAN, Linguatec and PROMT) to create a joined system for translation of all European languages in form of a free translation website, API, addons (plugins) and additional services with a budget of almost 4 mln EUR, commercialized in the end of development.
Project supported by the EU Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme - ICT PSP.
I have worked on this project as one of technical project managers and API designers.Inni autorzyZobacz projekt -
Comprehensive machine translation software suite - Translatica
Top quality Polish-English/German/Russian machine translator brand consisting of the rule-based back-end system by POLENG (PWN Group) and front-end applications – web (translatica.pl), mobile (Android), desktop (standalone and plugins for browsers and office suites, Windows 8 metro app), server (API).
I have worked as technical project manager (2008-2012), product manager (2009-2011) and one of UI designers (2008-2009) on this project.Inni autorzyZobacz projekt -
Translation agency workflow management system – pwn.pl Translation Centre system
Comprehensive intranet web application for translation projects management: workflow, quotations/cost calculation, order confirmation, cooperation with translators and proofreaders, document generation, reporting (including budget), budget management etc.
I have worked as a technical project manager (2007-2008), technical project director (2008-2011) and one of the UI designers and developers (2007) on this project.Inni autorzyZobacz projekt
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11 osób poleciło użytkownika Greg Dubicki
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