Davide Pollicino

Davide Pollicino

Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Česko
11 tis. sledujících uživatelů Více než 500 spojení

Pár slov o mně

Grounded in a strong Computer Science foundation from Edinburgh Napier University, I…


Pracovní zkušenosti

  • Explicitní: Microsoft


    Praga, Cechia

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    Prague, Czechia

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    United States

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    Prague, Prague, Czechia

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    Prague, Czechia

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    Edimburgo, Scozia, Regno Unito

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    Edinburgh, Regno Unito

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    Londra, Regno Unito

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    Londra, Inghilterra, Regno Unito

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    Edimburgo, Scozia, Regno Unito

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    Edimburgo, Scozia, Regno Unito


Licence a certifikace

Zaregistrujte se nyní a uvidíte všechny certifikace

Dobrovolnické pracovní zkušenosti

  • Explicitní: Taxcoder

    Board Member


    – do současnosti 7 měsíců

    Věda a výzkum

  • Explicitní: adplist.org

    Startup Mentor


    – do současnosti 10 měsíců

    Věda a výzkum


  • Explicitní: LeadTheFuture Mentorship


    LeadTheFuture Mentorship

    – do současnosti 5 let 9 měsíců


    Among the few Italian students selected to be mentees for LeadTheFuture, a leading mentorship non-profit organization for students in STEM, with an acceptance rate below 20%. LeadTheFuture empowers top-performing students to achieve their goals and contribute to their communities by giving them one-on-one guidance from high-impact mentors coming from the world's leading STEM innovation hubs such as Silicon Valley and CERN.

    As Giveback to the community, I organize weekly contests to help…

    Among the few Italian students selected to be mentees for LeadTheFuture, a leading mentorship non-profit organization for students in STEM, with an acceptance rate below 20%. LeadTheFuture empowers top-performing students to achieve their goals and contribute to their communities by giving them one-on-one guidance from high-impact mentors coming from the world's leading STEM innovation hubs such as Silicon Valley and CERN.

    As Giveback to the community, I organize weekly contests to help all the mentees to improve their coding skills.

  • Explicitní: Nova



    – do současnosti 2 roky 6 měsíců

    Věda a výzkum

    Nova is the global top-talent network that connects high-potential individuals amongst themselves and with the best opportunities. Just like sports athletes and artists have agents, our mission is to become the digital agents of the world’s 3% most talented individuals in Business and Tech.

  • Explicitní: topmate.io



    – do současnosti 1 rok 5 měsíců

    Věda a výzkum


  • Explicitní: MentorColor



    – do současnosti 3 roky

    Věda a výzkum

    Mentor students and professionals from underrepresented communities to switch careers, set and reach career goals and join the professional world.

  • Explicitní: GitHub Portfolio

    Competitive Programming Mentor

    GitHub Portfolio

    11 měsíců

    Věda a výzkum

    • Create and share notes about algorithms and data-structure
    • E-Portfolio: http://davidepollicino.com/
    • Pizzeria website: https://github.com/omonimus1/aws-pizzeria-website
    • Vocal Assistant https://github.com/omonimus1/personal_assistant

  • Explicitní: GeeksforGeeks

    Campus Ambassador


    10 měsíců

    Věda a výzkum

    • Responsible for promoting technical workshops and courses.
    • Manage UK and Italian student communities.
    • View my GfG public profile: https://auth.geeksforgeeks.org/user/davidepollicino/practice/

  • Explicitní: Microsoft

    Campus Representative


    7 měsíců

    Věda a výzkum

    • Involved more than 200 students active community focused on knowledge sharing with a high focus on interview preparation.
    • Published Competitive Programming preparation guide, repository with now more than 470 stars on GitHub.
    • Published 2 Medium articles focused on interview preparation and Microsoft Internship.



Ceny a ocenění

  • EnCourage Scholarship

    Edinburgh Napier University

  • 1rst in GeeksForGeeks University Ranking



  • OIS Competitive Programming 2017 - 27th Classified at National Level over 600 teams

    ITIS Vittorio Emanule III

    27th Classified at National Level over 700 +teams at the national competitive programming contest in Italy (in team).


  • English

    Znalost na úrovni rodilého nebo dvojjazyčného mluvčího

  • Italiano

    Znalost na úrovni rodilého nebo dvojjazyčného mluvčího

  • Spanish

    Elementární znalost

  • German

    Elementární znalost


  • LeadTheFuture


    – do současnosti

    Among the few Italian students selected to be mentees for LeadTheFuture, a leading mentorship non-profit organization for students in STEM, with an acceptance rate below 19%. LeadTheFuture empowers top-performing students to achieve their goals and contribute to their communities by giving them one-on-one guidance from high-impact mentors coming from the world's leading STEM innovation hubs such as Silicon Valley and CERN.

  • Thefreecircle GNU Linux User Group


    https://www.thefreecircle.org/en/home/ No profit organization that helps students and professionals to learn more about OpenSource and OpenSource contribution. • Provide free support for hardware and software issues during public events or during the weekly meeting. • Help secondary High School to install or try in-live ParrotOS, a made-in-Italy Operating system.

Přijatá doporučení

12 lidí doporučilo uživatele Davide

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  • Kontaktujte uživatele Davide
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