Group: FSF-Translators
FSF Translators Group
Signup here:
Thank you for being a part of the FSF Translations team! Translations are the easiest way to help spread the free software philosophy globally, and we always have work to do.
For our translations, we work in teams. One person can initiate a translation, but we ask that translation *groups* handle the translation, the review, the rewriting and the last checks in order to guarantee the highest quality. Anyone can make mistakes, and more often than not, two people are better at catching them than one. You can, of course, also split up the work and review each other.
Any time a translation is finished and reviewed, send a message with the plaintext file attached to [email protected] with the names of the translator and the reviewer in cc.
There are two situations in which we have translations:
- FSF staff calls for a translation:
In this case, we will always share the Markdown file in the translation email list (in some cases, we may email you directly). Respond to the list saying you'll take on the translation, or that you'd be happy to check any translation that comes through. Please add the translation to the Markdown file (see below for more tips and guidelines), and share it in the list again for checking. When finished, email [email protected] (see below for more info).
- Own initiative:
When you initiate a translation, please work in Markdown (see below for more tips and guidelines). It is helpful to confirm someone to check your translation in advance, that way you know it will go through the process instantly. Share the Markdown file in the translations list and have it checked. When finished, email [email protected] (see below for more info).
- Note: When you have translated a file and it still needs checking, feel free to upload it to this page below, so you can link to it when necessary, or so that someone who just joins the team in your language can get off to a running start. If you want to upload it somewhere else, like Savannah for example, please feel free, you can add the link to the below list as well.
Some valuable guidelines to keep in mind
- Adding the language to the title helps other translators identify if the email is relevant to them: "[EN-ES] translation xx page"
- Staff can post an article in Markdown or in HTML, not a mix. Markdown is easiest (also for another translator to check your work) but HTML is possible.
- Keep the formatting (including paragraphs, links, and image credits) as close to the original as possible, so it is easier for the staff to upload it to the Web site. If you know one of the links is a page that is also translated to your language, you can replace it to the appropriate link, it helps if you add an identifier at the end, like so: (en).
- When us the translation it is helpful if send along the original Markdown text. That way, when posting the text, the staff can still reference what was taken as the original.
- If you want, you can add your name to the end of the translation: "[original title + link] text was translated by [your nick] and [nick of person that checked the translation]
- Finished translations can be shared in the mailing list, but unless you receive confirmation from one of the staff directly, send your translation to [email protected] as well. In your email state your name, and the name of the person that checked the translation (adding that person to cc helps a lot).
- Credits: We will credit you for doing the translation work if you want, but translations will remain licensed under the license that the original work was published under.
- For more information and general guidelines, also check the general guidelines from the GNU translation teams.
Status of work-in-progress translations
Please see Group:Translation/Status for the current work-in-progress and where you may be of assistance in reviewing work that is currently being translated.
Translation ideas
Visual Resources
Resources that are easy to share are important for the spread of the free software message. We have both videos and images you can work on. Check out the resources page.
The FSF site
Here is a list of important FSF pages that could use a translation:
- The Free Software Supporter
The supporter is sent out monthly, and has a French and Spanish active translation team, any other language would be a fantastic addition, but note it is a monthly activity, so a bit of a commitment. We want to offer any translation continuously. If excited about this, find a team member for your language, make sure that they are subscribed to the supporter list, and email [email protected].
And any of its subpages would be valuable to have in as many languages as possible, including those of the Defective by Design campaign site.
- The FSF Licensing page and any of its subpages
- Our donation and membership pages
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- Our fiscal sponsorship pages (and its subpages)
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(more updates to come)
Other FSF initiatives
These translations need someone to check them
- [upload your file here] -- [link to original page] -- [language]
This page was a featured resource in December 2021.