Study Rooms
Reserve a Study Room Now
Study rooms are for the exclusive use of current Wayne State University students. Before booking, please review policies pertaining to each library. Open study areas are available at all libraries without a reservation.
Book at UGL
UGL Study Room Policy
UGL Study Room Policy
- Study rooms are intended for the use of current Wayne State University affiliates with valid WSU email accounts.
- All rooms are UNLOCKED. The Library System is not responsible for lost property and recommends that students NEVER leave belongings unattended.
- Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Students may book up to 3 one-hour slots per day.
- Reservations cannot be made more than two weeks in advance.
- Once a reservation has been confirmed, occupants may come and go as they please for the duration of the reservation.
- Reservation confirmations are sent via email and students may be asked to show the confirmation email, in the event of a reservation discrepancy.
- Occupants must have their OneCards in their possession, while using the study rooms.
- Occupants are subject to reservation and identity verification by WSU Library staff.
- Room availability is determined by the reservation calendar and NOT by occupancy (or lack thereof). Students using rooms without reservations must relinquish rooms to students with valid reservations.
- Users are expected to adhere to the Library System policies and values.
- Occupants may be held responsible for damage incurred to rooms during their reservation period. Damages discovered should be reported to Library System staff immediately.
- Patrons in violation of the above listed policies are subject to room forfeiture and/or loss of future privileges.
Book at Neef
Neef Study Room Policy
Neef Study Room Policy
- Open study rooms available first come first serve to anyone. Minimum occupancy required.
- Only WSU Law J.D., LL.M., and MSL students may use the Law Library study rooms.
- Keys signed out 3 hours at a time. One three hour renewal allowed providing no other group waiting.
- If there is a minimum occupancy, at least that number of patrons must appear at the circulation desk to receive the key.
- Reservations: Only during reading and exam periods.
- Violation of these rules will lead to loss of group study room privileges.
Book at Shiffman
Shiffman Study Room Policy
Shiffman Study Room Policy
- Study rooms are available first come, first serve to WSU Medical Students and Post Bach students ONLY.
Reservations can be made via EMS* ahead of time.
(* If you are a first year medical student or have never made a reservation through EMS, please contact Jessica Beesley via e-mail at [email protected] and an account will be created for you.
- Room keys are checked out for 4 hours at a time. Renewals are allowed, provided that no one has reserved the space after.
- The Prasad Study Room is reserved for residency interviews and groups with 3+ people. Your group must be present at the time of check out.
- Violation of these rules will lead to loss of group study room privileges.
Book at Applebaum LRC
Applebaum LRC Study Room Policy
Applebaum LRC Study Room Policy
Reservations can be made via EMS* ahead of time.
* If you have never made a reservation through EMS, please contact Jessica Beesley via e-mail at [email protected] and an account will be created for you.
- The LRC houses 11 small group study rooms which require online reservation, a classroom and a large study space with study carrels and tables for up to 50 students.
- The LRC Standards of Behavior is available at the following link: LRC Standards of Behavior
- Violation of these rules will lead to loss of group study room privileges.
Need Help?
Video: How to Reserve a Study Room at UGL
Learn how to reserve a study room at UGL online.