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About Libraries, Museums and Galleries: LMG Management

Libraries, Museums and Galleries

The Libraries, Museums & Galleries (LMG) Executive Team sets LMG policy with accountability for strategic decisions, ensuring LMG’s goals align with those of the wider University. LMG Executive Team is responsible for strategic coordination and management of all the activities of the service, while creating a culture of opportunity, equality, creativity and collaboration for all LMG staff. The LMG Executive Team are based in the Sydney Jones Library.

Libraries, Museums and Galleries Executive Team

Dr Matt Greenhall

Director of Libraries, Museums and Galleries

As Director, Matt provides strategic leadership for Libraries, Museums and Galleries (LMG). He is responsible for setting the overarching vision for LMG services, collections, and spaces, and ensuring that these deliver against the ambitions of the University’s Strategy 2031. Matt works to enhance the impact and visibility of LMG’s activities through building partnerships across the university and with national and international partners. He attends several University committees and provides briefings to the University’s senior leadership team in relation to library, information, and heritage issues and policies.

Matt is an advocate for cross-sector collaboration between the cultural, heritage and academic communities. He is a champion for the transformative effect of education and the role of libraries, museums, and galleries as catalysts of change for individuals, communities, institutions, and society.

Contact Matt: [email protected].

Joanne Fitton

Deputy Director of Libraries, Museums and Galleries

Joanne is Deputy Director of Libraries, Museums, Galleries. As a member of the LMG Executive Team she takes strategic responsibility for development, programming, and care of all Heritage and Cultural collections and services across LMG. She also takes strategic responsibility for development of Teaching and Learning in support of University strategy, with oversight for the KnowHow academic skills programmes.

Joanne leads on the ‘Digital Shift’ of LMG and associated space development programmes.

Contact Joanne: [email protected].

Jane Cooke

Associate Director, Research, Content and Discovery

Jane is the Associate Director for Research, Content and Discovery Section within LMG. She provides strategic direction for the three areas, working closely with expert colleagues to develop our services and collections to meet the needs of the University and the HE Sector. The role also requires Jane to coordinate the three distinct areas to provide access to physical and digital content and making the University’s research outputs available openly. Jane is a member of the LMG Executive Group, where she contributes to the overall strategic direction of LMG.

Jane is a member of several national groups including, the Jisc Content Expert Group, the Jisc Content Learning Expert Group, the Research Libraries UK Content Strategy Network and the Research Libraries Open Strategy Network.

Jane has worked in Academic Libraries and HE for 16 years; previously to that she worked in Secondary Education.

Contact Jane: [email protected].

Alex Widdeson

Associate Director, Engagement and Innovation

As Associate Director Engagement & Innovation, Alex provides leadership, support and strategic direction for Customer Services, Systems, Marketing and Service Development across Libraries, Museums and Galleries.

A member of LMG Executive Group, Alex is the Designated Departmental Safeguarding Contact (DDSC) and Student Conduct and Complaints lead. She also oversees the departmental marketing and training and development budgets.

Contact Alex: [email protected].

Senior Leadership Network

Kayleigh Campbell

Head of Finance and Business Operations

As Head of Finance and Business Operations, Kayleigh is an affiliated member of the Executive Team and provides expert financial and policy advice within the group.

Kayleigh joined the University in December 2013, initially as a member of the Business Support Team. In 2015 she became Finance and Business Improvement Manager and since 2020 has been Head of Finance and Business Operations. Her team are responsible for Finance, Human Resources and overall support to Libraries, Museums & Galleries.

Prior to Liverpool, she was a data analyst and LEAN co-ordinator for a large insurance company, where she produced reports to aid with staffing continuity and drive process efficiencies across two sites.

Contact Kayleigh: [email protected]

Nicola Euston

Head of Museums and Galleries

Nicola is responsible for leading the Museums & Galleries team at the University of Liverpool, which consists of two Accredited Museums: Victoria Gallery & Museum and Garstang Museum of Archaeology. Nicola is responsible for leading and developing the department in line with the University’s strategic plan. She is also the H&S coordinator for Libraries, Museums & Galleries.

Nicola has worked in museums since 2005 and started her first role whilst completing her MA in Arts and Museums Management.

Nicola is a mentor for the Museums Association’s AMA scheme and is also a board member of the Hope Street CIC.

Contact Nicola: [email protected]

Gemma Gannon

Service Development & Strategic Projects Lead

Gemma leads on Service Development and Strategic Projects. This involves strategic leadership and management across a large team of Customer Services, Systems and Marketing colleagues and provision of professional project management leadership across Libraries Museums and Galleries. Gemma has spent over twenty years leading on strategy, development and projects in education and libraries in a variety of settings, including Charity, Further Education, and the Corporate Sector.

Contact Gemma: [email protected]

Lisa Hawksworth

Head of Learning Development and Academic Skills

Lisa has responsibility for the Library’s support for learning, teaching and skills development, including the KnowHow programme of workshops, webinars, and online support materials designed to help students achieve success in their studies and boost their employability.

Contact Lisa: [email protected]

Elizabeth Lowe

Digital Library Services Lead

Elizabeth is the Discovery Lead within the Research, Content and Discovery area of Libraries, Museums and Galleries, overseeing the discovery of both online and physical library collections. Her role involves supporting discovery innovation; leading and coordinating the development of discovery and content systems, with a particular focus on their usability and functionality.

Elizabeth’s professional background is in content acquisition and management, having previously been responsible for Subscriptions and Acquisitions management, as well as content usage data and licencing. She has been responsible for the management of many Discovery interfaces, since implementing first-generation Metalib/SFX, through EDS, to ALMA/PRIMO. Her goal is to enable the effective discovery of LMG resources for the end user and facilitate effortless access to content.

Roy McCready

Systems Manager

Roy is responsible for the technical infrastructure across Libraries, Museums & Galleries.

Roy’s team maintain and develop a wide portfolio of systems that support learning and research across the whole service, from access control and self-service to online enquiry management and booking systems. They also manage the various interactions with University systems and data exchange with external suppliers.

The team have a track record of innovating in the sector, blending library-specific tools with the best and most appropriate technologies from the wider world of computing. They always welcome any opportunities to share their knowledge and collaborate within and beyond the library sector and have enjoyed working with various departments across the University and with partner institutions throughout the region, within RLUK and across a wide variety of academic libraries around the world.

Library profile picture

Head of Customer Services

Contact [email protected] 

Carole Rhodes

Head of Academic Engagement

Carole leads the team of Academic Liaison Librarians based in the Harold Cohen Library. Team members work in partnership with schools and departments in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Engineering. In addition to her overarching role, Carole has subject responsibility for the School of Engineering.

Academic Liaison Librarians ensure that the library’s collections and services support current research and teaching. The team provides tailored and embedded digital fluency and information literacy teaching which supports student’s success throughout their university career and beyond.

Carole has extensive experience of subject librarianship and relationship management. She is a chartered member of CILIP, the Library and Information Association and holds Senior Fellowship of Advance HE. She chairs the University Science and Technology Librarians Group.

Rachel Schulkins

Library Content Services Lead

Rachel is the Library Content Services Lead. With over 17 years of Library experience, 10 of which working in the area of Research, Content and Discovery, she leads the Library’s collection strategy and underpinning services. She is responsible for various areas, such as the Library’s Reading List Support service and associated systems, the eTextbooks initiative, Get it For Me, Interlibrary services, and the collection development of the Library’s owned and subscribed digital and print resources.

Rachel has gained ample experience in managing high-level relationships with publishers and suppliers, collaborating with Library colleagues to inform resource and service planning, and leading projects that offer innovative and forward-looking services that continuously enhance the user-experience. Rachel’s substantial experience of academic Library services is complemented by her background in academia. She has given talks and demonstrations, as well as published on subjects ranging from Keats and Romanticism, Jewish Studies and innovative library practice.

Rachel is the Chair of the National Acquisitions Group and the Deputy Chair of the Academic Libraries North (ALN) Procurement Community of Practice Group, as well as being a member of other national bodies focused on procurement and collection development in Higher Education. She sits on advisory boards and is frequently asked to participate in consultation work around new purchasing models and product development.

Contact Rachel: [email protected]

Laura Smith Brown

Head of Special Collections & Archives

As Head of Special Collections and Archives, Laura is responsible for the strategic development of the collections and services, increasing their visibility and reuse in both physical and digital environments, including the Digital Heritage Lab.

Her role involves implementing a holistic approach to Heritage collections management, broadening audiences and engagement, and developing partnerships to reinterpret the collections.

Laura is a qualified archivist and previously managed archive collections in UK higher education, arts and cultural organisations.

Contact Laura: [email protected]

Martin Wolf

Head of Open Research

Martin Wolf leads the University of Liverpool’s Library Open Research Team. This team is responsible for our strategies and services in support of the university’s shift towards the greater use of open research practices, including support for the management of research data, planning and deployment of resources to support open access publishing, and close liaison with other university departments on systems and processes for capturing and monitoring information on research outputs.

Martin has over two decades’ experience of working in research libraries, having worked previously at Cardiff University and the University of Warwick. He is especially interested in helping support positive change in the scholarly publishing environment.

Contact Martin: [email protected]