Welcome to the LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library online card application. Please use the forms below to apply for a new or replacement library card. Library card registration is offered in-person at every library location or can be done online.

If you have an expired account and would like to renew your card, please call us at 850-606-2665

  • Select the Adult Card Application (16+) if you are 16 years or older and are a Leon County resident or property owner, you attend school in Leon County, or you work for an eligible agency.
  • Select the Juvenile Card Application if the applicant is under 16 years old and you are the parent or guardian assisting the juvenile in filling out the application. You must be a Leon County resident, or live out-of-county but attend school in Leon County.
  • Select the Non-Resident Card Application if you are not a Leon County Resident. Non-Residents are welcome to apply for a library card for a small fee.
  • Select the Replacement Card Application if you already have an account but need to replace your library card.

Please see Eligibility for Library Cards for more information, or visit the circulation desk.

Adult Registration
Juvenile Registration
Non-Resident Registration
Request replacement card

  • Select the Adult Card Application (16+) if you are 16 years or older and are a Leon County resident or property owner, you attend school in Leon County, or you work for an eligible agency.
  • Select the Juvenile Card Application if the applicant is under 16 years old and you are the parent or guardian assisting the juvenile in filling out the application. You must be a Leon County resident, or live out-of-county but attend school in Leon County.
  • Select the Non-Resident Card Application if you are not a Leon County Resident. Non-Residents are welcome to apply for a library card for a small fee.
  • Select the Replacement Card Application if you already have an account but need to replace your library card.

Please see Eligibility for Library Cards for more information, or call us at (850) 606-2665.

Adult Registration
Juvenile Registration
Non-Resident Registration
Request replacement card