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Victor, Winand, 1918-2014

LC control no.n 85318107
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVictor, Winand, 1918-2014
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Variant(s)Victor, Winand, 1918-
Birth date1918-01-13
Death date2014-04-27
Place of birthLimburg (Netherlands)
Place of deathReutlingen (Germany)
Field of activityPainting Graphic arts
Profession or occupationPainters Graphic artists
Found inHis Winand Victor, 1983: t.p. (Winand Victor) p. 5 (b. 1/13/18)
AKL online, May 13, 2020 (Winand Anton Victor; born January 13, 1918, Limburg; died April 27, 2014, Reutlingen; painter, graphic artist)