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Peres, Shimon, 1923-2016

LC control no.n 79138880
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPeres, Shimon, 1923-2016
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Variant(s)Persḳi, Shimʻon, 1923-2016
Persky, Shimon, 1923-2016
Bīrīz, Shīmūn, 1923-2016
Peres, Schimon, 1923-2016
פרס, שמעון, 1923-2016
Perski, Szymon, 1923-2016
بيريز، شمعون، 1923-2016
Перэс, Шымон, 1923-2016
Perės, Shymon, 1923-2016
Перес, Шимон, 1923-2016
Peres, Šimon, 1923-2016
Πέρες, Σιμόν, 1923-2016
Peresz, Simón, 1923-2016
Peres, Szimon, 1923-2016
希蒙·佩雷斯, 1923-2016
佩雷斯, 希蒙, 1923-2016
Peileisi, Ximeng, 1923-2016
シモン・ペレス, 1923-2016
ペレス, シモン, 1923-2016
Peresu, Shimon, 1923-2016
Other standard no.
Associated countryIsrael
Birth date1923-08-16
Death date2016-09-28
Place of birthVishneva (Minskai︠a︡ voblastsʹ, Belarus)
Place of deathTel Aviv (Israel)
Merkaz ha-refuʼi ʻa. sh. Shiba
AffiliationIsrael. Miśrad ha-ḥuts
Israel. Miśrad ha-ḥuts
Israel. Miśrad ha-otsar
Israel. Miśrad ha-ḥuts
Israel. Miśrad ha-biṭaḥon
Israel. Miśrad ha-taḥburah
Israel. Keneset
Ḳadimah (Political party : Israel)
Mifleget ha-ʻavodah ha-Yiśreʼelit
Rafi (Political party)
Mifleget poʻale Erets-Yiśraʼel
Israel. President (2007-2014 : Peres)
Israel. Prime Minister (1995-1996 : Peres) Israel. Prime Minister (1984-1986 : Peres) Israel. Prime Minister (1977 : Peres)
Profession or occupationPresidents
Prime ministers
Prime ministers
Finance ministers Foreign ministers Cabinet officers Legislators Statesmen Politicians
Nobel Prize winners
Special noteNon-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inHis ha-Shalav ha-ba, 1965.
His ha-Mahpekhah ha-madaʻit ṿehe-ḥazon ha-ḥevrati, 1983: t.p. (Shimʻon Peres)
Shīmūn Bīrīz yaʻtarif-- wa-yuʼakkid, 1995.
Die Versöhnung, 1993: t.p. (Schimon Peres)
USA today, September 27, 2016, viewed online September 27, 2016 (Shimon Peres, Israel's most senior statesman who fought in the country's war of independence, died Wednesday [September 28, 2016]; died in a Tel Aviv hospital after suffering a stroke Sept. 13)
Wikipedia, September 27, 2016 (Shimon Peres (Hebrew: שמעון פרס‎‎ = Shimʻon Peres; born Szymon Perski; 2 August 1923-28 September 2016) was a Polish-born Israeli statesman; ninth President of Israel, 15 July 2007-24 July 2014; Prime Minister of Israel, 4 November 1995-18 June 1996, Acting: 4 November 1995-22 November 1995; 13 September 1984-20 October 1986; 22 April 1977-21 June 1977 Acting (unofficial); born Wiszniew, Poland (now Belarus); died Sheba Medical Center, Tel HaShomer, Tel Aviv, Israel)
New York times website, viewed September 28, 2016 (in obituary published Sept. 27: Shimon Peres; b. Shimon Persky, Aug. 16, 1923, Vishniewa, Poland [now in Belarus]; his parents took him to Palestine when he was 11; d. Wednesday [September 28, 2016], Sheba Medical Center, a Tel Aviv area hospital [in Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan], aged 93; one of the last surviving pillars of Israel's founding generation, who did more than anyone to build up his country's formidable military might, then worked as hard to establish a lasting peace with Israel's Arab neighbors)
Wikidata, October 3, 2016 (Shimon Peres; Israeli politician, 8th prime minister and 9th president of Israel; Arabic: شمعون بيريز = Shīmūn Bīrīz; Belarusian: Шымон Перэс = Shymon Perės; Bulgarian: Шимон Перес = Shimon Peres; Czech: Šimon Peres; German: Schimon Peres; Greek: Σιμόν Πέρες = Simon Peres; Hungarian: Simón Peresz; Japanese: シモン・ペレス = Shimon Peresu; Polish: Szimon Peres; Chinese: 希蒙·佩雷斯 = Ximeng Peileisi)
Web NDL Authorities, October 3, 2016 (Peres, Shimon; ペレス, シモン = Peresu, Shimon)
Associated languageheb eng fre