
Empowering AI Innovation

Community of Makers, building with state-of-the-art, modern Artificial Intelligence. Join a Hackathon event today!

Psst.. all events are free to attend

Upcoming AI Hackathon

Whether you're an AI / tech industry professional or just have a passion for game-changing artificial intelligence technologies, you're welcome at our hackathons. At lablab, we're all about building a community of makers and innovators creating the AI Native future.

Hackathon Llama Impatto Roma


Hackathon Llama Impatto Roma

🌍 Affronta le sfide sociali del nostro tempo grazie alle funzionalità avanzate del modello Llama 3.1, imparando e collaborando insieme ai nostri mentors e agli esperti di Meta e dei principali leader del settore dell’IA. 🚀 Accetta la sfida: come sfruttare l'intelligenza artificiale per migliorare il benessere generale dei cittadini, affrontando aree chiave come la salute, i servizi sociali, l’ambiente, i trasporti, la pubblica sicurezza e il dialogo con la pubblica amministrazione. 📅 Unisciti a noi online o di persona presso la sede di Meta Binario F a Roma dal 29 novembre al 1 dicembre. L’evento è dedicato esclusivamente alle persone che vivono in Italia. 🌍 Il supporto sarà disponibile sia in inglese che in italiano. 🏆 Puoi ricevere fino a $5.000 in premi e l'opportunità di ampliare il tuo progetto ad alto impatto sociale e partecipare al programma esclusivo ‘Llama Impact Grant’! ⭐ I 2 team vincenti potranno partecipare a un esclusivo programma di incubazione digitale Meta & lablab NEXT e saranno invitati, a nostre spese, per 2 giorni a visitare i centri di ricerca internazionali e incontrare gli esperti Meta. ⭐ L’iniziativa è patrocinata dall’Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AGID), dall’Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale (ACN) e dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni dell’Università di Roma, La Sapienza (DIET). 🏆 La cerimonia di premiazione si svolgerà lunedì 2 dicembre alle ore 17:00 a Binario F, e prevede la partecipazione di alti rappresentanti istituzionali, di AgID, di ACN, e del Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy.

Join founders and talent from organizations like

JP Morgan


With our AI hackathons and events, we want to motivate talent to innovate with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence. Our approach is different as we focus on innovating with technologies without stating a specific problem to solve. We work closely with AI labs and other AI communities while also providing a platform that facilitates the whole experience and removes friction for people worldwide to unite and create incredible new solutions. We foster a fast-growing community of AI professionals and early adopters originating from other types of domain expertise.

The LabLab Framework

Together, we are building the best online community and experience for modern artificial intelligence with the purpose of putting innovation on the afterburner.

How we do it:

Events are organized in a friendly but competitive spirit where you will work in teams to innovate with given AI technology as your core. We provide you with insights, boilerplates and domain expertise in the form of mentors.


$ Start

Each event will feature a startup presentation viewed via Discord and Twitch. Startup presentation topics include the AI technology we will use, the event schedule, and your questions. Lastly, we try to get you all pumped to build disturbing solutions

$ While

During events, we do interviews & talks that are streamed on Twitch. Our platform allows teams to request help from mentors with a push of a button. We also lift in attending teams on Twitch during the event for interviews.

$ End

Each event ends with team presentations/pitches that we stream on Twitch. During this session, each team gets 5min to present/showcase their solutions, followed by 5min questions from mentors & audience.

Always in the loop

With LabLab, we want to create the boiler-room for innovation. We do this by attracting talent and lifting in the most game-changing AI technologies and solutions.

No bullshit, just the real deal

Cooperate with leading AI labs and tech organizations to unlock state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies. We are interested in industry-changing solutions regardless of it's new approach to Reinforcement Learning or a new API from OpenAI.
Our artificial intelligence innovation flow

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Expand your knowledge of AI and learn from the best in the industry. Our blog articles are written by industry experts and are a great way to learn about the latest AI technologies.

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