Having lived in Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and Japan, I’ve had the privilege of…
Yesterday we opened our new Miro HQ in Amsterdam, and next month we’ll open our Miro Discovery Center (MDC) for customers! Just like Miro, this is a…
Yesterday we opened our new Miro HQ in Amsterdam, and next month we’ll open our Miro Discovery Center (MDC) for customers! Just like Miro, this is a…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
🌈 I'm honored to serve as a judge at Women's AI Day on March 2, 2025 @Tokyo Innovation Base (TIB). This event brings together female leaders…
🌈 I'm honored to serve as a judge at Women's AI Day on March 2, 2025 @Tokyo Innovation Base (TIB). This event brings together female leaders…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
On this week’s episode, we’re doing things slightly differently. For the first time, we have a guest host who takes to the driver’s seat for this…
On this week’s episode, we’re doing things slightly differently. For the first time, we have a guest host who takes to the driver’s seat for this…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
Christian Vocational Academy
Educator/ Administrator
VEA (Valores En Accion)
– 3年
Organising Education centres (Sometimes constructing) for underprivileged families and street Kids. Activities would include: Teaching English, hygiene and other life skills. As well as organising the delivery of relief goods and other donated education materials.
Location: Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela
Early Learning
New Market Award
Awarded the New Market Award (2021) by Miro's recruiting organization for the achievement of helping to launch the Miro Japan office and for hiring the first key executive team for Japan.
JAPAN People Team MVP
Won MVP for the Japan People Organization at the global People team offsite in LA.
Top 10 performer (Biller) for 2013
Robert Walters Japan
Awarded to the top 10 performing (Billing) consultants in Japan
Employee of the quarter
– 現在Developing a SaaS platform for schools and parents to which aims to create an environment that nurtures growth and encourages creativity in children. With a target for Preschool and Elementary level schools the platform also acts as a board to increase parent/school communication. Main areas of responsibilities are: - Product development - Design - Strategy - Business development
起業家、元クラウドワークス取締役副社長兼COO、そして二児の父親としても広く知られる Shuzo Narita…
起業家、元クラウドワークス取締役副社長兼COO、そして二児の父親としても広く知られる Shuzo Narita…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
Double joy this week! I made my third placement of the year! Made possible through a fantastic collaboration with my company partner, an amazing…
Double joy this week! I made my third placement of the year! Made possible through a fantastic collaboration with my company partner, an amazing…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
I had the pleasure of joining Ms. Tokunaga on "ABEMA" - AbemaTV, Inc. today to discuss critical issues shaping our future—climate change, the recent…
I had the pleasure of joining Ms. Tokunaga on "ABEMA" - AbemaTV, Inc. today to discuss critical issues shaping our future—climate change, the recent…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
We are extremely excited to announce Shunya Kimura, Chief Technology Officer at Mercari, as a speaker for Digital Garden Tokyo 2025! Kimura-san…
We are extremely excited to announce Shunya Kimura, Chief Technology Officer at Mercari, as a speaker for Digital Garden Tokyo 2025! Kimura-san…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
Really honored to have been a guest host on the Great Business Minds podcast, leading a fantastic discussion with Internet Hall of Fame inductee…
Really honored to have been a guest host on the Great Business Minds podcast, leading a fantastic discussion with Internet Hall of Fame inductee…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
DynaMeetのインターンは重要なメンバーの一員。B2Bマーケティングや営業に積極的に関わり、スタートアップ企業の最前線で活躍しています!🚀 先日のチームディナーでは、仕事のリアルやキャリアについて語り合い、学びの多い時間になりました。 皆さまの職場では、チームメンバーとのコミュニケーションや成…
DynaMeetのインターンは重要なメンバーの一員。B2Bマーケティングや営業に積極的に関わり、スタートアップ企業の最前線で活躍しています!🚀 先日のチームディナーでは、仕事のリアルやキャリアについて語り合い、学びの多い時間になりました。 皆さまの職場では、チームメンバーとのコミュニケーションや成…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
The list of companies and organizations attending Digital Garden Tokyo 2025 continues to expand, reflecting the strong momentum behind Japan’s first…
The list of companies and organizations attending Digital Garden Tokyo 2025 continues to expand, reflecting the strong momentum behind Japan’s first…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
私事ですが2月1日にDynaMeet株式会社に転職いたしました! スタートアップ企業ということもあり、イチから始めることも多く、学びの多い日々を過ごしています。より便利なサービスをご提供できるよう、チームで一緒に作りあげていく環境にワクワクが止まりません。 実は、カジュアル面談をさせていただいた…
私事ですが2月1日にDynaMeet株式会社に転職いたしました! スタートアップ企業ということもあり、イチから始めることも多く、学びの多い日々を過ごしています。より便利なサービスをご提供できるよう、チームで一緒に作りあげていく環境にワクワクが止まりません。 実は、カジュアル面談をさせていただいた…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
🧠 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝗻 𝗩𝗖 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘀? 𝗟𝗲𝘁’𝘀 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗶𝘁 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻. I recently posted about How VC Funds Work…
🧠 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝗻 𝗩𝗖 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘀? 𝗟𝗲𝘁’𝘀 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗶𝘁 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻. I recently posted about How VC Funds Work…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
DynaMeet’s First Press Release Is Live! Congratulations on this exciting milestone! It may be a small step, but witnessing such a talented team come…
DynaMeet’s First Press Release Is Live! Congratulations on this exciting milestone! It may be a small step, but witnessing such a talented team come…
Akihide Naritaさんがシェアしました
☺️💖 I'm delighted to share that after just one day (!) of opening applications, we've received an overwhelming response, and our event is now at…
☺️💖 I'm delighted to share that after just one day (!) of opening applications, we've received an overwhelming response, and our event is now at…
Akihide Naritaさんが「いいね!」しました
Akihide Naritaという名前のその他のユーザー
LinkedInにはAkihide Naritaという名前のユーザーが1人います
Akihide Naritaという名前のその他のユーザーを表示