🗒THURSDAY GATHERING #328 Review (3/15) Last week’s Thursday Gathering featured sessions inspired by International Women’s Day on March 8, as well as collaborations and reflections from the Global Gathering held on February 27. With over 300 participants in total, including more than 200 joining in person, the venue was buzzing with networking from the early hours. One of the highlights was the “Hamamatsu Collaboration” session, hosted by the City of Hamamatsu. Speakers who are directly involved in startup and local business collaborations in Hamamatsu shared insights into their projects and the unique appeal of these partnerships through a panel discussion. The session drew a large audience, reflecting the strong interest in Hamamatsu’s business ecosystem and initiatives. #ThursdayGathering #VenCafeTokyo
Venture Café Tokyo
Minato City、Tokyo5,254人のフォロワー
Connecting Innovators to Make Things Happen
Come join our #ThursdayGathering event: Every Thursday in Toranomon Hills 15F/16F (〒105-6390 Tokyo, Minato-ku Toranomon 1-23-1) 4 - 9pm (Free for the general public to come & enjoy some great sessions & networking) Our (Weekly) Programs: http://venturecafetokyo.org/event-calendar/ Sign Up: https://venturecafetokyo.peatix.com/ Our Mission “connecting innovators to make things happen” 魅力的な空間、プログラム、物語の提供を通じて、イノベーター同士を結び付けることで、イノベーション・エコシステムの向上を目指します。 Who we connect 起業家、起業を志す人、企業内新規事業担当者、投資家、教育者、政策担当者等、エコシステムに内包される多様なイノベーター達を繋げます。 何よりも強調したいのは、Venture Caféは開放的で誰もが安心して参加できるコミュニティであるということです。我々はその様な空間を実現する為に大切にしたいことを言語化し、Community Credoとして掲げています。 What we do 毎週木曜日16時~21時に開催するThursday Gatheringと呼ばれるプログラムを中心として、様々なプログラム/イベントを通じてイノベーター同士を結び付けます。 同時に、法人向けにもCaptains of Innovationと呼ばれる会員制プログラムを提供しています。会員企業のニーズに応じて、これまでに培った知見とグローバルなネットワークを駆使し、高度にカスタイマイズされたプログラムを提供することで、企業のイノベーションを加速させます。 COMMUNITY CREDO 想像してみてください、皆にとって最高のイノベーション・コミュニティを。Venture Caféは誰もが挑戦し、失敗し、学び、成長し、そして繋がることのできる快適で安全なコミュニティです。(*) 以下に記載するThe Venture Café Credoは皆さんの行動を束縛するものではありません。コミュニティの皆が気持ちよく過ごすためのちょっとしたルールのようなものです。 1. Have Fun!(とにかく楽しもう!) 2. Make Yourself At Home(家にいるような気持ちで) 3. Contribute in a positive way that creates a safe and respectful community(互いに尊敬しあえる安心感のある場を実現しよう) 4. Become an active participant in our experiment(ここでは失敗することを恐れず、実験しよう) 5. Be curious(好奇心を持って) 6. You are part of this community, help build it(あなた自身がコミュニティなのです) 7. Connect responsibly and respectfully(大人な態度でネットワークしよう) 8. We are not a venue for hard selling(ここは商談会の場ではありません) _____________________ Venture Café Global Our mission is to broaden, connect, and support the innovation community through a public network of spaces and programs to help anyone with an idea succeed. Our vision is to connect Tokyo (& Japan) along with our global network - based individuals, communities and organizations into one tightly woven successful innovation network.
- ウェブサイト
Venture Café Tokyoの外部リンク
- 業種
- 市民団体・社会団体
- 会社規模
- 社員 2 - 10名
- 本社
- Minato City、Tokyo
- 種類
- 非営利団体
- 創立
- 2018
- 専門分野
- Start Up、Innovation、Entrepreneur、Entrepreneurship、Community Building、Educational Programs、Education、Tokyo、Japan、Business、Venture Cafe、Coaching、Mentoring、METI、Thursday Gathering
Venture Café Tokyoの社員
Venture Café Tokyoさんが再投稿しました
It’s been almost two weeks since I had the privilege of joining the Hire Planner IT Tech Meet-Up event as a speaker. It wouldn’t be untrue to say that leading up to the event, I was more than just a little nervous. But I’m glad that I said “YES” to the opportunity. Reflecting back on the experience, I have a few key takeaways: 1. Embracing New Challenges: While I’m no stranger to presentations, facilitating a panel discussion was a new challenge for me. The topic—AI, automation, and Japan’s drone industry—was especially exciting, as I had recently earned my national drone operator’s license in Japan. Finding the other panelists, doing the research and preparation were all intense, but it also taught me how to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT for more efficient research and collaboration with my fellow panelists. I also had a lot of support in this process from Fabien BROGARD CIPRIANI, so thanks, Fabien! 2. Building Meaningful Connections: Another thing that stood out was the event's unique networking vibe. The theme was technology and AI, but the irony isn’t lost on me that this was an in-person event. Even as technology advances and eases some of the burden’s of our lives, nothing beats the human touch. Moreover, while traditional networking events focus on the transactional exchanging of business cards, for me, the theme-based panel discussions created a natural environment where organic conversations and authentic connections could be made; conversations and connections I hope to continue and maintain in the future. 3. Considering Collaborations: Coming to an event like this also reminds me that I am not alone. Each of us can become specialists, grinding day in and day out as we live a siloed existence in our various industries. But when I attended this event I met many other professionals who are tackling many of the same challenges I am. Others have developed solutions or products, for which I think, “Hmm, I wonder how that my solve problem X that I have”, while yet others have obvious expertise that I don’t. I began to see how building a network is vital to success in business. Business is collaboration. At the time that I agreed to speak, it was a just simple YES, yet the IT Tech Meetup was just in its genesis. I didn’t know how the event would evolve or what to expect. But the opportunity led to so much personal and professional growth—more knowledge, new skills, and valuable connections. I’m excited about the future opportunities to work together and contribute to Japan’s future. THANKS AGAIN! to the Hire Planner team for allowing me to be a part of such an awesome event! #HirePlanner #TechMeetUp #ITEvent #ITRecruiting #TechCareers #Networking #TokyoTech
The Biggest Pitch Night of the Year is Here! Are You In? 🚀 1 MONTH LEFT! Your idea could change the world! Are you ready? This is your chance to take the stage in front of 2,000 innovators, showcase your vision, and take the first step toward making it a reality! Looking for people like this! Anyone 1️⃣ Who has an idea to make the world better 2️⃣ Who can participate in person on May 7th (Wed.) 3️⃣ Who submitted their application by April 11 11:59 PM JST (Fri.) ⏳ Applications close in 1 month - Your idea deserves the spotlight – Apply before it's too late! 🔗 Apply here: https://lnkd.in/dq_C2xG8 Tag a friend with a bold idea and let’s make innovation happen! #RPN #ROCKETPITCHNIGHTULTIMATE #CountDown #VentureCaféTokyo #VCT
Venture Café Tokyoさんが再投稿しました
オランダ - 国境を越えたオープンイノベーションの強み イノベーションの分野で国境を越えたスタートアップ エコシステムが成長の強力な原動力となる中、欧州と日本の連携は益々深まっています。グローバル規模でイノベーションを拡大するため、日本企業はオランダで世界クラスの研究を進め、理想的なパートナーシップを築いています。現在オランダで活動する日本企業の子会社は約800社にのぼります。 オランダ経済省 企業誘致局 (Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency) の駐日代表 Edo de Ronde は、Venture Café の #GlobalGathering Tokyo '25 の中のセッション「国境のないイノベーション:グローバルスケールアップにおける欧州と日本の役割」に参加し、CIC (Cambridge Innovation Center) のディレクター Masaru Nagura 氏によるファシリテーションのもと、その他3名のスピーカー(在日フィンランド商工会議所 事務局長 Antti Kunnas、バイエルン州駐日事務所 代表 Susanne Schierok、ポーランド日本財団 代表 Radoslaw Tyszkiewicz)とともにパネルディスカッションを行い、オランダの研究開発が、協働的に行われる仕組みによって生まれるイノベーションの強みや、日本との425年にわたる信頼関係とその強固な連携ついて紹介しました。 Venture Café は、米国マサチューセッツ州の(ケンブリッジ・イノベーション・センター)でシンプルなアイデアから始まり、現在世界6カ国11都市で展開されるグローバルネットワークです。起業家や投資家、研究者、学生などの多様なイノベーターをつなげ、イノベーションを社会に創出するコミュニティを構築しています。ボストンから始まったCICは次にオランダのロッテルダム CIC Rotterdam へ拠点を広げ、その後 CIC Japan へと橋渡しが続いています。Global Gathering Tokyo '25 には CIC 創業者兼 CEO の Timothy Rowe 氏も参加していました。またCICの東京オフィス受付には、オランダから贈呈したデルフトタイルと、イベント当日に開花したロイヤル アマリリスが飾られていました。 デジタル トランスフォーメーション、持続可能性、ディープ テックなど、共通の優先事項に焦点を当て、日本企業のイノベーターがオランダのエコシステムでR&Dコラボレーションを通じ、どのような成功を遂げているか、実用的な戦略についてご興味はありますか?オランダ経済省 企業誘致局 (NFIA Japan) の Edo de Ronde、Kahoru Nagatani が永続的なオランダとのパートナーシップを構築する方法について、ご相談をお受けしています。お気軽にお問い合わせください。 #InvestInHolland #NFIAJapan #オランダ経済省企業誘致局 Rotterdam Partners #欧州事業展開 #直接投資 #社会課題解決
Venture Café Tokyoさんが再投稿しました
🎌 Tokyo, you were something special. 🍙 🏯 From the moment I landed, I was met with nothing but kindness, warmth, and an energy that made my short time there feel incredibly meaningful. I want to take a moment to thank everyone who welcomed me so graciously; from the Venture Café Global Institute, Venture Café Tokyo, Venture Café Global Institute, Venture Café Cambridge, and CIC Japan teams to the incredible organizers and attendees who made me feel like I truly belonged (more on this later). 🏯 I was exhausted from travel, but that didn’t matter. On Wednesday, I arrived straight from the airport to Yokohama. I caught the tail end of their visit to the YOKOHAMA CONNÉCT powered by Venture Café Tokyo CONNECT space. I was warmly welcomed by Nathan Plummer and Hytham Bakir, who invited me to join the leadership group for dinner, where I met incredible people from all over. That same night, Alexander Cheung helped me tow around my carry-on, Tom Dodge kept me awake with great topics, and yes, Yusuke Matsuo helped pick my dinner since my brain was completely fried. These small acts of care mean the world. I learned so much about them, their local initiatives, including that TSMC is setting up shop in Fukuoka! After that, we walked together to the train station, and I somehow managed to get to my hotel without my roaming plan being turned on yet - because, well, you know, shtuff happens. 🏯 On Thursday, the Global Gathering was in the afternoon and into the evening, and it was incredible. I jumped into my "floor connector" role, just like I do at Venture Café Phoenix as Ambassador, chatting with incredible folks like the chingonas at Venture Café Monterrey, Kristen Plymale, Andreas Stillman, Dominika Duda (she/her), and many more. There were incredible sessions, conversations, connections, and the Pitch2Tokyo competition, in which Jannalee Johnson from #VCPHX won the Tokyo Award! I loved the Global directors session "Activating Locally, Connecting Innovators Globally." I couldn't nod in agreement harder. It's about the systems we build and the people in them, it's not just the tech or the funding, it's about global impact. 🏯After the event wrapped up at 9, I was invited to join the organizers for pizza at the CIC Global Headquarters, which turned into yet another unforgettable moment. We had great conversations, and I got an event T-shirt, which was just a perfect way to close the night. The event itself was electric, filled with brilliant minds coming together to push ideas forward - it was one of those moments where you sit back and realize, these are my people. 🏯The best part? Some of the amazing humans I met here also planned to visit Bangkok! Yup, it was a BKK sequel! More on that in the next post. 💙 But for now, Tokyo, ありがとう (thank you). 💙 🏯 #VentureCaféTokyo #VentureCaféGlobalGathering #GlobalConnections #Innovation #Collaboration #Gratitude #GG25 #MakeThingsHappen #InnovationBridge
【March 13th (Thu.)|J-Startup Night(TG #329)】 Since the launch of J-Startup in 2018, we have held the “J-Startup Hour” during Thursday Gathering for almost 7 years, including the launch event and the unveiling of selected companies. This week's Thursday Gathering will be a special one-night J-Startup Night session on the future of the startup ecosystem as seen through the 160-odd times the event has been held! We will have a variety of speakers who will talk about the future of the startup ecosystem. This week's session list: ・The Current State of Incentive Compensation Supporting Startup Growth ・Towards the Creation of Regionally Originated Deep Tech Startups Expanding Globally ・Pitch session by J-Startup selected companies Part.1 ・Expectations and Potential for Startups in the Field of Dual-Use Technology ・Collaboration Between Large Corporations and Startups: Perspectives and Insights from Both Sides ・Women Entrepreneurs Session! Approaches to Early-Stage Business Development with Growth in Mind ・Pitch session by J-Startup selected companies Part.2 ・Perspectives on the U.S., Southeast Asia, and Europe from Japan-Based Deep Tech Startups For further details, please visit the Venture Café Tokyo website link provided below. It’s an excellent opportunity to kick off your networking. We can’t wait to see you there, both in-person and online! 📮Details & Pre-registration: https://lnkd.in/g79FkDaw If you are attending in-person, please click the “Sign up” button at the top of the page. If you are attending online, please register at the session page you plan to attend. #VenCafeTokyo #ThursdayGathering
🚀 Venture Café Tokyo's Entrepreneurship Program "Community Campus" is excited to present the Demo Day for the Fifth Cohort! 🚀 🚨 Over the past two months, 15 diverse participants have shaped their business ideas through the COMMUNITY CAMPUS program and are now ready to take the stage! Join us for the Fifth Cohort’s pitch session to witness their growth in entrepreneurship. PRE-REGISTER HERE: ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dJYtb2n4 Date: Friday, March 21st 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (entry opening at 6 PM) Venue: CIC Tokyo 16F American Room *For pre-registered participant, an entry pass to CIC Tokyo will be shared with you via Peatix before the event. Language: English Participation Fee: Free Seats Available: 30 attendees (first come first served) 【Commentators】 ・Tailor Innovations Inc., CEO / Startup Lady, President: Moeko Suzuki ・Endeavor Japan, Operation Manager: Alex Odajima 【Information on the Pitch Presenters and COMMUNITY CAMPUS】 Please refer to the bottom of the website below. ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dzAGi_s9 【About In-person Particiaption】 Only those who have registered for the "On-site Participation Ticket" can attend in person. Please register through this event page, and we will send you an admission pass for the venue at a later date.
Venture Café Tokyoさんが再投稿しました
What happens when passionate innovators from around the world come together? 🌍 Magic. Connections. Ideas that shape the future. Venture Café Global Gathering Tokyo '25 was a powerful reminder that innovation isn’t just about technology or funding - it’s about the people, the conversations and the communities we build! A huge thank you to everyone who joined, contributed and made this experience unforgettable. Let's keep building bridges and making things happen! 💥 Hungry for more? Join us in Berlin on Thursday (March 13th)! Link to the full agenda in bio! Hannah Payette Peterson Rizgar Saltik #VCGI #Innovation #GlobalGathering #EcosystemBuilding #MakeThingsHappen #Tokyo #GlobalCollaboration Venture Café Global Institute Nathan Plummer Kristen Plymale Hytham Bakir Andreas Stillman Venture Café Tokyo Ryusuke Komura Takuo Urushihara Venture Café Fukuoka Venture Café Berlin Venture Café Warsaw Foundation Venture Café London Venture Café Cambridge Venture Café Philadelphia Venture Café Monterrey Venture Café Phoenix
Venture Café Tokyoさんが再投稿しました
Feeling incredibly honored to have spoken at not one but somehow two Venture Café Tokyo events! Last week’s #GlobalGathering was absolutely electric ⚡🦾, and it was equally exciting to join the MassRobotics panel this Thursday. I had the chance to connect with so many brilliant minds in robotics and business, and I was especially impressed by my co-panelists Mike Sudano, Russell Nickerson, Liza Dahiya, and Ndumiso Dlamini, PhD. Huge thanks to Mike and Russell for the opportunity to chat out about robots, and to Liza and Ndumiso for keeping the discussion deep and insightful! Already looking forward to the next one! 🚀 #Robotics #Innovation #Networking #MassRobotics #RoboticsxTokyo
Thank you to all who joined us at "Thursday Gathering #328"!! This week's Thursday Gathering featured a session on collaborative projects that have emerged from partnerships between local businesses and startups! Other sessions included one on the theme of International Women's Day on March 8, and another on the activities of women in various places 🎤 We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, March 13th, at "J-Startup Night: From “boom” to “culture. An evening to experience the latest trends in startups. (TG #329)"! #VenCafeTokyo #ThursdayGathering