Ambassy is designed to help parkrun Regional Ambassadors (RAs) to allocate events.
The tool allows you to upload a CSV file containing the names of the Event Ambassadors you support and the events they support. These files are processed in your browser and no data is sent to any servers. The soure code is available on GitHub for inspection (and improvements are welcome).
The tool will then display the events on a map and in a table. Each parkrun event is represented by a marker on the map. The markers are coloured according to the Event Ambassador allocated to the event. There is a Voronoi layer representing Regional Ambassadors. The table should be self-explanatory.

I found this useful (and a fun programming challenge) as an RA and I publish it in the hope you do too.
Upload CSV Files
Please upload your files here.
Sample CSV files are provided for you to download, inspect and populate: