Foto di copertina di ACTide eClinical Ecosystem and Data Management Solution
ACTide eClinical Ecosystem and Data Management Solution

ACTide eClinical Ecosystem and Data Management Solution

Servizi IT e consulenza IT

Since 2008, ACTide is the complete solution for CROs, Pharma, Universities, and Research Institutes around the world.

Chi siamo

The ACTide ecosystem is a powerful 21 CFR Part 11 compliant data capture and collaboration environment that enables not just timely but real-time processes with inspection-ready audit trails. Our integrated data management & monitoring tools are designed to make your studies flexible and scalable. The ACTide ecosystem: eCRF A flexible, role-based data capture system to safely collect study data in its compliant and validated DB. eTMF A secure and practical access point for study TMF documentation, supporting all essential document processes and reducing TMF management timelines, costs and risks. ePRO A web-based module to capture eDiaries and Questionnaires data within the same database of the eCRF with the convenience of using your own device of choice. CRA TOOLS A robust set of tools to centrally verify study data with ease, from multiple points of view and even remotely. DATA MANAGER TOOLS A revolutionary set of tools that allows data controls to be set and run at any time in the background rather than on the eCRF where Investigators need speedy and simple forms. SAFETY TOOLS A fully configurable reporting system that delivers an intuitive insight of how patient data evolves over time. PROJECT MANAGER TOOLS A new paradigm for data management that delivers hands-on ability to maintain tight and responsive control over the study data (e.g. charts, KPIs, etc). DESIGNER A powerful console to help you create the latest eCRF layout, inline checks, and database structure or re-use archived ones for speedy prototypes and finalized environments.

Sito Web
Servizi IT e consulenza IT
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
EDC, Data Management, eCRF, Online randomization (IWRS), AE and SAE management, SAE safety database, Drug Management, Online Medical Coding (MedDRA, WHO Drug Data Dictionary), Double Data Entry and reconciliation, Monitoring tools eQuery management, Query Builder for information retrieval, KPI Dashboard, Randomization and Trial Supply Management, Business Intelligence, Safety database, Medical Coding Suite, eTMF, ePRO, CRA Tools, Data Manage Tools, Safety Tools, Project Manager Tools e Designer


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