Tiziano Tassi

Tiziano Tassi

Milano, Lombardia, Italia
47.124 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


In my 15+ years of professional experience, I have leveraged digital solutions for…

Articoli di Tiziano

  • Creators’ Voice: Andrea.

    Creators’ Voice: Andrea.

    Articolo pubblicato originariamente su Alla Grande da Gaetano De Marco. Scheda Andrea Panzeri, 25 anni di età, (proprio…

  • Questo è un paese per giovani.

    Questo è un paese per giovani.

    Lettera aperta a tutti gli studenti che hanno "le maniche rimboccate". Questo è il discorso che ho pronunciato ai miei…

    10 commenti
  • Sono un "Millennial"​, e no, non credo nel remote working. 🤔

    Sono un "Millennial"​, e no, non credo nel remote working. 🤔

    Qualche giorno fa sono stato taggato in un post da un amico che chiedeva un parere linkando un articolo su Inc…

    23 commenti
  • 4 Lezioni che ho imparato dalla Silicon Valley. E un obiettivo da raggiungere insieme.

    4 Lezioni che ho imparato dalla Silicon Valley. E un obiettivo da raggiungere insieme.

    Ho appena trascorso tre settimane negli Stati Uniti. Sono stato lì perché desideravo fare un viaggio importante e…

    3 commenti
  • Costruite il futuro con coraggio.

    Costruite il futuro con coraggio.

    Credo che questa sia uno dei pensieri più belli che abbia mai ricevuto. I miei studenti di Food Marketing e Strategie…

    1 commento
  • Studiare non basta.

    Studiare non basta.

    Mi sono laureato a ottobre 2010. Prima della laurea ho fatto il cameriere, l'imbianchino, ho scaricato camion dalle 7…

    20 commenti


Iscriviti ora per vedere tutta l’attività


  • Grafico Caffeina | Ideas Never Sleep.
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    Piacenza Area, Italy

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    Pavia Area, Italy

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    Parma Area, Italy

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    Parma Area, Italy

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    Parma Area, Italy

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    Nantes Area, France

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    Marseille Area, France

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    Paris Area, France

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    Milan Area, Italy

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    Piacenza Area, Italy

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    Piacenza Area, Italy


  • Grafico KEDGE Business School

    KEDGE Business School


    During my experience at Euromed Management, I had the opportunity to work together with a lot of people from several countries: from USA to China, from Brazil to Vietnam, from Mexico to Poland, from Russia to India and so on.

    I attended 5 courses (4 taught in English, 1 taught in French), the most important has been the one of Bernad Cova, Tribal Marketing & Brand Community.

    I had the highest evaluation in 4 courses out of 5 (final evaluation of each course: 50% teamwork, 50%…

    During my experience at Euromed Management, I had the opportunity to work together with a lot of people from several countries: from USA to China, from Brazil to Vietnam, from Mexico to Poland, from Russia to India and so on.

    I attended 5 courses (4 taught in English, 1 taught in French), the most important has been the one of Bernad Cova, Tribal Marketing & Brand Community.

    I had the highest evaluation in 4 courses out of 5 (final evaluation of each course: 50% teamwork, 50% final exam).

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    Attività e associazioni:President of Oikosmos, a Student Association which has as objective to share knowledge and economic-social culture generated within the Faculty of Economics, through the use of new media. Active Member of Trade Marketing Club, my master Student Association which organized several activities, such as "Career Day" 2008 - 2009 - 2010 and researches about retail business. Trade Marketing Club has been founded by Prof. Daniele Fornari, Prof. Sebastiano Grandi and Prof. Edoardo Fornari.

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    Attività e associazioni:President of Oikosmos, a Student Association which has as objective to share knowledge and economic-social culture generated within the Faculty of Economics, through the use of new media.

    Winner @ GMC - Global Challenge Management organized in Salone dello Studente (Cremona)

    Winner @ Challenge "Office 30 e lode" organized by Microsoft Corp.

    Finalist @ CREDEM Business Challenge - organized by CREDEM

    Top 50 (over 3.000 teams) @ Premio Marketing Wind 2008 - organized by SIMktg - Società Italiana Marketing

    Co-founder and President @ Oikosmos, and meanwhile I was also Project Manager of Lucia Web Tv

    Challenger @ Henkel Innovation Challenge -…

    Winner @ GMC - Global Challenge Management organized in Salone dello Studente (Cremona)

    Winner @ Challenge "Office 30 e lode" organized by Microsoft Corp.

    Finalist @ CREDEM Business Challenge - organized by CREDEM

    Top 50 (over 3.000 teams) @ Premio Marketing Wind 2008 - organized by SIMktg - Società Italiana Marketing

    Co-founder and President @ Oikosmos, and meanwhile I was also Project Manager of Lucia Web Tv

    Challenger @ Henkel Innovation Challenge - organized by Henkel

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Licenze e certificazioni



  • Inglese

    Conoscenza professionale

  • Francese

    Conoscenza professionale

  • Italiano

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • Spagnolo

    Conoscenza base

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