Matteo Tanteri

Matteo Tanteri

Milano, Lombardia, Italia
5098 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


I have been Director of Sustainability and Social Impact at Snam since October 2022. In…


  • Grafico Snam S.p.A.

    Snam S.p.A.

    Milan, Lombardy, Italy

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    Beijing, China

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    Beijing, China

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    Beijing City, China

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    Milan Area, Italy

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    Beijing, China

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    London, United Kingdom

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    Milan Area, Italy

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    Milan Area, Italy

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    Milan Area, Italy

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  • Grafico IESE Business School
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    Attività e associazioni:Studente eccellente per il biennio.

    Laurea con 110 e lode.
    Tesi di laurea: L'attività di turnaround financing in Italia.
    Relatore: Prof. Alessandro Danovi

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    Laurea con 110 e lode.
    Tesi di laurea: I casi aziendali di delisting.
    Relatore: Prof.ssa Paola Galbiati.

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  • Prospettive della filiera italiana della componentistica di impianto

    Impiantistica Italiana

    Aggregation and cooperation as key competitive factors for Italian oil&gas component manufacturers.

    In the last decade global economy has been redesigned with conflicting forces and economic factors that completely reshaped competitive scenarios: as a result, rules of the game have been
    redefined for all global manufacturing and services companies. Today “size does matter”, given the ability of large companies to perform more efficiently and effectively on global markets, maintaining…

    Aggregation and cooperation as key competitive factors for Italian oil&gas component manufacturers.

    In the last decade global economy has been redesigned with conflicting forces and economic factors that completely reshaped competitive scenarios: as a result, rules of the game have been
    redefined for all global manufacturing and services companies. Today “size does matter”, given the ability of large companies to perform more efficiently and effectively on global markets, maintaining at the same time efficient cost positions thanks to economy of scale and a state-of-the-art products portfolio. This trend deeply affects Italian oil&gas component manufacturers positioning, as they have always relied on advantages coming from smaller size and leaner structures vs. big conglomerates. As international players are already strongly pursuing consolidation and size growth, Italian players needs to consider aggregation and cooperation as necessary solutions
    in order to protect their key competitive factors.

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  • Loro Piana insegna: le dimensioni contano. Anche nella filiera oil & gas

    Milano Finanza

    Le dimensioni contano. Anche nella filiera dell'Oil&Gas.

    Altri autori
    • Roberto Nava
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  • La produzione di acciaio da altoforno è incompatibile con i vincoli italiani

    Milano Finanza

    Quale futuro per gli impianti siderurgici upstream in Italia?

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  • La filiera italiana dell’Oil&Gas e la sfida sud coreana - Come migliorare i processi di lavoro e la scelta dei mercati

    Impiantistica Italiana Anno XXV N.1

    The purpose of the article is to identify, through a comprehensive comparison of Italian and Korean Oil&Gas value chains, the key success factors behind the progressive rise of Koreans as leading players in some markets. The analysis addresses mainly qualitative issues, analyzing and focusing on some Korean distinctive features (industrial structure, role of Government, macroeconomics).
    For Italian players it’s important to take into consideration all the competitive gaps, not only to…

    The purpose of the article is to identify, through a comprehensive comparison of Italian and Korean Oil&Gas value chains, the key success factors behind the progressive rise of Koreans as leading players in some markets. The analysis addresses mainly qualitative issues, analyzing and focusing on some Korean distinctive features (industrial structure, role of Government, macroeconomics).
    For Italian players it’s important to take into consideration all the competitive gaps, not only to identify possible areas of improvement, but also to outline their future market strategy, selecting areas in which their distinctive capabilities can be most valuable.

    L’articolo mette a confronto la filiera Italiana dell’Oil&Gas con quella Coreana identificando i fattori competitivi che hanno sostenuto la crescita dei player coreani dell’impiantistica e della componentistica in alcuni mercati. L’analisi si focalizza sugli aspetti di natura qualitativa relativi al sistema Paese Corea (l’assetto industriale, il ruolo dello Stato, i temi macroeconomici).
    Per i player italiani è utile conoscere le fonti di differenziale competitivo rispetto alle altre filiere: l’obiettivo non deve essere quello di rincorrere un impossibile allineamento sui principali fattori produttivi, ma agire per recuperare competitività sui diversi fronti. Soprattutto è prioritario disegnare la propria strategia scegliendo con attenzione i mercati in cui competere e valorizzando le proprie caratteristiche distintive.

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  • Turnaround financing in Italy (L'attività di turnaround financing in Italia)

    Finanza, Marketing e Produzione

    The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview of the turnaround financing activity in Italy. While a significant change within the sector was expected, empirical data highlight a modest increase of the overall investments. Neverless the topic arise general interest. Even if some delicate issue remain unresolved, the new legislative framework will probably take long term significant effects.

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