Matteo Andrea Castriotta

Matteo Andrea Castriotta

Milano, Lombardia, Italia
515 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


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  • Grafico Talentware


    Milan, Lombardy, Italy

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    Milan, Lombardy, Italy

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    Milan, Lombardy, Italy

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    Milan, Lombardy, Italy

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    Milan, Lombardy, Italy

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    Brussels, Brussels Region, Belgium


  • Grafico Product Heroes

    Product Heroes


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    •A 4-years journey through the management study of MNEs and firms’ internationalization processes and needs, with a keen interest in the (digital) born-globals SMEs phenomenon and their operations
    •Empowered with leadership, teamworking and intercultural communication skills by leading several group projects with international students in fields ranging from Econometrics to Marketing

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Riconoscimenti e premi

  • BSc International Business and Management Prize

    Aston Business School

    Awarded by Aston Business School with the above prize for the best overall performance in the final year of the course

  • Societies Federation Silver Award

    Aston Students' Union

    Vice-President and co-founder of the Aston Italian Society which my fellow committee members and I proudly grew to 40+ members in less than 3 months and rewarded for this and the engagement of our members with the above award


  • Italian

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • English

    Conoscenza professionale completa

  • Chinese

    Conoscenza base

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