Giulia Galbiati

Giulia Galbiati

4065 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


Graduated at Bocconi University (Milan) and at ESCP MIM (major in Applied Data Science)…


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  • Grafico 360 Capital
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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Parigi, Ile-de-France, Francia

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    Londra, Regno Unito

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    Parigi, Ile-de-France, Francia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Madrid, Spagna

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    Milano, Italia

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    Milano, Italia

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    Milano, Italia

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    New York City, Stati Uniti


  • Grafico ESCP Business School

    ESCP Business School


    Programme held between Madrid, London and Paris (2 years, 3 countries, 3 languages) and
    Ranked 5th worldwide for Management according to Financial Times ranking (2018).

    -Master en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (Carlos III University),
    -Diplôme de Grande École (École Supérieur de Commerce de Paris),
    -UK degree (Double Degree with City University, London)

    Relevant Coursework: Machine…

    Programme held between Madrid, London and Paris (2 years, 3 countries, 3 languages) and
    Ranked 5th worldwide for Management according to Financial Times ranking (2018).

    -Master en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (Carlos III University),
    -Diplôme de Grande École (École Supérieur de Commerce de Paris),
    -UK degree (Double Degree with City University, London)

    Relevant Coursework: Machine Learning, Data visualization, Applied Statistics, AI

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    Ranked 11th worldwide for business and management according to QS 2018 rankings.

    Relevant Coursework: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Financial Mathematics, Management, Statistics, Accounting, Financial Markets, Introduction to the legal system, Corporate Finance, European Economic Policy

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    Courses: Marketing, Corporate Strategy, Business and European Law, Entrepreneurship

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    Attività e associazioni:Class and Students’ Representative

Licenze e certificazioni

Esperienze di volontariato

  • Children entertainer

    Oratorio S.Biagio, Monza

    - 6 anni

  • Grafico Web Summit

    International Volunteer

    Web Summit

    - 2 anni e 1 mese

    Scienza e tecnologia

  • Volontario

    Associazione Terza Settimana

    - Presente 5 anni

    Aiuto umanitario e soccorso in caso di calamità

    Non-profit company based in Turin and Milan with 5 different stores that aims at supporting families with free grocery products.
    For further informations and to find out how you can best help us please visit our website:

Riconoscimenti e premi

  • Berlin Digital Talent Summit 2018


    Selected among a pool of 300 students to be part of the Berlin Talent Summit 2018 with full scholarship.
    Companies: Google, Deloitte, Zalando, BCG Digital Ventures, Porche, WeWork, Wayfair, Daimler, Roland Berger, Lufthansa Innovation Hub, Volkswagen

  • Discover your talent


    • Early admission due to outstanding high school results and test performance


  • Inglese

    Conoscenza professionale completa

  • Spagnolo

    Conoscenza professionale completa

  • Italiano

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • Portoghese

    Conoscenza base

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