✨🪐PLATMOSPHERE’S AGENDA IS OUT NOW🪐✨ We’re starting to feel the #Platmosphere as we get to know the amazing #Speakers who’ll talk at the event - what a thrill!🔥😎 🚀Check it out here: https://hubs.ly/Q039F8ts0 📍#Platmosphere2025 will be held on May 20th at Talent Garden Calabiana in Milan 🗓️ 💡Together, we’ll explore the critical role of #PlatformEngineering and #AI in making modern software systems more sustainable, intelligent, and efficient. 📚The #Agenda (now available) is organized into four tracks, each one of them focusing on a different aspect of #PlatformEngineering: 🛸Platform Business: discover how platforms can boost #DigitalTransformation. 🛸Platform Stories: hear #SuccessStories from leader companies who embarked on their #PlatformJourney. 🛸Platform Tech & Platform Hacks: explore cutting-edge technologies, platform engineering best practices and live demonstrations through #TechWorkshops. 🔥Don’t miss it! Register here ➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q039F41c0 Let’s get ready to Unleash the Invisible together🚀⚡ #MiaPlatform #Event #Agenda #Speakers #SoftwareDevelopment #DevOps #IDP #TechEvent
Sviluppo di software
Milano, Milano 10.794 follower
Don’t waste time setting up your platform, just push the code!
Chi siamo
Mia-Platform è l'innovativa tech company Italiana che ha portato sul mercato la prima soluzione al mondo per la creazione end-to-end di piattaforme digitali cloud-native. Grazie all'eccellenza tecnologica della sua Suite software, Mia-Platform consente alle aziende di affrontare in modo olistico il loro percorso di trasformazione digitale e diventare Platform Company. I clienti di Mia-Platform spaziano in diversi settori, tra cui assicurativo, bancario, fintech, mobilità e trasporti, sanità, cibo e bevande ma non solo. Nel 2021 Mia-Platform è stata una delle tre soluzioni a livello mondiale nominate "Cool Vendor" nel report Gartner 2021 "Cool Vendors for Software Engineering Technologies". Siamo partner dei migliori standard tecnologici al mondo, tra cui Confluent, Google Cloud, MongoDB, Kubernetes. Facciamo parte della Linux Foundation e siamo Silver Member della CNCF - Cloud Native & Computing Foundation con l'obiettivo di contribuire allo sviluppo di tecnologie open-source; partecipiamo attivamente alla community promuovendo, sponsorizzando e organizzando eventi e conferenze. Siamo una delle 1.000 aziende in più rapida crescita in Europa, secondo la classifica annuale del Financial Times, e ci posizioniamo tra le prime dieci aziende tecnologiche europee. Il Sole 24 Ore ci ha posizionati all’8° posto tra le Top 450 aziende Italiane a crescita più rapida. Siamo un'azienda giovane, di talento e riconosciuta a livello internazionale, con una vocazione per la tecnologia. I nostri talenti scrivono software eccellente, prestando attenzione all'impatto del loro lavoro. Ci impegniamo a migliorare continuamente il nostro ambiente di lavoro. Per questo motivo ogni anno effettuiamo la valutazione Great Place to Work: abbiamo ottenuto la certificazione per quattro anni consecutivi e ci siamo posizionati nella classifica Best Workplaces Italia per tre anni. Se vuoi entrare a far parte del nostro team, guarda le posizioni aperte su https://mia-platform.eu/company/careers
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Mia-Platform
- Settore
- Sviluppo di software
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 51-200 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Milano, Milano
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2016
- Settori di competenza
- Digital Platforms, Digital Integration Hub, API Platform, Full Lifecycle API Management, Cloud Native, DevOps, Agile, Fast Data, Microservices, API, Software, Application Modernization, Event-driven Architecture, Container, IoT, Kubernetes, SaaS, Application Development, Developer Portal, Internal Developer Portal, Open Source Orchestrator, RBAC, Role-Based Access Control, Flow Manager, MongoDB CRUD Service, Open Source, Control Plane, Service Catalog, Internal Developer Platform, Microfrontend Composer, Data Fabric e Data Delivery
Software di piattaforma come servizio (PaaS)
Mia-Platform è un Digital Platform Builder. Aiuta le aziende a creare facilmente applicazioni cloud-native attraverso API, Microservizi e Fast Data. La forza della sua innovazione risiede in: • Mia-Platform Console: un Internal Developer Platform che raccoglie in un unico luogo tutti i tool degli sviluppatori. Favorisce il riutilizzo dei software, migliora la developer experience, semplifica il rilascio di software e facilita la condivisione di informazioni. • Mia-Platform Marketplace: un Service Catalog di componenti pronti all’uso, per costruire velocemente nuove soluzioni digitali. Il marketplace è un "technology store" che permette le aziende di abilitare pattern architetturali come il Digital Integration Hub, l'Enterprise Digital Platform, l'API Portal, etc... Con Mia-Platform le aziende possono diventare modulari, data-driven e agili grazie a una fluida developer experience e a un completo controllo sulle loro applicazioni.
Via Imbonati, 18 - MAC7
Milano, Milano 20159, IT
City Rd
152 – 160
London , GB
Vlamoven 37a
Arnhem, Gelderland 6826 TN, NL
Dipendenti presso Mia-Platform
Meet another couple of speakers for Platmosphere 2025!🤩 Daniel Trabucchi Professor & Scientific Director at Platform Thinking HUB - Politecnico di Milano, and Tommaso Buganza, Professor & Scientific Director at Platform Thinking HUB - Politecnico di Milano, will be speaking about how to “Future-Proof Your Business: Embracing Platform Thinking for Sustainable Growth”🚀 🛸In an era where #PlatformBased companies dominate global markets, established firms face mounting pressure to innovate while preserving their core strengths. 👾Attendees will gain insights into how #PlatformThinking reshapes #Business models, fosters #Collaboration, and drives competitive advantage in established firms, supported by compelling real-world examples. 🔍Read the abstract here ➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q03bsCF00 🍿Are you curious to hear it? Register here to attend Platmosphere ➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q03bsC_l0 ✨🪐Let’s Unleash the Invisible!🪐✨ #MiaPlatform # PlatformThinkingHub #Politecnico #Platmosphere2025 #Speech #PlatformEngineering #Speakers
🚀 New Feature Alert: Clone Microservice #Repositories via Cursor AI IDE!🚀 🎉 You can now clone your Microservice Templates and Examples directly from Cursor AI IDE, using both #SSH and #HTTPS. 🔥Boost your development workflow, give it a try! 🔗 Learn more in the docs ➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q03bgDMy0 #MiaPlatform #Composability #Microservices #NewFeature #AINative
Meet our next speaker for Platmosphere 2025!😎 Diana Todea, Senior Site Reliability Engineer, will be speaking about “From AI Agents to LLMs as Judge: reshaping Observability in the era of GenerativeAI”🚀 🛸#GenerativeAI is rapidly establishing itself as an emerging technology with many use cases. For #Observability, integrating GenerativeAI allows more #Flexibility and #Automation in the operations #Workflows. 👾This talk will delve into the newer developments of GenerativeAI into the Observability realms, how they can apply typical #MachineLearning workflows to #DevOps infrastructures. 🔍Read the abstract here ➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q03bg8wC0 🍿Are you curious to hear it? Register here to attend Platmosphere ➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q03bg8JR0 ✨🪐Are you ready to Unleash the Invisible?🪐✨ #MiaPlatform #Platmosphere2025 #Speech #PlatformEngineering #Speaker
Revolutionize your #DevelopmentProcess with #ConversationalDevX! 🚀 Discover how #AI-powered interfaces like chatbots are transforming #DeveloperExperience by enabling natural language interactions with #Platforms🗣️ 💡Read more about the benefits of Conversational #DevX and its potential to revolutionize your team's #Productivity in our brand new #Blogpost! 📚You’ll find it here➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q03b5RjR0 #ConversationalDevX #AI #DeveloperExperience #PlatformEngineering
Meet the first amazing couple of speakers for Platmosphere 2025!🔥 Ajay Chankramath, Chief Technology Officer at Brillio Technologies, and Anumod Sukumaran, Enterprise Architect at Brillio Technologies, will present a #Talk about “Platform Engineering Empowered: Harnessing Human-Centric AI Agents”🚀 🛸As organizations continuously evolve their #PlatformEngineering practices, the seamless integration of #AI agents is emerging as a transformative paradigm in orchestrating the journeys of #Developers and #PlatformEngineers. 👾Attendees will be guided through a step-by-step approach to identify key areas for AI integration, select the appropriate specialized #Agents, and develop effective orchestration strategies that align seamlessly with both developer and platform engineer journeys. 🔍Read the abstract here ➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q03b2L530 🍿Are you curious to hear it? Register here to attend Platmosphere ➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q03b2LHm0 ✨🪐Get ready to Unleash the Invisible!🪐✨ #MiaPlatform #Brillio #Platmosphere2025 #Speech #PlatformEngineering #Speakers
What happens when #PlatformEngineers meet #SREs? They get superpowers!🦸♂️💪 🎤We’re speaking at SREday in London on March 27th-28th - come meet us to hear what Graziano Casto (DevRel Engineer at Mia-Platform and Eric D. Schabell (Director Community & Developer at Chronosphere) have to say🚀 ⚡In their talk, they’ll present the birth of Observability-as-a-Service superpowers… 🤔What does that mean? Join us there to find out!🔥 #MiaPlatform #Chronosphere #SREDay #Event #TechEvent #Talk
Just one more week until dxday!🥳 We can’t wait for the 2nd edition of dxday, the international conference by GrUSP dedicated to #DeveloperExperience, which we are proudly sponsoring💪 📢Our Developer Advocate Michel Murabito 🚀 is going to #Talk about “Creating a smooth #DeveloperExperience: from complexity to simplicity”. 🗓️See you in Bologna on March 13th! Also, If you’re interested in attending, write us privately to get your #DiscountCode🔥 🔎Find out more here: https://hubs.ly/Q039DJ3j0 Are you going to be there? 🚀 #MiaPlatform #dxday #dxday25 #DeveloperExperience #Speaker #Sponsor #Event
Thrilling news! ⚡Mia-Platform signed a new #Partnership with evoila🚀 evoila is an integrated solution #Provider specializing in consulting, training, development and managed services across #Finance, #Retail, #Manufacturing and #PublicAdministration, serving the #Enterprise and #SMB sector. 💡“The key challenge is not just adopting #Kubernetes, but transforming software development processes. That’s why our partnership with Mia-Platform focuses on #InternalDeveloperPlatforms and our goal will be to help our customers implement a new business model based on #Agile, #Flexible and #Scalable platforms designed to enable the development of modern, #CloudNative applications”, commented Marco Di Martino, Business Unit Lead Cloud Native at evoila. We’re so happy to welcome them in our #PartnerNetwork!🌈 🔎Find out more about this new #Partnership here ➡️ https://hubs.ly/Q039nqY90 #MiaPlatform #evoila #NewPartnership #PartnerNetwork
What impact does AI have on #SoftwareDevelopment?💡 👂We hear about it all the time - AI is pervading every aspect of our lives. As for #SoftwareDevelopment, it has brought some interesting changes.🎢 🌍What are they? And are they all positive? 📢Let’s discuss it! We’ll start… In this video, our Content and Social Media Specialist Chiara Ricci presents three potential positive and one negative impacts of AI in Software Engineering. 💬Can you think of some other impact? Tell us in the comments! 👇 #MiaPlatform #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #AI #Video