No magic. No wands. Just #skill and #technology. ✔️ The damage has been done? We make it go away. ✔️ #PDR: no painting, just precision. ✔️ Less time, less cost, more efficiency. When it comes to repair, we leave the magic to the magicians. We do it seriously! #LeverTouch
Chi siamo
We are Lever Touch. A great team of professionals that has been building experience in the automotive world since 1994. Yes, we are experts, artisans, and engineers, but above all that, we are passionate about our work. One thing leads to the other. We specialize in hail catastrophes and we offer our services to manufacturers, insurance companies, fleets, car dealers and auto repair shops. Our head office is in Italy, but we have operative branches in Spain, France, Germany, USA, Brazil and Argentina, and we provide services all over the world, going immediately wherever our clients need us.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Lever Touch
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di autoveicoli
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 51-200 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Napoli , Campania
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2011
- Settori di competenza
- hail damages, Paintless Dent Removal, Smart Repairs, Recovery of Interiors, Melding, Assistance at the assembly line in factories, Assembling Prototipes, Shop Management, Fleet Repairs , Remarketing, Maintenance e Customization
Dipendenti presso Lever Touch
In a traditionally male-dominated industry, we know that competence has no gender. Today we want to thank the women of #LeverTouch, who with dedication, professionalism and passion contribute to our growth every day. And we also want to remind our concrete commitment: support for new mothers with smart working days until the first year of the child's life, an inclusive working environment and the valorisation of talent. 💐 Happy world women's day! 🇮🇹 In un settore tradizionalmente maschile, sappiamo che la competenza non ha genere. Oggi vogliamo ringraziare le donne di #LeverTouch, che con dedizione, professionalità e passione contribuiscono ogni giorno alla nostra crescita. E vogliamo anche ricordare il nostro impegno concreto: un supporto alle neo-mamme con giorni di smart working fino al primo anno di vita del bambino, un ambiente di lavoro inclusivo e la valorizzazione del talento. 🇪🇸 En un ámbito tradicionalmente masculino, sabemos que la competencia no tiene género. Hoy, en el Día de la Mujer, queremos reconocer el poder, la dedicación y el talento de las mujeres de #LeverTouch. Con profesionalismo y pasión, contribuyen cada día al crecimiento y éxito de nuestra empresa. Nos enorgullece fomentar un entorno de trabajo inclusivo que promueve la valorización del talento, sin importar género, y la igualdad de oportunidades para todos. 🇫🇷 Dans un secteur traditionnellement dominé par les hommes, nous savons que la compétence n'a pas de sexe. Aujourd'hui, nous voulons remercier les femmes de #LeverTouch qui, avec dévouement, professionnalisme et passion, contribuent chaque jour à notre croissance. Et nous voulons aussi leur rappeler notre engagement concret: le soutien aux nouvelles mères avec des journées de travail flexibles jusqu'à la première année de vie de l'enfant, un environnement de travail inclusif et la valorisation des talents.
Negli ultimi anni, la frequenza e l’intensità delle tempeste di grandine sono aumentate, causando miliardi di euro di danni nel settore automobilistico. La sfida? Riparare rapidamente i veicoli danneggiati, ridurre i tempi di fermo e garantire la massima qualità. Su True News si parla di come come affrontiamo queste emergenze! Leggi l’articolo completo 👉 #LeverTouch #CarRepair #CambiamentiClimatici #Grandine #Automotive
The Global Director Front Office of #LeverTouch Spain, juan carlos gomariz, has recently participated in the magazine La Tribuna de Automoción, a Spanish reference media for professionals in the automotive industry. In this interview, Juan Carlos presented the value proposition of Lever Touch: 🔺How Lever Touch accompanies its customers in critical moments such as the last DANA in October. 🔺How Lever Touch helps dealers, brands and fleets to better adapt to the new climate context. 🔺What is the role of sustainability in Lever Touch's processes? 🔺Business objectives for 2025 Read the full interview via the link below! 👇 El Director Global Front Office de Lever Touch España, Juan Carlos Gomáriz, ha participado recientemente en la revista La Tribuna de Automoción, medio de comunicación español de referencia para los profesionales del sector de la automoción. En esta entrevista, Juan Carlos ha presentado la propuesta de valor de Lever Touch: 🔺Cómo Lever Touch acompaña a sus clientes en momentos críticos como la pasada DANA de octubre. 🔺Cómo Lever Touch ayuda a concesionarios, marcas y flotas a adaptarse mejor al nuevo contexto climático. 🔺¿Cuál es el papel de la sostenibilidad en los procesos de Lever Touch? 🔺Objetivos de negocio para 2025. ¡Lee la entrevista completa a través del siguiente enlace! 👇
Last November, violent storms damaged thousands cars in a port in southern Europe. Here is how we intervened! #LeverTouch
We are really proud to announce the recent agreement we have reached from Lever Touch with FAGENAUTO. Federación de Asociaciones de Agentes Oficiales (National Federation of Associations of Automotive Repair Shops and Related). A clearly strategic alliance that reinforces our positioning in the market as a partner in the repair of #vehicles damaged by hail. Our joining #Fagenauto is a clear step forward in the commitment that #LeverTouch has been demonstrating for some time now with the aftermarket segment. This milestone will undoubtedly allow us to continue our commitment to excellence and #innovation, providing efficient and high quality solutions for the ecosystem of #Official Services and Workshops that are part of the National Associations that make up Fagenauto. We would like to personally thank José Daniel Gonzalez and César M. Sanz Bustillo, President and Executive Secretary respectively of Fagenauto for the trust placed in Lever Touch. Also present at the signing of the agreement was the Sales Director of Lever Touch Spain, Ramón Brugueras Foyé. We are confident that we are working on the right path and that, together, with a shared vision, we will drive the future of #posventa in our country. Estamos realmente orgullosos de anunciar el reciente acuerdo que hemos alcanzado desde Lever Touch con FAGENAUTO, la Federación Nacional de Agentes y Servicios Oficiales de Automoción. Una alianza claramente estratégica que refuerza nuestro posicionamiento en el mercado como partner en la reparación de #vehículos dañados por granizo. Nuestra adhesión a #Fagenauto supone un claro paso adelante en el compromiso que #LeverTouch viene demostrando desde hace tiempo con el sector de la posventa. Sin duda, este hito nos permitirá seguir apostando por la excelencia y la #innovación, aportando soluciones eficientes y de calidad al ecosistema de #Servicios Oficiales y Talleres que forman parte de las Asociaciones Nacionales que integran FAGENAUTO Queremos agradecer personalmente a José Daniel González y César M. Sanz Bustillo, Presidente y Secretario Ejecutivo respectivamente de FAGENAUTO la confianza depositada en Lever Touch. En la firma del acuerdo también estuvo presente el Director Comercial de Lever Touch España, Ramón Brugueras. Estamos seguros de que estamos trabajando en el camino correcto y que, juntos, con una visión compartida, impulsaremos el futuro de la #posventa en nuestro país. #LeverTouch #Fagenauto #Automoción #Innovación #ReparaciónDeVehículos
Il #CarServiceDay è stato un’occasione straordinaria per confrontarsi sulle sfide e le opportunità nel nostro settore. Abbiamo portato la nostra esperienza sul palco, contribuendo al dibattito grazie all'intervento di ANDREA FINARDI, Direttore Commerciale di #LeverTouch su un tema cruciale: l’impatto del cambiamento climatico sul mondo della riparazione auto, condividendo la nostra visione su come affrontare i danni atmosferici con metodologie all’avanguardia, riducendo sprechi e tempi di fermo veicolo. Ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti e gli organizzatori per aver reso questo incontro un momento di crescita e confronto. Il futuro della riparazione auto è in evoluzione, e noi di Lever Touch siamo pronti a guidare il cambiamento! Notiziario Motoristico #CarrozzeriaAutorizzata The #CarServiceDay was an extraordinary opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities in our industry. We brought our experience to the stage, contributing to the debate thanks to the intervention of Andrea Finardi, Commercial Director of #LeverTouch on a crucial topic: the impact of climate change on the world of car repair, sharing our vision on how to deal with atmospheric damage with state-of-the-art methodologies, reducing waste and vehicle downtime. We thank all participants and the organisers for making this meeting a moment of growth and discussion. The future of car repair is evolving, and we at Lever Touch are ready to lead the change!
Once again this year, we’re proud to be a Business Partner of SSC Napoli! Passion, innovation, and Neapolitan roots—these are the values that bring us together.
🔵 Anche quest’anno, Lever Touch è Business Partner della SSC Napoli! 🔵 Passione, innovazione e radici napoletane: valori che ci uniscono. Lever Touch è un’eccellenza partenopea che ha portato la sua arte nel car repair ai massimi livelli internazionali. 🚗✨ Dalla tradizione artigianale alla tecnologia più avanzata, ha costruito un modello di innovazione globale senza mai dimenticare le proprie origini. Un pezzo di Napoli che eccelle nel mondo.
🔧 Innovation and quality at the service of car manufacturers! 🚗 In #LeverTouch, we collaborate with the largest car manufacturers to guarantee: ✅ Fast and precise repairs directly in the production plants. ✅ Customised services to reduce downtime and operating costs. ✅ Advanced technological solutions for the highest quality. From hail event support to comprehensive fleet management, we are the ideal partner to meet every challenge in the automotive industry. 📍 We operate in Europe and guarantee impeccable service everywhere. ➡️ Find out more about our services for car manufacturers:
#LeverTouch y Monlau Formación Profesional España unen fuerzas para promover la formación de técnicos especializados en #PDR. El expertise de Lever Touch en la técnica PDR para reparar abolladuras en todo tipo de automóviles será puesto a disposición del Grupo #Monlau con el objetivo de descubrir nuevos talentos entre el alumnado de Automoción y satisfacer la demanda de un sector que, cada vez más, reclama especialistas preparados en esta técnica. Lever Touch and Monlau join forces to promote training of PDR technicians. Lever Touch's expertise in the PDR technique for repairing dents in all types of cars will be made available to the Monlau Group with the aim of discovering new talent among automotive students and meeting the demand of a sector that requires more and more specialists trained in this technique.