Joe Bloggs

Chief of Testing


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This Notice explains how ISVR Consulting collects, stores and uses your personal data (information about you).

What personal data are you using?

Your personal data includes:

  • information about yourself you give directly to ISVR Consulting staff or online via the ISVR Consulting website.  This may include your name, address, phone number, email address and company details.

Why are you using my data?

To keep in touch with you about enquiries you have made to us, or projects that we are working on with you.  This is because you have shown a genuine interest in our products/services and are expecting us to engage in communication with you.

How will you use my data?

We will keep in touch through email, phone and/or written communication as required to answer your questions, and to collaborate on projects for which you have engaged our services.  We may also contact you from time to time with newsletters about our products/services as well as information about other things going on at the University that we think you may be interested in.

Are you using special category data (sensitive personal information) about me?

No, we do not use special category data and will only ever collect and use the data categories mentioned above.

Who is responsible for my data?

The University of Southampton is responsible for your data (the official name for this role is ‘data controller’).

ISVR Consulting is a department within the University of Southampton and our more general Privacy Notice explains your data subject rights, relevant processes and policies and how to make a complaint/contact us:

How long will you keep my data?

Where we are using your data because we have an ongoing project with you, we will keep your data in line with the University’s retention schedule found here:

Where you are on our mailing list and receiving our newsletters, we will retain your contact details for as long as you would like us to.  We will undertake regular reviews of our list to ensure that our information is accurate and up-to-date.  This may include removing contacts that have not engaged with us for some time.  Should you wish to stop receiving information from us, you can contact [email protected] to be removed from our mailing list.

We keep records of issued quotes and project reports indefinitely, which may (but usually would not) contain some of your personal details such as your name and business email address.  Such documents are kept secure and available only to members of the ISVR Consulting team.